商品番号 J-1714 お問い合わせ・ご注文 露蘭堂

Asiatic Society of Japan. Transactions. 1909-1910.

A Journal of the Perry Expedition to Japan. By Samuel Wells Wiiliams.

Transations of the Asiatic Society of Japan. 1909 - 1910, Vol. 37. The Asiatic Society of Japan. London.

Contents include: Society Catalog of subjects; Catalog of authors; Transcripts of

presentations, "The dog and cat in Japanese superstition. By Dr. M.W. de Fisser", "The

Active volcanoes in Japan. By E. Bruce Mitford, F.R.G.S.", "The study of things

Japanses: scope, aims and methods. By Prof. Arthur Lloyd." , "Reflections on Some

European Palaeoliths and Japanese survivals. By Gordon Munro, M.D.", "A Journal of

the Perry Expedition to Japan (1853-1854) by S. Wells Williams. First Interpreter of the

Expedition. Ed. By his son F.W. Williams" (259 pages) " On Japanese Chronology and

Calenders", "Chronological tables", "List of Shogun", "Index of Japanese Nengo", "Index

of Chinese kings, emperors" "Index of Korean kings", etc. 36pp. + 159pp. + 263pp. + 303pp.

日本アジア協会紀要 1909年〜1910年

サミュエル・ウィリアムズ 「1853〜1854年ペリー日本遠征随行記」

Z.P. Maruya, Tokyo 1909-1910 全761頁(36+159+263+303頁)

半革・クロスボード (21.5 x 15cm) 背革に擦れ(背文字は明瞭)角に擦れ ¥75,000





