Chapter 305 "Girlfriend" Original Air Date 11/28/01

I can't believe it finally happened. A night without Mom. Although I can't really blame her, if I had to watch us seven days a week, I'd have joined a book club too. Of course you know what this means - Dad's in charge - big mistake.

So Reese and I had all these fireworks buried in the backyard that we wanted to use as revenge for not being invited to some stupid party. Now that Mom was gone, it should've been no problem. But then Dad went totally nuts and forced us to stay in our rooms. We hadn't even done anything yet! Well, just as we were about to climb out the window, he came back in the room with ice-cream. We couldn't figure it out. I figured he must've been feeling guilty about something so it would be a perfect time to exploit it by sending in a crying Dewey to divert his attention. Only he had us pinned again and made us do jumping jacks! Jumping jacks? I mean, he's totally crazy. Oh, but Dewey threw up from the ice-cream, so that was cool.

At least with Mom there's consistency, but Dad was totally impossible to predict. He was always two steps ahead of us. He finally lost it though and had to take a bath or something. As soon as he was soaking, we were digging up the explosives. But here's the kicker, Mom came back and caught us red-handed. She started really yelling at us but we could only hear every forth word because a police helicopter was flying overhead. Who would've guessed that our first visit from a flying patrol would be there to arrest Mom!