put navi.el in your path.
for example if you put navi.el in /home/suna/lisp directory.
.emacs is
(setq load-path (append load-path "/home/suna/lisp"))
key stroke to invoke navi mode.
function key 11 and Ctl-x Ctl-l
.emacs is
(global-set-key [f11] 'call-navi)
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-l" 'call-navi)
(defun call-navi ()
(navi (buffer-name))
)format of listing-window
each line separated with ':' .
mode name : file name : function declarationkey mapping
next line. Ctr-o
Spaceput specific function declaration to top of window in source-window. Ctr-p
previous line. Ctr-x Ctr-s
save listing window.
(lots of bugs)Ctr-x Ctr-f
restore listing window.
(lots of bugs)d
delete one line in listing window. D
delete lines related to a source file. q
remove listing window. e
Ctr-o and move to source window. o
Ctr-o and q. k
scroll up source-window specific lines. j
scroll down source-window specific lines. f
scroll up source-window 1 page. b
scroll down source-window 1 page. n
Ctr-n + Ctr-o. p
Ctr-p + Ctr-o. h
hide listing-window. (contents remains) 2
h + Ctr-o. 1
listing window only. ^
shrink listing window narrow. v
shrink listing window wide. s
sort lines in listing window. acknowledgement
navi.el depend on mode name.
It must be one of "C++","C","Pascal","Java","Emacs-Lisp","Lisp Interaction","Perl","CPerl","TeX","Text","HTML","Ruby".
navi.1.43.tar.gz Changed the data-structure holding regexps. navi.1.42.tar.gz Update for C and Objective-C navi.1.41.tar.gz Update for Autoconf and m4.. navi.1.39.tar.gz Made it work on MacOS X Leopard. navi.1.38.tar.gz navi.1.35.tar.gz navi.1.34.tar.gz navi.1.31.tar.gz navi.1.28.tar.gz navi.1.27.tar.gz navi.1.26.tar.gz navi.1.24.tar.gz navi.1.23.tar.gz navi.1.18.tar.gz navi.1.13.tar.gz navi.1.12.tar.gz navi.1.9.tar.gz