Scribe of Run #92 - January 3 - Noda

Hare: Goes Down Well. Co-Hare: Dan. Runners: 9. New Boots: 1 (the Co-hare!). Non-runners: 1.

Goes Down Well Lays Well at Noda

Arrived at Hanshin Noda with a mild hangover after an extended post-Futatabi (as in place unfortunately, rather than harriette) nijikai. How many others would show up on this holiday, I wondered? Could have been the fine weather, or maybe eager expectations of what Goes Down Well had in store for us, but by the On-On time of 3:30, 8 hounds were there. Big numbers for this kennel! Most remarkable was Ulysses, looking a little jaded after a most memorable performance at the previously mentioned nijikai he probably remembers little of (got your car cleaned up yet, Seaman?), after which he also forgot his mobile phone. I'd dragged it along with me, debating what to do if it rang; answer and scare the crap out of the caller, or leave it and blow away a chance. Anyway, thanks for the loan Ulysses, my parents were delighted by my overseas call and the sex-lines bill probably won't be too expensive... Also remarkable was Goes Down Well's co-opting of a new-to-hash friend as Co-hare. Hmmn, Nu-be, Co-hare, Virgin lay - not a bad list of Down-Downs to start your hashing career!

At the start, Phuckwit gave our hare some well-deserved ear-ache about the results of her previous attempts at haring, surmising we might make it back by 7pm having lost the trail when it started heading towards Tokyo; however, this course was beautifully marked, had good checks, was interesting to run and enjoyed by all. Only complaint was the absence of a Moon-Check, suitably punished afterwards by a (further) Down-Down.

"So what about the trail?" I hear you ask. (Actually I heard you say "When the f*!& is he going to stop blathering on about personal, inconsequential boring detail and tell us something about the f&%?$#* trail?", but this is the festive season so I'll be polite.)

We set off heading west but soon swung around to north then east. Good use was made of side streets and parks to keep us away from the busy main roads. The first check had Shika Sheep Substitute heading right while I tried left since Phuckwit had already gone straight (probably 10 minutes before we got there...). And straight it was, setting the theme for the day, not one of my better true-trail finding ones.

Two checks later we arrived at the Sky Plaza, the scene of many a check in the past, and perhaps coincidentally the site of the annual Osaka Beer festival. Had a sniff around on the ground but didn't find any leftovers (not surprising really, it has rained once or twice since last August), nor much chalk or flour either. Soon the entire pack had fanned out looking for arrows. To be fair, there were several series of arrows to be found, but all trails fizzled out after two or three. Funny how we'd sussed all the 3 or 4-way checks but a 'simple' 2-way job ended up being the bar-steward stopper! Found true-trail eventually on the far side of the building. Passing shoppers/tourists had obliterated two key arrows. Or maybe they'd been snuffling around in the undergrowth looking for beer too.

We now started to edge round to the south, roughly following the Mido-Suji. A cunning detour along the river, across a bridge then back along the river gave some lagging hounds the chance to short cut, but no-one took advantage of it, although one hasher who will remain nameless (_Baaa!) did take advantage of a swanky-looking hotel to loose some weight.

We were now heading north and soon found the delightful sign 'On Home'. But, further confusion awaited us. A slight curve in an arrow sent the FRB's left across a crossing, only to see (from the other side) the following arrow in fact going right. At the next junction your scribe himself led the pack On-right under a railway bridge into ten minutes of confusion until we determined this was the Loop-line, not Hanshin, so On-Home was straight ahead after all. Still, gave late arrival Chinko-Manko time to catch up with the pack so we could run the last 100 metres together.

Just preparing for the Circle when who should show up but Hand Job, directly from KIX (with luggage!) having just flown back from England! Hash dedication, or was the flight so dry she needed a drink?

