ICME-10  Poster Presentation

The 10th International Congress on Mathematical Education
4-11, July 2004, Copenhagen, DENMARK

Poster Title:  Application Tools for Feeling Mathematics using Excel VBA
Author:  YOSHIDA Hajime

City, Country:  Chiba, JAPAN
e-mail: cq2h-ysd @ asahi-net.or.jp
Abstract:  Spreadsheet software, MS-EXCEL is a typical one, is popular for both teachers and students. It is a convenient and powerful tool for mathematics and it's education. Moreover, Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is a powerful programming language.

Two examples of application tools (for upper secondary level) using Excel VBA made by the author will be presented. Both of them are aimed to FEEL MATHEMATICS.

Example-1: In this application tool, worksheet cells are regarded as x-y grids. The cells, which value is "ax+by=c" according to input value a, b and c, will form a line.

===> Detail & Download page

Example-2: This tool shows all of the permutations/combinations of input letters, not only to calculate the value of them. It gives reality to the students such as large number of permutations/combinations.

===> Detail & Download page

These tools can be downloaded from the Web site;
