Curriculum Vitae

Name: KOBAYASHI Manabu

Date of Birth: 1975.

Major:Hisotry of Technology, History of Science


  1. Tomohiro Hyodo, Manabu KOBAYASHI, Shingo NAKAMURA, and Fuminori YAMAZAKI, A History of Science and Technology (Tokyo: Muisuri Publication, 2019)
    Chap. 10 The Developments of Heliocentrism, 76-81, Chap. 12 The Birth of Modern Science Focusing on Mechanics, 89-97, Chap. 13 The Birth of Modern Chemistry 98-105, Chap. 14 Technological Innovation in the British Cotton Industry 108-115, Chap. 15 The Invention and Development of the Steam Engines and its Application to the Spinning Industry 116-123, Chap. 16 Physical Sciences and Technologies in the 19th Century: Electricity, Magnetism, Light and Heat 124-133, Chap. 19, The Development of the British Iron and Steel Industry 153-159, Chap. 21 The Mass Production Technology in the United States 171-180.
  3. Manabu KOBAYASHI,A Study of the Development of the High Pressure Steam Engine in the 19th Century: The Age of Steam and Steel   Hokkaido Universtiy Press,Feb. 2013
  5. Edited by Masakatsu YAMAZAKI, Manabu KOBAYASHI, A Book that Science become fascinateing JIPM Solution,25 October 2010
    "Screw p.26","Vacuum, pp.34-40","Strenght of Materials and Hook's Law, pp.41-47","Chapter III, Seeing,  frontispiece, p.83", "Chapter IV Heeting and Cooling, frontispiecep.113","Law of Conservation of Energy, pp.121-127", "Horse Power, pp.168-174","From Horse Power to Unit of Watt, p.175","Postface, pp.219-222"

○Title of my doctoral dissertation

  1. MANABU KOBAYASHI, A Study of the Development of the High Pressure Steam Engine in the 19th Century (Doctor of Philosophy)
    Supervisor: Professor KIMOTO Tadaaki,  Date of thesis defense: Jan 11th, 2007, Date of doctor degree: March 26th, 2007

    Abstract of dissertation:

    Most of previous studies of the history of the steam engine presupposed a straight forward transition from a low-pressure steam engine to a high-pressure steam engine in 19th century. But this assumption is simplistic. The development of the steam engine was more complicated.
    I also highlighted the impact of scientific knowledge of heat such as an analogy of comparing the water engine to the steam engine, caloric theory and thermodynamics on the development of the steam engine.
    I also considered that the mechanism of the development of the steam engine depended not only on socio-economic conditions but also on the technology's own dynamics. The demand for more power and efficiency played a crucial role in the development of the steam engine in the long term. To use high-pressure steam, the engine entailed a strongly build boiler.
    In resisting high-pressure, the shape of boiler was the most crucial. A change in shape made great difference in boilers' resistance to pressure. In addition, improving some machines to process wrought iron and introducing steel to boilers led to an incremental improvement of the strength of boilers.
    As shown above, my study offers a comprehensive system of the development of the steam engine.

○Academic Qualifications:

○Career History:

○Academic and Related Experience:

  1. Lecturer (Tokyo University of Science)
  2. 1 April 2008- Present
  3. Lecturer (Sbibaura Institute of Technology)
  4. September 2008- Present
  5. Lecturer (Aoyama Gakuin University)
  6. 1 April 2011- 31 March 2012
  7. Lecturer(Aoyama Gakuin Woman's Junior College)
  8. 1 April 2008- 31 March 2012
  9. Tokyo University of Engineering,
  10. Lecturer (Accident, Safety and Engineering Ethics,) May 2008, May 2009, July 2010, April 2011.
  11. Teaching Assistant (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  12. Oct.1999-March.2000.
  13. Research Assistant (21st Century COE Program "Science of Institutional Management of Technology", Tokyo Institute of Technology) Dec.2004-March.2007.

○Article (with peer review, in Japanese)

  1. Manabu KOBAYASHI, " On the Importance of Steel in the Development of Marine Boilers in the Late 19th Century," Kagakusi Kenkyu (Journal of history of science, Japan. Series II), Vol.49, No. 254 (2010): 65-77.
  2. Manabu KOBAYASHI, " Reconsidering the Development of the Marine Steam Boiler in the 19th century," Kagakusi kenkyu (Journal of history of science, Japan. Series II) Vol.44. No.226.(2005): 191-202.
  3. KOBAYASHI Manabu, " Galileo's Approach in his Study on Strength of Materials: From the First Day and Second Day of Two New Sciences," GIJUTUSI (The Japanese Journal for the History of Technology) Vol.5 (2004): 41-60.
  4. KOBAYASHI Manabu, "A Study on the Relationship between Material Technology and Steam Boiler Development," Kagakusi kenkyu (Journal of history of science, Japan. Series II) Vol.41.No.221. (2002): 14-25.

