eat/drink in restaurants

Piped Water in Sri Lanka is drinkable?
The water served at restaurants is safty or not?
European travelers are buying and drinking the water of bottled water. But please be care because those bottled waters are lined under the tropical sun. No grocer's orners take care of it.
You do not need mind the glass water at a restaurant as those water is boiled and filterd before serving. They call those water "Apee vatura" means "Our water" instead of "Bottled water".

About a meal.
Every travelers who came from India always say " I feel safty and calmness for Sri Lankan food " .
Most of those are the Japanese travelers and they also say that " My stmachache was cured after come bacj to Sri Lanka"
I do not know the reason why ther deceise was cured but I found one point why they used to said to me so. Sri Lankan dishes are mainly cooked with thin milk named "Pol kiri " that is almost same as water but they make their dishes with oil in India..

Please visit a country side and sit on a chair of a small "Hotale",the restaurant.
From htose places the pure Sri Lanka food is taken out.
Good luck.
to Eats Lanka