Chapter 302 "Emancipation" Original Air Date 11/14/01

I guess when you're in the gifted class, the first day of school is really like summer vacation; it's a breeze. Besides, I really needed a break from Mom. She's gone totally nuts over Francis moving to Alaska and all. Man, it's good to get away.

So this year we got a new teacher, and, guess what, he used to be a Krelboyne too! Looks like he's stuck teaching us because the Internet company that he started went belly-up and now he's brokecso much for that double doctorate from Harvard, I guess. At least this year we'll be challenged.

The only problem is that our new teacher is a complete and total jerk. He's got this torturous grading system where he disregards our names and calls us by numbers that correspond to our grade ranking. It's ridiculous since we all get A's anyway, but apparently, some A's are better then others in his opinion. I'm ranked number one in the class, so I'm not all that worried about it, but I mean, this new system has got the other Krelboyne's crazy. All they do is freak out about their rankings and study constantly, even at lunch! So I figured there had to be a way to beat the system. I devised a fool-proof plan to lead us to freedom. I figured that as long as everyone failed the next test on purpose, it would make the grading system totally obsolete. Those paranoid Krelboyne's chickened out, though, they couldn't even fail a test on purpose! So I got the only F in the class, causing my ranking to drop from first to last and causing me to officially declare war on the class.

Oh, I almost forgot. Francis came home before going to Alaska but Mom wouldn't even let him in the house. I'll get back to that in a minute.

So after the Krelboyne's abandoned me in my system cracker, I decided to show them what being number one was really like. I figured as long as the system existed, I may as well be on top of it. I did all this extra work to rise back to the top. The class couldn't take the extra pressure I put on them. They were pressed so hard that they finally cracked. I mean totally flipped out. We're talking clothes being ripped off, rolling in the mud, screaming for your mother flipped out. It was really cool. I guess there was no way to beat the system, but breaking it sure was fun.

Back at home Francis was about to leave when Mom finally decided to make amends. Just as they were about to reconcile, Francis started screaming at her, blaming her for him moving away. Dad led us into the house before we got to hear any more, but I'm sure it was a classic.