Cortinarius sp2

    Pileipellis hyphae 3-9micro meter wide with many clamps, under right  is top.

        Pileipellis with clamp connection

   spore7.4-10.5 x4-4.7 micro meter    Big fleshy mushroom, fruitbody 7-15cm tall.

 Cap 5-13cm wide, surface brown to red brown, dark in center, appressed scaly, weakly glutinous when wet, cap margin fibrillose, incurved or inrolled especially when young. 

Stem 5-12 x 1-2cm, fibrous,  cylindrical, equal to gradually thickening  toward base, stem top tapering to connect cap, not glutinous, surface fibrillose, base white, upper part yellow to brown, no tint of  purple or blue. 

Lamellae purple to blue, this purple tint last longer period, dark blue to dark brown when old. 

Flesh white to weak blue at cap, blue tint at stem, flesh color bright orange to red orange with 10% KOH. 

Strong earthly odor.  On ground of rich humus   Querucus  woods during September to October.

