




(1) 米国では大学教育はwokenessと呼ばれる思想を共有する卒業生[quasi-Marxist(corporate-socialist)]を輩出するための教育機関と化している。

(2) 卒業生は政府機関/大会社に雇用され、平均的国民と比べて富裕階層に組み込まれていく。 一方、馬鹿高い(日本の大学の授業料の比ではない金額)授業料を払えるのはもともと富裕層の子弟だけであり、苦学生は卒業後も非常に高い学生ローンを払い続けるので、富裕層に仲間入りすることは難しい。この構造は貧富の格差の拡大と定着に結びつく。 「学びたくても学べない」子供たちを貧困層に追いやり、富裕層の人たちはより豊かになるという社会構造((1)のquasi-Marxism(corporate-socialism)による貧困層の愚民化)を作り出す。すなわち、現在の高等教育機関はGAFAをはじめとする大企業が儲かり続けるための社員教育を行ない、社会構造を富裕者に有利な方向で固定化する。

高等教育機関の状況は日本や英国も同じであり、もはや「学びたい子供たち」をまっとうな大人に育て上げ、夢を追いかけることのできる時代は終わりを告げようとしているように思われる。もはや大学は「real thinker」を育成できる機関ではないし、高等学校以下の教育機関も教職員組合に牛耳られて「歪んだ思想を植え付けるための組織」と化している。米国では各州の教育機関が教職員組合に牛耳られ左翼教育の場になっていることは周知の事実である。








Scholars Line Up to Join Anti-‘Woke’ Online Education Platform

BY PETR SVAB, the Epoch Times


May 10, 2021 Updated: May 10, 2021



Hundreds of scholars, including some distinguished figures, have applied for positions at an online education startup that promises explicitly non-“woke” instruction in a number of academic disciplines.

Named “American Scholars,” the project was started several months ago by Matthew Pohl, former University of Pennsylvania admissions officer. As soon as word got out, résumés started to stream in from academics offering their participation, its leaders said.

Pohl described the project as the fruit of his gradual disillusionment with his career in the academic world, where he drove admissions at several prestigious universities. He noticed that with regard to education, most students weren’t getting their money’s worth, attributing that to the “administrative bloat” of establishment colleges, as well as the spread of quasi-Marxist ideologies that have come to be collectively known as “wokeness.”  (Underlined by HDT)

He intends the project as an antidote to both. The interactive format of part-lecture, part-documentary video with quizzes, and feedback sessions will aspire to demonstrate that quality learning can be furnished at a fraction of the cost of a modern-day college. Meanwhile, the content itself will be rooted in traditional American values, in sharp contrast to the ideologies currently dominating most universities that promote hostility toward such values.

“There is a massive and unrecognized demand for actual professors, business leaders, real thinkers whom regular people can associate with and learn from to better understand how they can live better lives through the Constitution and through conservative values,” Pohl told The Epoch Times, later adding that the guiding principles of the project could be more accurately described as “classical liberalism.”

“We actually expect a significant number of people who do not identify as conservative to join us—simply because they agree with our values,” he said in an email.

For the role of chief academic officer, who is responsible for the scholarly grade of the content, Pohl tapped Michael Rectenwald, a retired liberal studies professor at New York University.

Having given up his communist beliefs, Rectenwald left his job after he irked colleagues by criticizing the woke ideology. He went on to become an authority on corporate socialism, a convergence of government and business interest in establishing a novel form of totalitarian, socialist rule. He’s authored several books on the topic, including “Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom,” which warns against the rising power and ambitions of gigantic digital companies.

American Scholars will offer modules taught by bona fide academics on history, the Constitution, the natural sciences, math, writing, business, economics and personal finance, ideological studies, literature, technology science, law, and religious studies, Rectenwald said.

He’s already received applications from several hundred scholars, including some prominent names, from which he’ll be soon picking the first 10 instructors.

“We even have chairs of departments interested in working for us,” he said.

Rectenwald shared with The Epoch Times a sample of the applicants’ names under the condition that they won’t be released for now, as none of them has yet been selected for any of the positions. In addition, Rectenwald has his own list of “top-notch talent” he’ll ask to come onboard.

“It’s going to be something where they’re able to deliver content in the way they want to, without the pressures that are being exerted on them in the university system to accommodate various ideologies like critical race theoryand socialism and postmodernism and so forth,” he said, adding that such ideologies also will be taught, but from a critical standpoint.

The first offerings, planned to start in the fall, will focus on history, the Constitution, economics, and personal finance, he said.

The material will be suited for homeschoolers, college prep, as well as adult learning.

The project doesn’t seek to be accredited as an actual university, but rather to equip its alumni with the knowledge to “push back against some of the pernicious ideologies that are being purveyed in the system,” Rectenwald said.

“We’ve got to be frank. We’re in the midst of a major culture war.”

The content range, as well as the format of the platform, was selected based on a series of focus group polls of a total of about 1,000 families, Pohl said. Personal finance, for example, stood out as both an acute interest of the poll respondents as well as a blind spot of the current university system, where students often sign up for massive debt with little to no calculation of return on investment that would allow them to make such decisions adeptly, according to Pohl.

Development of the online platform is run by an expert who for now requires anonymity, due to his involvement with Big Tech, Pohl said.

So far, the project is self-funded with some offers coming in from investors, he said. He plans a subscription model starting at $19 a month and scaling up to about $39 a month for premium access.

American Scholars fits into a growing selection of education platforms that approach their material from a more traditional standpoint. The conservative Hillsdale College offers free courses on a variety of politically relevant subjects, while PragerU recently began offering an online education portal for K–12 students.








