Army List Notes: Rohan

After the Northmen of Rhovanion were conquered and scattered, a portion under one Frumgar removed to the upper reaches of the Anduin river, and became known as the Eotheod (RotK, p460). After they removed southwards, they became known as the Rohirrim (the Gondorian equivalent of Eotheod, or 'horse-men') and their land Rohan after them.

Aggression is rated as 1 in the earlier period, since they were reported to be untroubled by war (UT, p298). I do not rate them as 0, since they expanded until the land could no longer support them (UT, p303; RotK, p426). In the later period, they are rated aggression 2 since while they suffered incursions by the Dunlendings (RotK, p433), Easterlings (RotK, p432) and Saruman's forces from Orthanc (RotK, p436), they also aggresively into Dunland (RotK, p433; p434).

Climate is rated Cold in the earliy period, in the far-north. I used to rate Rohan as Warm, but have since changed it to Cold, since it could suffer periods of snow-covered ground, even if most didn't last as long as the 5 month stretch of The Long Winter (RotK, p430).

No WW is allowed, since the Anduin below the Falls of Rauros lay outside the borders of Rohan; above the Falls it is rated as a Rv. As both Rohan and the Vale of Anduin were bordered by mountains, H(S) is allowed; H(G) are denied in Rohan, as the land was almost totally flat outside the mountains, while a Vale by definition must have some smooth slopes so H(G) is allowed in the earlier period. Wd represent Mirkwood and its outlying reaches in the earlier period, and forests such as Halifirien Wood in Rohan.

Most Riders are classified as Kn. The are described as 'knights' (RotK, p133), used long spears as lances (RotK, p135), and charged ferociously, sometimes in wedge formations, but could not cope with elephants (RotK, p143). Most are graded as Irr, since their service was limited to a term (UT, p315) at a time, and they could only be assembled in time by a levy (eg. UT, p298). They are graded as (F), because they had light helms (TT, p34), not full-enclosed ones, and even guards are described as wearing mail shirts or corselets (albeit ones hanging to the knee), rather than full hauberks (TT, p35; p139) like Gondorian knights. Shields were round, with bosses (TT, p156), and had painted designs (TT, p35).

The King's knights were, at least in later years, permanently enlisted (UT, p315). The ability to keep a guard (RotK, p76) permanently under arms would have been doubtful before increasing prosperity due to long-term close contact with Gondor (RotK, p434), and hence this option is only allowed after King Folcwine is said to have reorganised the army (UT, p315). Marshalls also had their own household knights (TT, p42), limited to a single 'eored' or company of about 120 men (UT, p315), so only their own element may be regular. The King's knights used green shields (TT, p139) - these may have also borne a white horse, as this was the emblem of the house of Eorl (TT, p156)

A few Riders were horse archers. Eorl had 'some hundreds' compared to 7000 fully armed men (UT, p298, 307); Theoden had many 'hundreds' of lightly-burdened men with spare mounts compared to 5500 full armed men (RotK, p86); Theodred had one company of horse archers compared to eleven of normal Riders (UT, p356). Because they are lightly-equipped, and used spare mounts, they are graded as LH (F). The is no suggestion that they carried lances in addition to their bows (so rating a classification as LH (S) or Cv (S) even), on the contrary, being described as both 'lightly-burdened' and not included in those that are 'fully-armed' would seem to ensure that they did not.

Foot archers were used in defensive operations, and so are not allowed to serve abroad in allied contingents, they were few (TT, p168; UT, p362). Other foot in times of crisis were assembled from all the males in the area (UT, p360; TT, p166) and are graded accordingly.

Earth-forts are attested defending the approaches to the ford over the Isen (UT, p361).

Woodsmen are allowed prior to the great migration to Rohan since they shared the upper vales of Anduin with the Eotheod (RotK, p426).

Dunlending options in 3A2758 to 3A2759 cover the usurption of Wulf (his initial invasion is covered by the Dunlending list) after he had installed himself as King (RotK, p430-431). With Gondorian aid, the usurpers were finally driven out in 3A2759 (RotK, p411).

Ents assisted in the fighting against Saruman in the War of the Ring, and are thus included as a possible allied contingent, however Gandalf is not included, as he did not actually direct any fighting (so cannot count as a general), and in any case, his actions were all concerned with the seige of Helm's Deep, and DBM doesn't covers seiges.

Although Druedain attacked remnants of Sarumans forces after the Battles of the Fords of Isen (UT, p387),they did so independently of the Rohirrim and so are not included here.

Theoden's shield was golden (RotK, p133); his banner displayed the running white horse of the horse of Eorl (RotK, p144). Eomer's helmet bore a white horsehair crest (TT, p35; RotK, p139). Elfhelm's standard was white (UT, p368).

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This page last modified April 22, 2000