○Note (with peer review, in Japanese)

  1. Manabu KOBAYASHI , "Trends in Modern Mobile Phone Technology as seen from the Perspectives of the History of Technology" GIJUTUSI (The Japanese Journal for the History of Technology) Vol.8 (2011): 41-60.
  2. KOBAYASHI Manabu, "The Displacement in Longitude on INO Tadataka's maps of Edo Japan," TITech Studies in Science, Technology and Culture, No.7. (2004): 57-62.

○Papers (without peer review, in Japanese)

  1. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "Introduction to History of the Steam Engine," Kagakusi Kenkyu (Journal of History of Science, Japan), Vol.52, No.265 (2013): 1-4.
  2. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "On the Material Basis of "The Theory of the Steam Engine" until mid 19th Century," Kagakusi Kenkyu (Journal of History of Science, Japan), Vol.50, No.258 (2011): 165-169.
  3. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "Davies Gilbert and Cornish Engineers: Importance of Communication between Engineers and Scientists on Power Technology," Kagakusi Kenkyu (Journal of History of Science, Japan), Vol.50, No.257 (2011): 122-125.
  4. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "Biography of Sir William Siemens," The Journal of Science Education, Vol.54 No.6(June 2011, No.678): 98-101.
  5. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "An Origine of Science is factories,"TPM Age, Vol.22 No.10(2010),28-29.
  6. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "Biograpy of James Prescott Joule," The Journal of Science Education, Vol.52 No.1(March 2010), No.649): 100-103.
  7. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "Strength of Material and Hook's Law" TPM Age ,Vol. 21,No. 10(2009):28-29.
  8. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "Horse Power" TPM Age (TPM is Total Productive Maintenance) Vol.21 No.4 (2009): 28-29.
  9. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "Biography of Thomas Alba Edison," The Journal of Science Education, Vol.52 No.1 (January 2008, No, 649): 100-103.
  10. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "Vacuum," TPM Age Vol.20 No.9 (2008): 24-25.
  11. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "The Law of Conservation of Energy," TPM Age Vol.20 No.9 (2008): 24-25.
  12. KOBAYASHI Manabu,"Biography of John Smeaton," Material Technology Vol.26, No.3. (May/June, 2008): 137-140.
  13. Manabu KOBAYAHI, "Biography of James Watt," The Journal of Science Education Vol.50 No.12(December 2007, No,636): 98-101.
  14. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "From Bernoulli's Theorem to a Theory of the Steam Engine," SIMOT Pre-Doctoral Interim Report, The Science of Institutional Management of Technology Research Center: SIMOT REC, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Vol.2 No.2(October 20th, 2006): 6-16.
  15. KOBAYASHI, Manabu, "A Study of the Development of the High Pressure Steam Engine in the 19th Century," TITech Studies in Science, Technology and Culture, No.10. (2007): 106-124.Brand NEW
  16. KOBAYASHI Manabu, "Biography of Sir Henry Bessemer," Material Technology, Vol.24,No.5(2006,9-10): 271-274.Brand NEW
  17. Kobayashi, Manabu, "Retelling of the Story of the Steam Marine Boiler," Kagakusi kenkyu (Journal of History of Science, Japan) Vol.44. No.226. (2006): 122-124.
  18. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "On the popularization of thermodynamics among British engineers in the 19th century," SIMOT Pre-Doctoral Interim Report, The Science of Institutional Management of Technology Research Center: SIMOT REC, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Vol.2 No.1 (Spring, 2006): 1-4.
  19. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "On the improvement of steam pressure by using steel boilers," SIMOT Per-Doctoral Interim Report, The Science of Institutional Management of Technology Research Center: SIMOT REC, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Vol.1 (Fall, 2005): 19-22.
  20. KOBAYASHI Manabu, "Education of Historians of Science and Technology at Tokyo Institute of Technology," 'SYMPOSIUM: How Should Historians of Science Be Trained? Graduate Education in the History of Science in the History of Science and Technology in Japan,' Kagakusi kenkyu (Journal of History of Science, Japan) Vol.43.No.231. (2004): 174-176.
  21. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "On the Relationship between Material Technology and Steam Boiler Development," Kouzan kinzoku bunka, No.2. (2003):7-11.
  22. KOBAYASHI Manabu, "Jyoukikikan you boira no hattatsu to zairyo gijutsu no kankei nitsuite, (On the Relationship between Material Technology and Steam Boiler Development)," as an Abstract of master thesis, TITech Studies in Science, Technology and Culture, No.4. (2001): 90-97.

