
Kumade 熊手 Ornamental Rake

In November, shrines across Japan hold festivals called “Tori-no-Ichi 酉の市”.

Many people come to buy bamboo “Kumade 熊手 Ornamental rake” adorned with many models of the objects of great value.

A common “Kumade Rake” is a broom with some thin bamboo that were bent like a bear’s hands in a fan shape at the edge of a long bamboo handle.

“Kumade Rake” is usually used to collect fallen leaves in the yard and grains in the fields.


Eventually, “Kumade Rake” came to “Kumade Ornamental rake” that symbolize the wish to rake in good fortune as well.

People thought that “Kumade Ornamental rake” would catch “Fuku luck” as the eagles claw hold of the preys.

“Kumade Ornamental rake” are also considered as important “Omamori お守り Amulets” that bring success in business.

It is covered with pine needles, cherry blossoms, golden coins, rice baskets, cranes, turtles, the seven gods of luck, and perhaps a pudgy white smiling face.

In the local shops and restaurants, there is probably “Kumade Ornamental rake” hanging on the wall.

This “Kumade Ornamental rake” is as indispensable an object to any “Sushi 寿司”, “Unagi Eel”, or noodle shop, nightclub, grocery, or bookstore, as the ubiquitous welcoming cat.

After the cat welcomes a customer in, “Kumade Ornamental rake” helps pull in his money.

Tokyoites who want to have a financially successful year will visit  “Tori-no-Ichi
酉の市” in November.

Every year, it is said that buying things a little larger, a bit more ornate, and a little more expensive than the previous year will lead to prosperous business.

  「江戸自慢三十六興 酉の市銘物くまで」 広重、豊国 国立国会図書館 所蔵



Hatsu-yume 初夢 First Dream Takara-bune 宝船 Treasure ship

In the past, paying attention to all sorts of “firsts” of the year was a popular pastime.

There was “Waka-mizu 若水 First drawing of water”, “Kado-ake 門明け First visit to the head of the family’s home”, “Hatsu-buro 初風呂 First bath”, “Haki-zome 掃き初め First sweeping of the house”, and more.

  First sun rize from Mt.Takao: photo by Suzuki Kouichi

“Hatsu-yume 初夢 First dream” were especially important signs of the future.

And it was once customary to prepare ahead of time to ensure a dream that would tell one’s fortune for the coming year.

According to tradition, on New Year’s Eve (or the first or second the evening of January), street vendors vended cheap woodblock prints depicted “Takara-bune
宝船 Treasure ship”, calling “O-takara!  お宝 O-takara! お宝” vending.

That “Takara-bune Treasure ship” is  loaded with “O-takara お宝 Treasure” and “Shichifuku-jin 七福神 the seven gods of luck”.

These prints were not made to last a long time, but rather they were to be placed under the pillow for a single night.

They were the means of obtaining “Kihci-mu 吉夢 Happy dream”.

By the next morning, the dreamer’s fate for the year would be set.

On the sail is the character for “Takara Treasure”, and somewhere around the ship is a peculiar “Kaibun 回文 Palindrome”.

それは、「なかきよの とおのねふりの みなめさめ なみのりふねの おとのよきかな(長き夜の 遠の眠りの 皆目覚め 波乗り船の 音の良きかな)」です。
It is “NaKaKiYoNo ToONoNeFuRiNo MiNaMeSaMe NaMiNoRiFuNeNo OToNoYoKiKaNa 長き夜の遠の眠りの皆目覚め波乗り船の音の良きかな

When everyone wakes up at dawn there is the lovely sound of waves and smooth sailing ahead.

The custom of putting a picture of “Takara-bune Treasure ship” under the pillow to induce “Kichi-mu Happy dream” started for the nobilities around the “Muromachi-jidai 室町時代 Period (1336-1568)”.

It spread to the commoners during “Edo-jidai 江戸時代 Period (1603-1868)”.

Their prints were sold at shrines and temples in “Kansai 関西 Region” and they were sold by street vendors in Edo.

If the dream was a bad one, it was tossed away into a river along with the print.

The best place to sell these print for “Kichi-mu Happy dream” was “Yūkaku 遊郭 Red-light district”.

“Oiran 花魁 Coutesan” and their patrons often paid money for “Kichi-mu Happy dream” with a large tip.

