In general, for surgical diseases, if we can, perform surgery as much as possible .
Among them, we will introduce a therapy that was particularly effective by using other treatments in combination.

Ÿ FracturesyRegenerative medicine/Stem cell transplantationz

@If there is little bone misalignment, bone fracture can be fixed externally,
@Surgery is performed if the displacement is severe.
@But especially,

EComplex fracture
ESlow healing
EChild with low bone density

By doing stem cell transplant of regenerative medicine,
It promotes repair of damaged tissues and bones and regeneration of nerve cells improving the postoperative course.

Ÿ Tumor removalyregenerative medicine/dendritic cell therapy +activated lymphocyte therapy z

There are various tumor treatments methodssuch as surgery and administration of anticancer drugs.
Dendritic cell therapy is performed using the removed tumor when it is malignant after surgical removal.
This has the effect of teaching cancer cells to the lymphocytes and increasing the aggressiveness of the lymphocytes.

At the same time, culturing lymphocytes in the collected blood to return highly aggressive lymphocytes to the body and performing activated lymphocyte therapy can be expected to be even more effective.

Some owners operate at other hospitals and, wishes to have regenerative medicine only at our hospital.
In that case, regenerative medicine can be performed if you can bring a part of the removed tumor soaked in 10% formalin.

Ÿ Widespread traumayapplication of herbal medicinesz

I usually do surgery, for children who cannot or cannot be given general anesthesia, applying an herbal external medicine will repair the wound in about half the time when using regular external medicine.