商品番号 J-1626 お問い合わせ・ご注文 露蘭堂

Morison, J.L.

The Eighth Earl of Elgin. A Chapter in Nineteenth-Century

The Eighth Earl of Elgin. A Chapter in Nineteenth-Century Imperial History. By J. L.

Morison, D. Litt. Professor of Modern History in Armstrong Cvollegge, the University

of Durham; Author of "British Supremacy and Canadian Self-Government, 1839-54.".

London, Hodder and Stoughton, Ltd. 1928. 318pp., color frontispiece "James Bruce,

Earl of Elgin and Kincaardine, K.T.", 7 full-page illustrations (including 2 color plates

of "Signing of Treaty between Great Britain and China at Tientsin, 26 June, 1858" &

"Exchange of Powers between Great Britain and Japan, 1858". Publishers' cloth with

dust jacket.


第八代エルギン伯爵 - 19世紀大英帝国の歴史の一章

ロンドン 1928年刊

出版社のクロス(ダストカバー付 23 x 15cm) ¥17,000


父親の第七代エルギン伯爵の後を継ぎ、外交官の道を歩む。1841年下院議 員



争、天津 条約の締結、その批准の合間に行った日本への使節と言えるイギリスのインド、東ア
