
 Damage of “Meireki-no-taika 明暦の大火 the Great Fire”, which occurred in 1657 (Meireki 3), is the largest in “Edo-jidai 江戸時代 Period”, with the spreading area and the number of deaths.

 Sixty percent of the city of Edo was destroyed, including “Edo-jō 江戸城 Castle” and almost the entire area within the “Soto-bori 外濠 Outer moat”.

 The number of deaths has various opinions, and is reported to be 30,000 to 100,000.

 The destroyed “Tenshu-kaku 天守閣 Castle tower” of “Edo-jō Caslte” has not been rebuilt until now.

 At that time, it had not been raining for more than 80 days, so a very dry situation continued.

 The northwest wind blew from the morning on the day.

 About 2 pm on March 2 (old calendar January 18), the fire started at “Honmyō-ji 本名寺 Temple” in “Hongō 本郷”, and it spread in “Kanda 神田” and “Kyōbashi 京橋” areas, and reached to “Fukagawa 深川” across the “Sumida-gawa 隅田川 River”.

 Many of the refugees who fled to the southeast after being chased by the fire lost all routes of escape and died at “Reigan-ji 霊厳寺 Temple” near “Sumida-gawa River” Estuary.

Prisoners were released from a prison in “Kodenma-chō 小伝馬町 Street”.

 Because the officials missed prison breaking and closed the “Asakusabashi-mon 浅草橋門 Gate”, so many of the refugees lost all routes of escape and died.

 About 10 am on March 3rd (old calendar January 19th), it started a fire from near the main gate of “Koishikawa-dentsū-in 小石川伝通院 Temple”.

 It spread from “Iidabashi 飯田橋” to the “Kudan 九段” areas, and most of “Edo-jo Castle” were burned down.

 Around 4:00 pm on that day, the fire also started from the residence of “Kōjimachi 麹町”, spread to the southeast and reached the shore of “Shimbashi 新橋” and extinguished.

 Edo was remodeled in the occasion of “Meireki-no-taika 明暦の大火 the Great Fire”.

 The “Ryōgoku-bashi 両国橋 Bridge” and the “Eitai-bashi 永代橋 Bridge” were built on the “Sumida-gawa 隅田川 River”, the city area was expanded to the east side of “Sumida-gawa River”.

 Daimyo residences, samurai residences, and temples moved to the outside of the “Soto-bori Outer moat”.

 In order to prevent the spread of fires, open spaces and “Hirokōji 広小路Wide streets” have been made.

 The shogunate encouraged the use of the “Tsuchi-kabe 土壁 Mud-wall” and the “Kawara-yane 瓦屋根 Tiled roof” as fire resistant buildings.

 But a lot of house was still built with the “Ita-buki 板葺Wood roof” and “Ita-kabe 板壁 Wood wall.”


ペリー来航 Perry steams in

 From the end of the 18th century, the West had concentrated its attention on East Asia expansionistic ventures.

 And they began to look once again at the lonely and isolated Japanese islands.

 First the Russians and then the British tried to unlock the door to trade and commerce.

 But the country which turned the key was the United States.

 U.S. “Hogei-sen 捕鯨船 Whaling vessels” and China-bound clipper ships frequented Japanese waters and the Americans wanted safe ports for provisioning.

 China was accede to foreign demands of Western powers for more open access by the Opium War.

 “Bakufu 幕府 Shogunate” was well aware of the military power of Western countries and the outcome of the Opium War through the Dutch in “Nagasaki 長崎”.

 Matthew Calbraith Perry steamed into Edo Bay in July 1853 to deliver a letter from the U.S. President demanding commercial relations.

 At that time, according to Japanese standard, he was accompanied by an awesome array of firepower.

 Perry arrived at “Uraga 浦賀” Port In 1853 (Kan-ei 6) and landed on “Kurihama 久里浜” and derivered a letter from the president of the United States to Shogunate’s Samurai Officer.

 From this arrival of Perry, “Bakumatsu 幕末 The Last days of Tokugawa Shogunate”, started.

「泰平の眠りを覚ます上喜撰たつた四杯で夜も眠れず」と歌われた 「狂歌」は、たった四杯の「上喜撰」と、たった四杯の「蒸気船(黒船)」を掛けています。
 In “Kyōka 狂歌 Poem” of “Taihei No Nemuri Wo Samasu Jokisen Tatta Shi Hai De Yoru Mo Nemurezu 泰平の眠りを覚ます上喜撰たつた四杯で夜も眠れず”, only four cups of “Jōkisen上喜撰 Green tea” means only four “Jōkisen 蒸気船 Steam ship (Kurobune 黒船 Black ships)”.

 So, this “Kyōka” means that Japanese can’t sleep at peaceful night by only four “Jōkisen 蒸気船 Steam ship”.

 “Jōkisen 上喜撰” is a brand of “Uji 宇治” in Kyoto that was distributed in “Edo-jidai Period”.

 “Hai ” is a ordinal number that counts not only cups and glasses, but also counts ships.

 In 1854 (Kan-ei 7), he came back to “Edo-minato 江戸湊 Bay”, and “Nichi-bei-washin-joyaku 日米和親条約 the Japan-U.S. Peace Treaty” was signed in “Kanagawa 神奈川”and two port “Shimoda 下田” and “Hakodate 函館” were opened to shipping from U.S.  




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