Kinds of Cassette Tapes

First Edition : 2011-02-13
Last Updated :

BON Cassette

"Bon" stands for good in French, but "BON Cassette" is the worst tape in my collections. Its warranty shows that:

WARRANTY: "This article is warranted to be free of defects in parts and workmanship only and carries no other warranty express or implied as to suitablity for intended use or otherwise. The user assumes all risk of intended use and shall determine the suitablility therefore."

You're kidding!

BON Casette Tape


GREAT tapes were the worst in my collections. The tape would not rotate! The label shows

GREAT CASSETE C-60 gives you 60 (30 x 2) minutes of qlaying time.

What is "qlaying" ?


ROBIN COMPACT CASSETTE tapes were worst tape.


RTN cassette tapes were awful.

Marinkyo's School > music > Kinds of Cassette Tapes