商品番号 J-1448 お問い合わせ・ご注文

Statler, Oliver

The Black Ship Scroll: An account of the Perry Expedition at Shimoda in

1854 and the Lively Beginnings of People-to-People Relations Between Japan

and America, based on contemporary records, with translations by Richard

Lane, Ph.D. and scroll paintings in full color by an Anonymous Japanese

Eyewitness. By Oliver Statler. A Weathermark Edition privately printed for the

Japan Societies of San Francisco & New York. 1963. 80pp. Publishers'

hardcover with dustjacket.


「黒船絵巻」 ペリー遠征の記録

サンフランシスコ 1963年刊

出版社のハードカバー (ダストジャケット 26x13.5cm)          ¥8,700
