商品番号 J-1627 お問い合わせ・ご注文 露蘭堂

Quarterly Review. Vol. 107 pp. 85-118. Jan. 1860.

China and the War.

Quarterly Review. Vol. 107 pp. 85-118. January & April 1860. London, John Murray.

Art. III. - 1. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan in the years

1857, '58, '59. by Laurence Oliphant, Private Secretary to Lord Elgin. 2 vols. 1859. 2.

The Chinese and their Rebellions. By Thomas T. Meadows. London, 1856. 3.

Translations of Chinese Papers, &c. by Tohomas Wade, Chinese Secretary of

Embassy. 4. China: a General Description of that Empire and its Inhabitants, with the

History of Foreign Intercourse down to the Events which produced the Dissolution of

1857. by Sir John F. Davis, Bart., late H.M.Minster Plenipotentiary in China. New

Edition,, revised and enlarged. Woodcuts. 2 vols.

クォータリー・レヴュー誌 論評(1860年)


ロンドン 1860年 

オリジナル版(抜き刷り 全34頁) 現代のペーパーカバー  ¥7,000


Quarterly Review 1860年1月号の、中国に関する諸文献:ローレンス・オリファント著




