Talk of a wise man
The boy wanted to know very much what place the eternal world is. The boy should have asked in detail the spirit of a flower about that at that time. The bird did not move all the time. A certain night the boy met an old owl in the dream. He was an owl of a wise man which the king of ruins had said. The boy asked the owl about "the eternal world. "The owl said in the voice which is hard to catch. "The man who does not know a thing called true himself is almost unable to understand eternity. Man is caught the past and with future. Pure "now" in the interval of the past and the future is eternity. The past and the future are made from experience and memory which were accumulated. Man will experience various things, shortly after being born, and he accumulates it. Man is convinced that he is itself of the accumulated structure. Various things copy out on a mirror. Man is convinced that he is itself of the copied-out thing. Actually the mirror itself which has not been reflected at all is himself. Man sometimes sees eternity from few crevices opened between the wall of the past, and the wall of the future. However, man grows fat and is large by "the accumulation thing of memory". Therefore, man cannot pass through the crevice. " When he finished talking abruptly like the start, the owl was gazing at the boy so that it might pity for a while. And he extended big wings suddenly and flew up.