& Publications



Mamuda Cicada and Bear My King My King Laughing Stars Manju

 Poem introducing the adventure of Mamuda, the Island of the Gods

Translated by G.L. Slembrouck and Nobuko Ezoe

How noble the mountain gods are,
How noble the sea of Mamuda is.
How... It never ends.
I hear voices from ancient times.
Voices of beings who disappeared.
From the bottom of the sea and those buried under the soil.
Leaving longing and moaning in the winds of Mamuda.
Buried spirits in the deep of a well,
Leaving their memories of years not in vain at the trunk of many a great tree.
When shellfish blinks at dawn, and when souls are brought back to life, there is a ship,
using starlight as a guide, and there is a crossing over the dark-small wave.
Reflecting the mountains of the southern island in the pupil of the eyes,
Look for white flowers, put the ship forward onto the pale green sea.
The sea breeze whispers in a pleasant melody.
Incoming waves tap the sides of the ship.
The bow divides the surface side to side.

copyright CML-AS


an Mamuda poem
 in Japanese

Read the poem in the original language, click above



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