The Circle was a riot thanks to the Hares ample purchase of beer; no WNRC 'three hounds to a can and one spare for Down-Downs' here! Hares drank first of course, and since they'd earned several, were allowed to rest before the next while others were dealt with. Such a sensitive hash. Next up was the forgetful Ulysses, who clearly had been gasping for a 'hare of the dog' brew shown by his deathly white pallor turning to a tasteful shade of light green after drinking. Then non-runner Hand Job drank, followed by Bunter. Why? Well, many have been puzzling about this hounds name ever since it was given by yours truly about a year and a half ago. Let's just say in his pre-weight-loss days he'd resembled a fictional English public-schoolboy character famous for his gluttony, and illustrated in a series of old books published in England. So old in fact that they are now collectors items and indecently priced even if you can find one for sale. While in England Hand Job had gone to a library and lifted a couple of photo-copies...

As usual Wanda was full of good suggestions for others to drink, and again as usual one of them backfired on her so she drank herself. Horn-blowing was interrupted by a fit of giggles, so after a 10-9-8-, she drank again. Next to drink was Chinko. Since this was the first run of '99 and he'd designed our Shinenkai T-shirts, that was enough to put him in the Circle. Four hounds were actually modeling said T-shirt, so all other wearers having already had one Down-Down (including Shika who'd gallantly helped out Chinko and Hand Job), Big Bird was elected to do the representative Down-Down.

I was then accused of I don't remember what - probably something to do with the weather good or bad, or perhaps even that unintentional CB at the last railway bridge, whatever, I ended up with a brew myself. In between all the above the hares returned to the Circle several times to pay for the rest of their infractions/celebrations.

On-In was at a very nice izakaya that didn't seem to mind our further Down-Downs, although by then I have no recollection of what they were for. Glad Monday was a holiday. 'Swing Low' bought the usual stunned silence from the rest of the patrons we've recently come to expect; something wrong with our singing?

Shcribed by: Shlimie Rimie.

Scribe of Run #93 - January 15 - Katsura

Hares: Mounted (KyoH3) and Shika Sheep Substitute (KFMH3). Runners: 15. Non-runners: 2.

Mounted Shika at Katsura

I had been looking forward to this joint run. But, when I got up I found it was raining and was quite disappointed, heaving a sigh. I wondered where this rain had come from. Probably either Hand-Job brought it back from England with lots of other souvenirs, or Shika Sheep Substitute (SSS - one of today's hares) got homesick and asked his mom to send some rain to Japan, or even Kinky's Religious Advisor was too tired to dance on the roof last night. (Sorry, gerbils were too shagged. Think Phuckwit's pretty hard on them... S-L) However, luckily the rain had stopped by the time I left my home and even the sun started to shine through.

While I was waiting for the train bound for Kyoto at Juso station, I saw Beerhead, Mad Manx and Big Bird walking towards me. So I joined them and continued to walk along the platform. There we met Bobo. He insisted that it was quicker to go to Omiya Station by super-express and then come back to Katsura by local or express, so we did.

Arriving at Katsura station, Bobo further led us to the meeting place as we were all unfamiliar with the area around Katsura Station and Kyoto Hash's usual meeting place. I just remembered a rumor that Bobo is now becoming a regular member of Kyoto Hash because he is very interested in a beautiful girl there. Is this rumor true?!!! (Naaah, load of Ass I heard. S-L)

When we got the meeting place, the hares had just come back. Then Futatabi, Bunter-bon, Ulysses and others turned up one by one. But, I couldn't see Etch or Hand-Job anywhere. Soon after that, Slimie shouted "Wow, taxi down-down!". Who and What??? It was Etch. He came to the station by taxi with his son Joe and a modern 'rickshaw'. Joe was properly dressed like a hasher, even having a plastic playing horn.

At the start of the trail, first we passed through the station building and went to the opposite side. We then run along the railway toward Osaka a little and soon turned right.

After running for a few minutes, we saw Goes Down Well running ahead of us, despite the fact she had not come to the meeting place before the starting time. Why? She told us that she hadn't been able to find the meeting place, and while she was looking she had found some arrows and thought they were to the start. So, she started to follow the arrows and flour and discovered at the first check she was on true trail!

