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This piece requires a small isolated dim dark room (about 5m X 5m) and a narrow corridor leading into the square shaped small space. The space floor is entirely covered with luminous sheet. At the entrance, the viewers are asked to change their shoes to the special sandals that have LED and Lithium batteries built in. However, the LED and the Lithium battery are so small that viewers do not realize that the each sandal has a light in the sole and switches on as they walk. Wearing these sandals, walking on the luminous floor, viewers leave their footsteps clearly wherever they walk. When they first walk in to the space, they do not see anything but dim dark empty room. They walk into the space through the corridor while they wonder if there is something to see. Since the space is empty, they get confused and turn around to exit. This is the moment when they find out that they are leaving the footsteps clearly on the luminous floor. Soon, they start walking around enjoying seeing their footstep patterns on the floor. The luminous sheet can radiate greenish light for a few minutes as gradually fading away. The weak light and strong light effect that occurs according to the time difference of fading process gives very much depth to the flat floor and it looks as if you are floating in a galaxy. With this piece, viewers can feel that they are proactively working on to this piece. The movement of the viewers fills up the space with their own footmarks, although the space looked empty at first.
In this empty space, viewers firstly feel they get lost as they do not have anything to see, and when they do not have anything to see it is difficult to feel their own existence. After they realize the footstep marks, they feel their own existence very clearly and strongly, as these marks were made by themselves. This strong and dramatic inverse of the onefs entity sense in the cosmic effect space leads them to think of their position in this entire world.
Note: Since this piece requires the emptiness, we have only made 3 pairs of sandals in order to control the number of viewers being in the space at once.
Technical requirements for presentation of project
Lithium batteries power the LEDs, which is built in the special sandals described above. Staffs need to be educated by the artists how to change the batteries and maintain the piece.
The required materials for this piece are as follow: (all of them can be shipped from Japan) *Special Sandals *Lithium Batteries *Luminous sheet
The required space structure for this piece:
A small room (5m X 5m) with a short corridor leading to the space. (No windows with white walls.) Some place for viewers to change from their shoes to sandals. (Perhaps chairs and shoe boxes necessary.)
¥illustration of the work
¥QuickTime MOVIE Image/1 (3679k)
¥QuickTime MOVIE Image/2 (3330k)
¥QuickTime MOVIE Image/3 (7550k)
