Chapter 308 "Poker" Original Air Date 1/06/02

So I had to write some stupid paper for class and I had no idea what to do it on. I was racking my brain but came up with nothing. To make things worse, Stevie decided to do his paper on video: a movie about me doing my paper. It was so annoying so I decided to turn it around and write my paper on Stevie doing a movie about me writing a paper. So then he turned it around and did a movie about me writing a paper about him doing a movie on me writing a paper. Wow, I didn't think I could get that out.

Basically things got to the point where Stevie and I couldn't be in the same room together. But when I went to complain to Dad, he totally flew off the handle and yelled at Stevie. I couldn't believe it. So Stevie goes off and tells Abe and Abe yells at Dad. They went back and forth until Dad accused Abe of ganging up on him in a poker game they recently played. Standing nose to nose, Dad challenged him to a game, right there and then, with Stevie and I there for moral support.

The game was heated, going back and forth, back and forth. I couldn't take it anymore, so when I spotted Abe's "tell" I had to get Dad to exploit it. Unfortunately, Stevie joined up with his Dad and counteracted our team. The game came down to one big hand, all in. Abe threw down three 5's and then Dad threw down three 5's. There were six 5's! They started yelling at each other again, but then Dad told Abe he was his best friend and they shouldn't be fighting over nothing. After that, all was finally forgiven and things got back to their normal-abnormal ways. .