Soon we came to the first check-point. The check was split into 5 or 6 and at a very good place to set! I checked the left side - very narrow road. But, it was a CB. The On-On was straight. What was waiting for us after the first check was T-Junction at a quite big road. We crossed the road following the arrows and then had to climb up a stone wall. At the top there was a very small bamboo area, with low bushes. After this part, we came to a river-jump. Futatabi did it without no problems, and I managed to jump too, after some hesitation. We continued to run along the river and went into a big bamboo area. After the bamboo area, we came to a paved road in a residential area. I was running with Futatabi and Seaman. We could see we were away behind from the FRBs - Bobo, Chinko Manko and Slimie Limie, as all the checks were already marked by them.

After running for a while, we had to turn right and went into a car-park. I thought there must be a CB in the car-park. But, we found one part of the fence was cut so beautifully. We passed through the hole and turned right twice and went back to the original road. It was a small loop course! We continued to run in the residential area and went into a back alley running along the railway line. After running the back alley, we came to a small station, crossed the railway-crossing, and turned left.

There was SSS, waiting for us with BEERS. It was a Beer-Check and also the end of Kinky's course. Thanks to Shika's very careful pre-study and research around that area, it was a very nice course, including some bamboo areas, an interesting loop in the car park and some back alleys and so on. (Do you know that he spent one of his holidays to pre-study the area in order to lay a good trail?)

At the Beer-Check, Slimie Limie, who had dropped out from being FRB, was waiting for us. (Stand around and drink beer, or leave it and run off to find the course? Now there's a tough choice for a hasher... S-L) While we were enjoying beers, Hand-Job, who had arrived at the start slightly late, and Goes-Down-Well, who got injured at the river-jump, and Etch with his son caught up with us. Again Shika showed his care, he had bought a Special Drink (Yakuruto Joe?) for Joe.

From here the trail set by Mounted was waiting for us. Shika joined us to run this part too. I don't remember very well about the trail (good beer-check! S-L), where we ran, how we ran, but we went through a small park, then went into fields and ran along a river where we had the Moon-Check. One person from Kyoto Hash, Ulysses, complained about the trail, saying it was completely recycled, although it was new and fresh to us. Then we saw the sign for On-Home!

When we got back, we saw the FRBs, Bo-Bo and Chinko-Manko, already enjoying beer or soft drink and crisps. We could also see Beerhead as usual. 'As usual' means he had been running behind me and never caught up, but was already back way ahead of me. Always! Strange, very strange!

The Circle was noisier than usual, and I think almost everybody had at least one Down-Down, and some of us even two or three! After giving Down-Downs to the hares, Mounted & SSS, thanking them for enjoyable trails, there were various reasons as follow:

(1) New Shoes Down-Down(s)
Funny, Ulysses suggested to fill both of his shoes! The right one for Kinky, and the left one for Kyoto;
(2) Excellent job of repairing the Kyoto Hash Horn;
Being a Good father;
To say 'Sayonara' and wish her 'Bon voyage';
(Real reason was for leaving Japan without setting a Sayonara Run!!!)
Welcome back from Bankok.
Falsely accused by Ulysses, so for NOT YET going to Bangkok to see Mother Theresa...;
(1) False accusation above;
(2) Polluting Seaman's house and car so badly after last last week's On-In;
Recycling most of the course;
Forgot the reason!!!
(No doubt either for being noisy, or received one of your own infractions...S-L)
Leaving the Circle for a leak.
(Ok, next time I'll piss IN the Circle; I'll get a Down-Down anyway and it'll save the #*!$%& walk to the bog! S-L)

The On-In was held at an Izakaya called Yoro-no-taki, just in front of the station. It was one of the Izakayas often patronized by Kyoto Hash. As it was the New Year's Party season the shop was quite busy, but we were allowed to use a small room (Zashiki), so we squeezed in to sit nicely. Unfortunately for them, SSS and Bo-Bo sat next to Slimie Limie and had to suffer his very smelly farts. (Sorry guys, I was barking for a dump but they only had a squatter. S-L) They had to open the windows many times.

Later, Kiss My Ass and Boy-Boy joined us. We ordered Beer-Takusan-Bon and had a nice time.

PS: On my train ride back to Osaka, I helped Beerhead's recruiting activity, inviting new members come to the Hash. Do you think those two will come some time? Probably not.

PPS: Mainly to Yokozuna and other English Speakers; Hope this looong scribe will not make your lips too tired.