○Presentations: (in English)

  1. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "Davies Gilbert’s theory of heat and steam: the diffusion of scientific knowledge among scientists and engineers," 24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Manchester, UK, Mon 22 July 2013(Sunday 21 - Sunday 28 July 2013) (An abstrcat was peer-reviewed)
  2. Manabu KOBAYASHI, " Caloric Theory and Watt's Law: High Hopes for the High Pressure Steam Engine in the Early 19th Century," XXIII International Congress of History of Science and Technology, Budapest, Hungary, 1 August 2009 (28 July - 2 August 2009)(An abstrcat was peer-reviewed)
  3. Manabu Kobayashi, "SIMOT course and its contribution to my study," Second Annual International Symposium on the Science of Institutional Management of Technology: SIMOT, 'Brown Bag Session: Evolution of the Education of the SIMOT,' Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo JAPAN, Feb. 27th, 2006.(without peer review)
  4. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "Retelling of the Story of the Steam Marine Boiler," XXII International Congress of History of Science, Beijing, China, July, 2005. (with peer review)

○Presentation: (in Japanese)

  1. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "Davies Gilbert’s Theory of Heat and Steam: The Diffusion of Scientific Knowledge among Scientists and Engineers," 60th Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society of Japan, College of Commerce, Nihon University, Tokyo, May 26 2013.
  2. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "On Heat Theories of Cornish Engineers and the Kinetic Theory of Heat," 59th Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society of Japan, Mie University, Mie, May 26 2012.
  3. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "On the Material Basis of "The Theory of the Steam Engine" until mid-19th Century," May 26, 2011, Komaba I Campus,The University of Tokyo, Symposium of 58th Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society of Japan
  4. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "Davies Gilbert and Cornish Engineers: Importance of Communication between Engineers and Scientists on Power Technology," Symposium of 57th Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society of Japan
  5. "Caloric Theory and Watt's Law: High Hopes for the High Pressure Steam Engine in the Early 19th Century," 56th Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society of Japan, University of Kyusyu, Fukuoka, May 23rd 2009.
  6. Manabu KOBAYASHI, "On the Improvement of thermal efficiency of marine steam engines by using steel boilers," Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society of Japan, Hokkaido, Sapporo, June 2005.
  7. KOBAYASHI Manabu, "Relationship between the Development of Marine Steam Engines and Marine Steam Boilers.: From box boiler to cylindrical boiler in the middle of the 19th century," Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society of Japan, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama, May 2004.
  8. KOBAYASHI Manabu, "A study on the relationship between material technology and steam boiler development," Summer Seminar, Division for History of Technology, The History of Science Society of Japan, Meiji University, Surugadai, Sep 2002.
  9. KOBAYASHI Manabu, "A study on the relationship between material technology and steam boiler development," The Regular meeting of the sectional meeting of History of mine and metal(KouzanKinzokubunkakai Reikai), Japan Industrial Archaeology Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama, March 2000.
  10. KOBAYASHI Manabu, "Education of Historians of Science and Technology at Tokyo Institute of Technology," Symposium "How Should Historians of Science Be Trained? Graduate Education in the History of Science in the History of Science and Technology in Japan". Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society of Japan, Tokyo Institute of Technology, May 2004. (participated as a panelist and presenter.)


  1. (共訳)橋本毅彦,梶雅範,廣野喜幸監訳『科学大博物館―装置・器具の歴史事典』朝倉書店,2005年.
    原著:Editors, Robert Bud, Deborah Jean Warner, Instruments of Science: An Historical Encyclopedia (New York & London: Taylor & Francis Group, 1998)
    担当項目:「カメラ」(小林 学訳)pp116-118,「双眼鏡」(小林 学・橋本毅彦訳)pp396-398, 「走査超音波顕微鏡」(小林 学訳)pp403-406,「偏光解析装置」(小林 学訳)pp675-677,「偏光計」(小林 学・橋本毅彦訳)pp677-680.


  1. Kakenhi, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (No. 21700840), The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT) Title: "On the Popularization of Theory of heat among Engineers and Application to the Steam Engiene in the 19th Century," (April 2009- March 2013)

○Professional Memberships/ Affiliations:

  1. The British Society for the History of Science
  2. The Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of Engineering and Technology
  3. The History of Science Society of Japan.
    Committee member (May 23, 2009- May 2011, May 2013- now)
    Editor of Journal of History of Science, JAPAN (June 15, 2008- now)
    Election Administration (May 25, 2002- June 7, 2003)
  4. Division for History of Technology, The History of Science Society of Japan.

If you have any interest in my career, please contact me via .

First uploaded: Sep. 3rd, 2007
Last updated: 20th September, 2014