商品番号 J-1631 お問い合わせ・ご注文 露蘭堂

Edinburgh Review. Vol. 122. July 1865 & October 1865.

China and Japan.

Edinburgh Review. Vol. 122. July 1865 & October 1865. Longmans, Green, Reader,

and Dyer, London, Adam and Charles Black, Edinburgh, 1865. 607pp. Half leather,

marble board. No. 249 Art. VII : China and Japan. (pp. 175-202) 1. Correspondence

relating to the Affairs of China, 1862-64. 2. Correspondence respecting Affair in Japan,

1865. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, 1865. 3.

The Siberian Overland Route. By Alexander Michie. 1865. 4. Report on Railroads in

China. By Sir Macdonald Stephenson. 5. Our Interest in China. By Horatio W. Lay,

C.B., late Inspector-General of Chinese Customs.

エディンバラ・レヴュー誌 第122巻 1865年

中国と日本 (英国両院議会提出往復書簡など)

ロンドン・エディンバラ 1865年刊

背革、マーブルボード装(21.5 x 14cm保存状態不良)  ¥9,700

見返しにBath Public Reference Library の蔵書票 