Scribed by: Wanda; Checked (and libelled) by: Slimie Limie.

Scribe of Run #94 - January 31 - Sumadera

Hare: Hiragana. Co-Hare: Yamagishi-san. Runners: 15. New Boots: 1 (the Co-hare!).

Hiragana's MOS- (Mountain, Ocean, ...Spaghetti?) Run

It was a perfect day for going to the beach so I turned up at Suma, 30 minutes early to watch the sea, there being no babes around in January. I rolled over to the station at 3:10pm, only to find that I had to walk 10 minutes to the start at Sumadera. Runners drifted in as they found the way and we set off with 12 by skirting the lake from which we started.

There was an early check and I took the wrong bait in the park and ran up and right for ages before hearing the On-On. By the time I caught up again the pack were queueing up in single file in order to negotiate a brief, but most enjoyable section of shiggy. It ended by a tunnel entrance, with a steep descent with not so much as a step in sight. Real mountain goat stuff, and not suited to pigs, fish, birds or deer. We came slowly through the bottle neck and with Flash in front I overtook Triathlon Bob and Humping Iron walking up a steep slope.

At the next check, Flash went left and I right, and was sent the wrong way for the second time. It took me some time to find a CB and then ages to find the true trail, everyone had passed ahead. Fortunately, Hiragana had made it a mountainous trail and it wasn't too long before I caught up with the rear of the pack on the lower slopes of Takakurayama. Flash and Slimie were busy checking and everyone else was looking at a cactus. Slimie called the On-On and I followed him up the steps.

We waited for the others at the top, and then someone spotted Hand Job and Bunter making their first appearance. Wanda went back down the trail to welcome them! We decided that it was a great spot for a moon check, even though it wasn't marked and at that time Wanda noticed that Bob had scratched his knees and had cut his hand. Initially concerned, she quickly realised that it was a Bob short cut, that had led to his hand cut. Bob insisted that he had been attacked by a tiger, but found little sympathy.

We then saw Ulysses way behind and hung about enjoying the view of Osaka Bay and Akashi suspension bridge, so that he could catch up. We set off once more and had to avoid a miserable bastard swinging his baseball bat at random. I shouted On-On loudly in his ear so that he knew we were coming and the C. spat at me. Slimie remarked that he could have been more forgiving if it had been a cricket bat! I then led the pack over the next three peaks, all the while enjoying beautiful views and bizarrely accompanied by Auld Langsyne being pumped out of loudspeakers.

At the final observation post we encountered Hiragana's official moon check. We faced seaward and bared our butts for the second time, making up for the run on 3rd January when we ran without mooning.

Ulysses then hared off, in an attempt to be first home, but failed to read the arrows and led us to a junction with no markings. We had gone too far down the hill. Flash, Pig Porker and Bob checked on down and never came back. Meanwhile Slimie checked back and called us after him. I had a lovely run down chatting to Hand-Job about swimming and her On-On earrings. When we hit the beach, I spotted Slimie way in front and decided to try catch him. By the time I did he had caught up with Pig Porker and Flash and we then followed the trail home.

At the circle, we thanked the hares and gave down-downs to Flash for getting the date wrong in the trash, Hand-Job for a hat in the circle, Ulysses for taking us down the hill too far, Bob for his short cut and then I had a seasonal setsubun down-down while being pelted with beans.

I was rather doubtful about the idea of a Jolly Pasta On-In but it turned out to be an excellent idea. The fodder was superb and very reasonable. Thanks to Enka Bird for handing round bonenkai photos. It was great to hear Mrs. Hash Pig asking Bunter why he had gone to Luminarie with Chinko-Manko.

Hiragana then very kindly invited us to his home after the swing-low. We admired his enormous TV and listened to some jazz whilst eating cheese and drinking some excellent sake. Great run Hiragana, thank you!

Scribed by: Shika Sheep Substitute.

Hash Limericks...

There was a young hasher from Kobe
Who shagged loads of blokes to get more pay
She had no great fear
Of attack from the rear
But she really preferred it the front way

There was a young hasher from Kinky
Whose fingers were always quite stinky
When they asked him why
He replied with a sigh
"'cos I wipe my arse with my left pinky"

--- Shika Sheep Substitute

Scribe of Run #96 - February 28 - Oji Koen

Hares: Pig Porker and Hash Pig. Runners: 6.

