Chapter 307 "Health Scare" Original Air Date 12/09/01

Another week, another reason why I need my own place to live. So, Reese and I come home from school and accidentally track mud into the house. Mom freaks out, grounds us for a week and barricades us in our room. I mean, literally barricaded us in. Now, I clearly have no experience in parenting, but from Mom's case history, tracking mud usually warranted a good yelling, or maybe a day in the hole.but a whole week?

We figured there had to be something else going on. We just couldn't figure out what. But that really wasn't our biggest concern anyway. Number one priority was figuring out how we'd still be able to get to Christine Matson's party on Saturday night. Her sister was bringing her catholic school-girl friends!

So I finally had to give in and break out my biggest secret ever. I was saving it for a life or death situation or a really good party, so it seemed appropriate. I brought Reese into the closet and removed the floorboards, which lead to the crawl space which lead to salvation!

When everyone went to bed (finally) we snuck out and went to one of the best parties ever! I even made out with a sophomore, it totally ruled. Of course we got caught. Mom and Dad were waiting for us when we got back. Do you think it's possible for moms to have sonar? Obviously she was mad, but grounding us for the school year sounded a little unreasonable, especially if we were going to be locked in the bathroom. But I finally got it. I finally figured out why she was being so overly crazy.

Mom and Dad are getting divorced! It was like a weight lifted off our shoulders. We could live with Dad, stay up all night, be on our own for the first time ever! Don't I wish? Not only are they not getting divorced, if they had, Mom told us she'd be getting full custody. I guess looking back it's better to have Dad as a buffer then nothing at all.