Today you can get a copy of the “Takara-bune Treasure ship” at the temples featuring one of “Shichi-fukujin 七福神Seven lucky gods (Benzaiten, Daikokuten, Ebisu, Bishamonten, Jurōjin, Hotei, or Fukurokuju)”.

最高の「初夢」は、「一 富士山、二鷹、三 なすび」と言われています。
It is said that the best “Hatsu-yume First dream” are “First is Mt. Fuji, second is Hawk and third is Eggplant”.

There are many theories about the meanings of this dream.

There is a theory that they was chosen as connection with  “Takagawa Ieyasu 徳川家康”, who became “Tenka-bito 天下人 Person who conquer the whole country”.

Mt. Fuji is in “Suruga 駿河 (Shizuoka Prefecture)” where the place remembered in connection with him, and his favorite pastime were “Taka-gari 鷹狩 Falconry” and favorite food is “Nasu 茄子 Eggplant”.

Among the many theories about the meanings of this dreams, the most interesting is the one connecting these symbols with “Tenka sandai adauchi 天下三大仇討ち The most famous three revenges in Japan”.

These “Adauchi 仇討ち Revenge” are the popular programs at Kabuki theater.

In “Edo-jidai Period”, “Kabuki” theater was unquestionably a trendsetter for the commoners.

It is thought that “Kichi-mu Happy dream” was linked to three stories that finally realized long-sought revenges by the avengers.

These are “Soga –mono 曽我物 Program that feature the revenge by Soga brothers”, “Ako-jiken 赤穂事件 The incident by the masterless samurai (Roshi) of Ako clam”, and “lga-goe no adauchi 伊賀越えの仇討 The revenge at the Iga Pass”.

“Soga Kyōdai 曽我兄弟 Brothers” fulfilled his father ’s “Ada-uchi Revenge” at the foot of Mt. Fuji.

The “Kamon 家紋 Crest” of “Asanotakumi no kami 浅野内匠頭 Daimyo”, who did “Seppuku 切腹 Hara-kiri” in the “Ako Incident”, is the wing of a hawk.

And the special product of “Iga 伊賀 Region” is eggplant.


Maneki-neko 招き猫 Luck

招き猫 Luck” is a figurine of cats in the shape of inviting people on their forepaws, and is “Engi-mono 縁起物 Bringer of good luck” for a prosperous business.

Cats have long been considered good animals to exterminate rats that eat crops and silkworms.

Cats raising the right forepaw invite "money", and cats raising the left forepaw are said to invite people (customers).

“Hikone-han 彦根藩Clan” second feudal lord “Ii Naotaka 井伊直孝” came back from “Taka-gari 鷹狩 Falconry” and there was a white cat beckoning in front of the temple.

After taking a break at the temple, it was a sudden thunderstorm.

And he was impressed by the talk of “Oshō
和尚Monk” during the rest taking shelter from the rain.


“Imado-jinja 今戸神社 Shrine” in Taito-ku is also said to be the birthplace of “Maneki-neko Luck”.

In the “Edo-jidai 江戸時代 Period”, an old woman had released a cat because of poverty.

One night, a cat stood on the old woman's bedside in her dream and told her that “If you make dolls like me, fortune will be given”.

She made the cat dolls at “Imado-yaki
今戸焼Pottery” and sold them at the approach to “Senso-ji 浅草寺 Temple”.

It is said that the cat dolls have since become very popular.



Hagoita 羽子板 Battledore 

The game of hanetsuki (battledore), played with elaborate paddles called hagoita, has been in existence since the fifteensh century, when it was played at the Imperial Court.

In many ways similar to badminton, this game is traditionally reserved for females and played only during the New Year's holidays.

Nowadays one has to look long and hard to fine a New Year's tourney even though the decorative paddles, the hagoita, are the focus of a huge, lively festival every December at Tokyo's Asakusa Kannon temple grounds.

Paddles of every conceivable shape and size are splendidly hung from the ceilings and sides of innumrable small festival stalls.

There are usually more than sixty stalls, many of which are fitted out with tatami and charcoal warmers for the merchants' comfort.

Crowds mill about, eating, drinking, blowing on fingers, and stamping their feet in the cold.

Boisterous sales pitches ring out; the ritual clapping sequence of 3-3-3-1 is heard at each purchase.


Since the Edo Period, hagoita have become increasingly elaborate, until gradually they have taken on a life of their own, quite apart from the game.



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