Hash Hogs around the Zoo

Ratings: Overall ****; Run ****; Circle ***; On-In N/A.

It was really warm Sunday even though it was still February and I believed it is perfect for Hash today! I left for Hankyu Oji-Koen. I yelled "ON-ON" to Hashers and they started running leaving me behind while I was getting changed. I cried "Wait" and I started off at full speed and I managed to catch up H.J.

While we were running to west after the up hill in front of Y.M.C.A., CM said to us, "That's my house. Can you see?" Thanks to CM, H.J. and I decided to visit his new apartment during the course. At the front of the complex, we could see the corridor and stairs. We went up the stairs passing some rooms without taking our shoes off. We took off our shoes at the front of CM's room saying Ojamashimannyawa. (Bless you. S-L) Kitchen was just behind of the door which was very neat and I reckoned him good chef. At the back, there was a room of 6-tatami large. On the tatami and kotatsu, it was mess of notes, books and so on. There was a bookshelf as well on the right wall. His books looked stiff, such as The History of the World or some things that cannot mention here. (To HASHERS? What's he GOT there? S-L) Surely, they should be very interesting, ask him if you can read it! Anyway, at the back of the room, there was a window and I saw quiet residential town through the window. If only I could live such a room! H.J. and I enjoyed the short visit. Thank you, CM! Hope you don't mind it, do you?!

Now back to the trail. We saw Bob near Shin-Kobe station and we were running together to Nunobiki via Ijin-kan of Kitano-cho. Can you imagine how beautiful our city of Kobe is from the top of the mountain? Slimie Limie catched up us and asked, Have you done mooning? No, we missed it so just 2 of us mooned there. We run through hiking course and we felt tired. Thanks God, it led down to the town and to east. ON-HOME!

At the circle, Down-Down were given to the Hares, Pig Porker and Hash Pig. Followed by CM who invited us his apartment, H.J. and myself who were the sudden visitors, Bob for something. Everyone got Down-Down at last. Very enjoyable, thanks to all!

Scribed by: Humping Iron.

Scribe of Run #97 - March 21 - Takatsuki

Hare: Slimie Limie Runners: 5.

March Winds and April Showers in Takatsuki

"March winds, April showers" as the saying goes in England. On March 21st in Takatsuki it was pissing down as if the gods had been on the hash the night before. Not surprisingly the turn out was poor on such a day but KFMH3 has run with fewer I'm told, and all you stay-at-homes missed out on a top afternoon of hashing.

Slimie arrived at the start point looking like a newly washed carrot ready to be made into tenpura - his red running gear covered in sodden flour - having completed his setting in the downpour. Humping Iron arrived and we decided that no-one else was likely to show up so Slimie proceded to give us instructions for the scavenger hunt for which he had done much preparation.

The plan was to collect the following en route, to be displayed in the circle at the end.

  1. a used telephone card
  2. some "educational literature" over 5 years old,
  3. a fart (Slimie's speciality making up for the lack of March wind) [and March wind doesn't smell half as good anyway... S-L]
  4. a poster
  5. a piece of useful "gomi" - quality not quantity being important
  6. and finally as many green paper-chase tickets as one could find.

We were soaked five minutes after leaving the shelter of the station but the hunt for gomi and the usual flour made it all worthwhile. An early check has us foxed for a bit, but Hand Job found ON-ON and we swam (not just Wanda this time) onwards. The course was masterly marked and green tickets had been placed in all kinds of interesting places. We enjoyed some bamboo shiggy, a brief stop at a Hash-thru McDonald's (trust Flash to charm a cup of water out of the waitress on duty [what? no phone-number and date too? S-L]) and an extended slip through a muddy wood/lake system but the running was forever being interrupted by someone spotting something potentially interesting on the ground.

Hand Job picked up a well endowed pedal bin, Wanda finished with amongst other things a vacuum cleaner, H.I managed a Mickey Mouse pop-up toy, Flash was spotted sprinting across a road in order to grab a muscle man poster, and I dribbled a fully functional basketball for a good 3/4 of the course.

