Chapter 309 "Reese Drives" Original Air Date 2/10/02

Have you ever been blamed for something that you didn't do, but no matter what you say or do you can't get out of it? Well, that can pretty much sum up how my life has gone: guilty by association of my brother. So, Reese is almost old enough to drive and Mom and Dad are kind of freaking out. He's been on his best behavior for so long, that they haven't found any reason to ground him so he can't get his learner's permit.

In the meantime, I'm the one getting the brunt of Mom's berating. Craig apparently called her and made up some ridiculous lie about me egging his house. Of course, nothing I could say could get me out of it, so Mom sent me over there to clean it up. When I got to Craig's, he told me he made up the lie so I could help him hook up his stereo. Although, it was much more than that. Craig had a mission to have the most innovative, state-of-the-art entertainment center ever! Upon learning that, I was more than happy to help. After all, watching TV is one of my favorite pastimes.

The thing is, it was actually fun. It challenged my mind, and Craig turned out to be an all right guy. So when we were testing it, I was checking the TV for the reception. When it came in - you're not going to believe this, well maybe you will - but Reese was involved in a high-speed chase with tons of cops. Great, now I'll never drive! Guilty by association of my brother againc