La abc muzika notacio 2.2 (Feb. 2013 - prezenco)

!trill!                "tr" (trila marko) 
    !trill(!               komenco de prilongiga trilo  
    !trill)!               fino de prilongiga trilo 
    !mordent!              sama kiel !lowermordent! 
    !pralltriller!         sama kiel !uppermordent! 
    !>!                    akcento (> marko) 
    !accent!               sama kiel !>! 
    !emphasis!             sama kiel !>! 
    !^!                    marcato (inversa V)
    !marcato!              sama kiel !^! 
    !fermata!              fermato aŭ tenado (arko super punkto) 
    !invertedfermata!      upside down fermata
    !tenuto!              horizontal line to indicate holding note for full duration
    !0! - !5!              fingrado 
    !+!                    maldekstra-mana pizzicato, au "Gestopft" por kornj
    !plus!                 sama kiel !+! 

    !upbow!                puŝarĉa marko 
    !downbow!              tirarĉa marko 
    !pppp! !ppp! !pp! !p!  dinamikaj markoj
    !mp! !mf! !f! !ff!     dinamikaj markoj
    !fff! !ffff! !sfz!     dinajikaj markoj
    !crescendo(!           komenco de < kresĉendo marko
    !<(!                   sama kiel !crescendo(!
    !crescendo)!           fino de a < kresĉendo marko, placed after the last note
    !<)!                   sama kiel !crescendo)!
    !diminuendo(!          komenco de > diminuendo mark
    !>(!                   sama kiel !diminuendo(!
    !diminuendo)!          fino de a > diminuendo mark, placed after the last note
    !>)!                   sama kiel !diminuendo)!
    !segno!                2 ornate s-like symbols separated by a diagonal line
    !coda!                 a ring with a cross in it
    !D.S.!                 the letters D.S. (=Da Segno)
    !D.S.alcoda!           the words "D.S. al coda"
    !D.S.alfine!           the words "D.S. al fine"
    !D.C.!                 the letters D.C. (=either Da Coda or Da Capo)
    !D.C.alcoda!           the words "D.C. al coda"
    !D.C.alfine!           the words "D.C. al fine"
    !dacoda!               the word "Da" followed by a Coda sign
    !dacapo!               the words "Da Capo"
    !fine!                 the word "fine"
    !shortphrase!          vertical line on the upper part of the staff
    !mediumphrase!         same, but extending down to the centre line
    !longphrase!           same, but extending 3/4 of the way down
    !editorial!            places the subsequent accidental above the notehead - see Section 4.2, Accidentals
    !courtesy!             adds a courtesy accidental (sharp, flat or natural) in parentheses to the subsequent note - see Section 4.2, Accidentals

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