The moon check, we were later told, had been on the riverbank in the last part of the course, but it had either been washed out and we sailed past, or maybe we were just too anxious to get home with our loot. Everyone missed it! At the circle points were awarded for the gomi that people had collected and Flash claimed first prize (something to do with beer - I forget what [a soft cooler good for 18 cans plus ice; just what we needed on this pissing-down 3-degree day. S-L]) for his poster, a homemade plug-it-in-and-electrocute-yourself night light and a wad of green tickets.

We warmed up at the On-In and had a damn good sing-song before heading for home. The few who were there greatly appreciated the efforts of Slimie, who made the run a success in spite of the weather.

Scribed by: Shika Sheep Substitute.

Scribe of Run #98 - April 4 - Oji-Koen

Hare: Triathlon Bob Runners: 10+.

Oji Koen was Mooned Again!

This was a run that was set by Triathlon Bob and general opinion of ten or so Moon runners this was a great day to be alive and hashing.

We were sent by the hare on a great journey through the hills of Oji Koen. The run weaved in and out picturesque scenes that at times included dodging cars, dogs bellowing at moon, and the very large tourist crowd. The beauty of Oji Koen during the cherry blossom lived up to it's reputation with colors to mark the coming of spring. In addition, many fashionable young women in mini-shirts were out for stroll added some extra excitement for the hounds.

After an hour of hashing, Humping Iron and Bi-sexual were up in front of the pack sprinting toward home, when the Moon Master realized there was no MOON CHECK! Then about 100 meters from Home there was a Moon Check in front of the zoo with hundreds watching. One can only conclude that Triathlon Bob is having memory lapses! Due to this memory loss, he was given an additional down-down!

A number of down-downs began in the circle and GFL was given one for running a way to the USA for a month, newcomers Aki and Tomoko with her dog called Buni were welcomed into the Hash. The Hare took off to another party but never made it there. Ask him why next time you see him! The On-In was held outside was held in a quiet place under the cherry trees.

Some time later in the evening, swing low followed, and we made it back to our homes until the next moon run. A Great Day! A Great Hash!

Scribed by: GFL.

Scribe of Run #99 - April 18 - Kyobashi

Hare: Wanda Runners: 3 + 1.

Fish, Cats and Dogs at Kyobashi

Ratings: Overall ****; Run ***; Circle Excellent ;-); On-In ***.

Don't know if it's Wanda, KFMH3 or Hash in general, but my feeling is that recently we've all three been remarkably unlucky with the weather. This weekend was no exception, and Wanda's plans to lay her trail on the actual day of her birthday got postponed to the day of the run, and a mere three hours before hounds were due to arrive. It was still pissing down even then. Joke-stop: When it's raining cats and dogs, why do you have to be careful? So you don't step in a poodle. Sorry. For some reason I was held to blame for this misbehaviour of nature, although have a suspicion it's more to do with the recent concentration of Englishmen in the Kansai. Didn't we have a visit from Newt a couple of weeks ago? Plus Shika's father shortly after? And the return of Mad Manx? (Although he doesn't fully count - unless it's raining three-legged cats and dogs...) Anyway, thanks for the Omiyage chaps, but next time couldn't you bring a few pints of Speckled Hen instead? (You got a pint. - Flash. Yeah, many thanks to Rita, GM of the Hong Kong Ladies H3! S-L)

I was first to arrive at Kyobashi at 3:10, and Wanda came running in shortly after, soaking wet and covered in flour. "Sorry I'm so late", she panted "I kept getting lost and crossed my trail three times, so had to keep re-laying!". Visions of multiple endless loops and an On-In at 10pm swam before my eyes.

Hand Job arrived around 3:20, and at the start time of 3:30 it looked like we were going to have a two-hound pack. (Shika had already warned us he had to work the afternoon and wouldn't arrive 'til around 5pm.) Then at 3:40 (it was still raining so we hadn't been in a desperate hurry to start...) Triathlon Bob showed up, and in his haste to get changed Full-Mooned the entire square of date-awaiting people. Didn't get any offers, so at 3:50 we set off.

