Partial Luner Eclipse on Jul. 28 1999 (Ohtone town, Saitama pref., Japan)

The red moon before eclipse rises in south east.

The beginning of the partial eclipse.
19h30m Exposure:1/8sec
FrameSize : 45'
19h40m Exposure:1/8sec
FrameSize : 45'

The maximum of the partial eclipse.
20h00m Exposure:1/60sec
FrameSize : 45'
20h20m Exposure:1/60sec
FrameSize : 45'
20h40m Exposure:1/60sec
FrameSize : 45'

The ending of the partial eclipse.
21h00m Exposure:1/60sec
FrameSize : 45'
21h20m Exposure:1/60sec
FrameSize : 45'

Nikon ED300mm F4 lens + 2x Teleconverter ( f=600mm, F: 8)CFuji film Super100

The composite sequence photograph of Partial Luner Eclipse

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