If you have big antennas and loud linear amplifiers it would be so nice! and make it easy to take a contact with distant ham radio stations. But you have a little station and you can make communications with DX stations in other manners. Just drop in to it. Will introduce my experience when I visited a small island, Capri, near Naples, Italy. It was just a sight seeing trip with my wife to Italy. Capri is well known for its beautiful scenery and 'Grota Azura' is one of them, which would be a best place to go when you are a tourist around nearby Italian city. More information should be shown on other web page and so on.
I just found some antennas which looked like amateur radio when staying there and it was so. I called on the ham, Luca, who had very nice shack under groundfloor and big antennas for HF bands. We had a ham talk and enjoyed a visit for a while. It was in 1997.

us in Luca's shack


1998, there was the winter game of olympics in Nagano. I joined a team of managing the specail ham radio station, which had been carried in 1997, as 8J0OGN, in 1998 as 8N0WOG. A ham in US just found my web page on which I kept the schedules of those staitions. Larry gave me an email and told me that he worked for a broadcasting company and would visit Nagano and work for the games. That amazed me a lot. He loves DX and IOTA, and friends in the world. I remember that I excitedly got a call from him when got to Japan and met in front of the special staion's shack , its picture shown below. Went around and drop in to some DX stations in the city and sometimes take a suchi lunch together when he was off and while my lunch time at my work. I went and watch ice hocky games that he gave me a ticket for that. A few years later I was on my business trip to US we met again on the phone call. It was also very exciting days and good memory.

antenna of 8N0WOG many operators visited

長野オリンピックが1998年に開催されましたが、当時長野では それに向けた特別記念局が運用されていました。その管理団体に私も参加させて いただきましたが、コールサインは1年間の事前運用局8J0OGN、本大会向けの記念コールが 8N0WOGでした。ホームページでその運用スケジュールをしばらくの間公開していましたが、 それをたまたま見つけたアメリカのハムがおられました。聞いてみたら彼は放送関係の仕事で オリンピックのため長野に訪れるとのこと。記念局の設置場所で彼とお会いしました。 その後市内のDXをやっている無線局を訪れたりランチをともにしたりしました。その数年後 アメリカを私が訪れたときに再会はできませんでしたが電話で彼と話しました。 以上は大変思い出に残っている出来事です。


Copyright(C) 2004 Kabe Mitsuru, All rights reserved.