Course headed east then north, then quickly back east in a delightfully snappy right turn into a gap between buildings so narrow it would have given certain Kansai hounds big problems. First Check was at an intersection next to the river. Triathlon Bob checked right, Hand Job straight and me left. We'd been told to expect international markings (no CBs, first hash is 'On'), so spotting flour I ran back to the Check to call it. We followed the river then crossed it, and turned left once more back into housing. Next Check was a fork besides two exceedingly noisy dogs, so I hurriedly proceeded straight and got lucky again. Bob had tried left and cut back into the trail ahead on hearing the call. We were running all three together, and the rain having stopped the afternoon was turning out nice, a stiff breeze keeping us cool. Marks were good and still looked fresh. Didn't see any evidence of the outward trail on the way back in, although a 'corrected' turn into a parking lot that ended up at a high fence that would not normally have diverted today's Hare quickly returned to the original street 10 yards later... A couple more Checks (yes, I've forgotten already - c'mon, surely that's what the On-In's for?) and the welcomed 'On Home' beckoned us.

Five minutes back, and who should show up fresh from work but Shika, carrying his new horn and raring to go! And off he went on the trail, while the rest of us gathered for the Circle. Why couldn't we wait for the poor hound, while perhaps supping an ale or two? Well, the cool breeze had now evolved into a freezing gale, and a warm izakaya with beer and food and more beer was just too appealing. So Wanda was first into the hastily convened Circle, and out of respect for her (aging?) liver we combined 'Hare' and 'Birthday' Down-Downs into one. Next up was Triathlon Bob, on his last Hash for two weeks due to the attendance at some errr... triathlon. So busy in fact, that he'd have to skip the On-In to go home and pack for his Thursday departure. Can't say I've ever let mere sport (read: anything beerless) get in the way of Hashing, but each to his own. Anyway, a 'kuwaii-so/gambare-yo' Down-Down was given. Recipient of the next drink depended on a Hash vote. None of the pack had spotted a Moon-Check during the run, surely the Fish hadn't forgotten? "No, it was on the bridge, you all drink for not Mooning or Bunning" she hollered back, thus accused. Small interjection here, again related to the weather. We've already solved the exposure dilemma of a Moon Hash running in the daytime with 'Bun the Sun', but how about when it's behind (sic) cloud? 'Rim the Rain', anyone, or is that getting too explicitly anal? Comments to the Trash (TrAss?), please. Whatever, since she hadn't drunk up until then, Hand Job was arbitrarily chosen (I knew I was going to 'suffer' for the rain pretty soon) to represent the Pack and drink. Think I said something about Bob and I being busy talking while running it was up to the woman to look out for such things, or a similarly outrageously Politically inCorrect comment. For some reason I ended up sharing half of it, although miraculously not on my head, given the last statement. Tough job, Religion. I then foolishly added something along the lines of "If Shika doesn't see a Moon-Check, Wanda drinks at the On-In; otherwise the pack does.". Paid for that, later. I was then duly made responsible for the weather, good and bad, so drank again.

Hand Job was also skipping the On-In so Wanda and I stood and shivered for fifteen minutes 'til Shika came back looking a lot healthier than us. Christened his new horn with a well-deserved Down-Down before heading to the On-In. This was at one of my favourite chain of Izakayas called 'Muruzaki', which I always for some reason refer to as 'Murahashi', usually to Shika's amusement. I've mentioned before, I'm still working up to the half a brain said to be needed for Hashing. After ordering 'biru taksan-bon' and performing the 'Kampai', the run was discussed. A certain part in detail. Yes, there had been a Moon-Check, big'n'bold for all to see on the bridge. Those who looked, that is. Entertained other patrons of the izakaya with my third Down-Down. A chance remark about cars led me to bore the tits off all with a long account of all the machinery I've ever owned, until the staff called 'time' and we further entertained the four nearest tables with 'Swing Low'. Got a round of applause this time, we must be getting better.

Driveled by: Slimie Limie.

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Web site (occasionally) maintained by Slimie Limie.
This page last interfered with on 1st January 2010

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