
囲碁 Go

 “Kuro-ishi 黒石 Black stones” and “Shiro-ishi 白石 White stones” are placed on “Go-ban 碁盤 Board” alternately with click.

 “Igo 囲碁 Go” is a game familiar to Japanese people, but the number of amateurs continues to decrease.

 Currently, there are 1.9 million (2017leisure white paper) amateurs in Japan.

 The rules of “Igo” are simple.

 The game is played by two players, and the object is to gain more territory than your opponent.

 “Go-ban” consists of a grid of 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines.

 The players place their “Go-ishi 碁石Stones” on the intersections of these lines in turn.

 Once you put down your “Go-ishi”, you cannot move it.

The size of your territory is calculated by the number of unoccupied “Me
Intersection” surrounded by your “Go-ishi”.

 So the aim is to have more of “Me” than your opponent.

 “Igo” is said to have originated in China, about 4,000 years ago.

 It was introduced from China to Japan around the 7th century.

 “Go-ban” and “Go-ishi” are stored in “Shōsō-in 正倉院” in Nara Prefecture.

 “Igo” also appears in the classic literature “Makuranosōshi 枕草子” and “Genji Monogatari 源氏物語 The Tale of Genji”.

It is said that these authors “Seisōnagon 清少納言” and “Murasaki Shikibu 紫式部” also played “Igo”.

On a grid of 19 lines in each direction, the total number of intersections is 361.

 Because this is close to the number of days in a year, it was thought that “Igo” had a close link with astronomy and astrology.

 “Igo” was popular with “Bushō 武将Samurai warriors” in “Hōken-jidai 封建時代 Feudal times”.

 “Igo” is a game that expands your territory strategically.

 Therefore, it was considered a valuable hobby for “Bushō” who expand their territories by war.

 In the 17th century (Edo period), professional players also appeared.

 In the “Edo-jidai 江戸時代 Period”, “Iemoto-seido 家元制度 System” that inherit techniques of “Igo” by “Iemoto 家元 the Head of a school of go” was established and salary was receive from the shogunate.

 They competed with each other at the annual competition held in “Edo-jo 江戸城 Castle” once a year.

 In addition, “Gokaisho碁会所Go parior” where people can play Go has made and “Igo” had become a popular entertainment for the people.

As a result, the level of Go “Igo” in Japan has greatly improved.

 Today, with the spread of the Internet, you can play against anyone online.

 And “Igo” lovers are spreading all over the world.

 Currently, “Igo” is spreading in about 80 countries and regions.

 When you play “Igo”, you need concentration and imagination.

 The influence of the comic “Hikaru no Go” has increased the number of Go lovers overseas.

 “Kuro-ishi” is a clay-like stone called “Nachiguro 那智黒 Stone”, and “Shiro-ishi” is made of “Hamaguri Clam” shells.

折り紙 Origami

 “Origami” is a traditional Japanese play that folds paper to make shapes such as animals and plants and life tools.

 Many Japanese do “Origami” as a child.

 No special equipment or tools are required.

 Just a square of paper to fold, you can do “Origami”.

 You don't even need scissors or glue.

 All kinds of things can be fashioned with “Origami”.

 From wild flowers to objects found around the house--with origami, a child's imagination can run free.

 Since the old days in Japan, paper was not just something to write or paint on; it was a sacred object invested with spiritual meaning.

 “Washi 和紙 Paper” has also long been important as a wrapping material for gifts.

 It was born in “Kamakura-jidai 鎌倉時代 Period” and was established as one of the rituals of “Bushi 武士 Samurai” in “Muromachi-jidai 室町時代 Period”.

 About 600 years ago, strict rules of etiquette were established, governing the way paper was folded and wrapped.

 The techniques used in gift wrapping eventually gave rise to the sophisticated craft that is called “Origami”.

 Japanese wrap the gift with their heart and wrap it in hand.

 Modern Japanese “Origami” was developed for play during “Edo-jidai 江戸時代 Period”.


錦鯉 Nishikigoi

 “Nishikigoi 錦鯉 Carp” is also called “Swim Gem” because of its colorful and beautiful appearance.

「日本庭園」で優雅に泳ぐその姿に、ヨーロッパや北米、アジア各国の富豪たちから熱い視線が注がれています。 The sight of swimming gracefully in the “Nihon-teien 日本庭園 Japanese garden” attracts a keen eye from the wealthy person of Europe, North America and Asian countries.

 “Nishikigoi” is believed to have been born in Niigata Prefecture in the late “Edo-jidai 江戸時代 Period”.

 It is said that the colored carp was born by mutation and this carp had been bred as “Nishikigoi”.

 Since then, breeding has continued for about 200 years.



 羽子板 Battledore

 The game of hanetsuki (battledore), played with elaborate paddles called hagoita, has been in existence since the fifteensh century, when it was played at the Imperial Court.

 In many ways similar to badminton, this game is traditionally reserved for females and played only during the New Year's holidays.

 Nowadays one has to look long and hard to fine a New Year's tourney even though the decorative paddles, the hagoita, are the focus of a huge, lively festival every December at Tokyo's Asakusa Kannon temple grounds.

 Paddles of every conceivable shape and size are splendidly hung from the ceilings and sides of innumrable small festival stalls.

 There are usually more than sixty stalls, many of which are fitted out with tatami and charcoal warmers for the merchants' comfort.

 Crowds mill about, eating, drinking, blowing on fingers, and stamping their feet in the cold.

 Boisterous sales pitches ring out; the ritual clapping sequence of 3-3-3-1 is heard at each purchase.


 Since the Edo Period, hagoita have become increasingly elaborate, until gradually they have taken on a life of their own, quite apart from the game.



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