Chapter 310 "Reese's Job" Original Air Date 1/20/02

In class this week, we all got new independent projects. I'm totally convinced that our teacher, Mr. Herkabe resents me and purposely gives me the hardest projects possible. I mean, just because I'm smarter then the teacher doesn't mean I have to pay for it. So we got this new kid in class, Barton, he's 8-years-old but he's smarter than me. Than me! Did you even think that was possible? Well, evidently! Of course my assignment is totally impossible, so Herkabe, to humiliate me, has Barton come over to tutor me. I was totally lost though. But he's eight!

I figured I may as well make the most of it so I decided to talk to him. Although it's a little frustrating when an 8-year-old tells you that you're brain is like a bee to him. The nerve! I needed to redeem myself. Fortunately Reese had a problem which I knew I could solve. He was being accused of stealing $400 from his new job. For once he was actually not guilty.

So we headed over to his bosses house, who I knew was setting him up. Oh, by the way, his boss is Richie - the only human being I know that is actually dumber than Reese. Of course Richie did it. But when we went over there, Barton was able to prove that he didn't. Luckily for us, Richie's girlfriend came in carrying a new DVD player, caught red-handed.

So we were both right. At least I feel better about myself, and really, isn't that all that matters?