Old News

ere you will find the old news that we have archived to shorten load times for current news.

Be sure to visit the new Events Calendar page and the newly revamped Town Cryer!
新しいイベントカレンダーページと新たに手直しされたTown Cryerを訪問してください!
Old News
September 29th, 1998


As you may know, the Dev Team plans to put house ownership in place sometime in the near future. We are however seeking lots of player input on the issues surrounding this--to this end, a player has kindly created a discussion board which the Dev team will be reading regularly. If you're interested in this issue, please stop by and take a look!

September 28th, 1998


Because of the success with the Asuka world, we are prepared to open the Yamato world to the public. We are going to be monitoring Yamato for server load and stability over the next few days, just as we are doing with the Asuka world. As with the Asuka world, if we notice problems in the server itself, which is unlikely, we may need to bring it down and even do a wipe within the first week. We do not expect this will be necessary but we wanted to communicate to each player our commitment to bringing up a good clean world. We look forward to seeing you in Yamato, which should be available immediately.
Asuka世界が成功したため、我々はYamato世界を開く用意 ができています。Asuka世界に関して行っている事と同様、Yamatoのサーバー負荷 と安定性を数日間監視する予定です。Asuka世界と同じように、我々がサーバー自 身の問題に気付いたり、ありそうもない事ですが、ダウンさせたり最初の1週間で 抹消する必要があるかもしれません。我々は抹消が必要にはならない事を予想し ていますが、良いきれいな世界を各プレーヤーに提供することを望んでいます。 我々はもうすぐ利用可能なYamatoで皆さんに会うことを楽しみにしています。


Tonight's introduction of the Asuka world is an exciting time for Origin. The introduction of a new world is always something we look forward to and we hope that the players feel the same way. Origin understands that commiting to a new server means you want to have time for your character to grow and that the wiping of character data after every two days can prevent commitment to a new server. This is why we are bringing Asuka up as a public server in a Post-Beta fashion. Over the course of the next few days, we will be monitoring Asuka for server load and stability. We feel that Asuka is going to be very stable, but we need to be sure. Should everything go well with Asuka, we will continue to have it up and it will take on the status of a normal world with all created characters able to remain on the server. In the unlikely event that we notice problems in the server itself, we may need to bring it down and even do a wipe within the first week. We do not expect this will be necessary but we wanted to communicate to each player our commitment to bringing up a good clean world. We look forward to seeing you in Asuka at 5:00am CST or 7:00pm JST Monday September 28.
今晩の、Asuka世界の導入はオリジンにとってエキサイティングな時間です。新しい世界の導入は我々にとって常に楽しみとなっており、プレーヤーのみなさんにも同様に感じてもらいたいと望んでいます。新しいサーバーに身を任せるということは、キャラクターを成長させる時間に期待するということであり、2日ごとにキャラクターデータが抹消されてしまっては、新しいサーバーへの期待を裏切ることになるとオリジンは理解しています。これが我々が「Post-Beta」方式による公式サーバーとしてAsukaを導入しいる理由です。ここ数日の予定として、我々はサーバー負荷と安定性についてAsukaを監視します。我々はAsukaが非常に安定していると感じますが、確証を得る必要があります。Asukaがうまくいけば、これをアップさせたままにし、サーバー上に残すことが可能なすべての作成されたキャラクターとともに標準的な世界の状態にします。我々の気付かないサーバー自身の問題により、ダウンさせる必要があるかもしれず、最初の1週間で抹消する必要があるかもしれません。我々は抹消が必要にはならない事を予想していますが、良いきれいな世界を各プレーヤーに提供することを望んでいます。我々は9月28日月曜日の5:00am CSTあるいは7:00JSTにAsukaで皆さんに会うことを楽しみにしています。

September 25th, 1998


Happy birthday, Ultima Online!
お誕生日おめでとう、Ultima Online !

Today marks one year since UO opened its doors to the public. Since that time, tens of thousands of people have established lives in our virtual world. They have had joys and sorrows, they have had great highs and great lows. Above all, we have all been participating in an adventure together.

At times like these, we tend to think back on those friends we have, and those who have moved on nd are no longer with us. But let us offer a toast, not to absent friends, but to the memories, and to the memories we will build together in days yet to come. There is a rich history already behind us--and history ahead, for us to build together. You the players are the foundation of this history, the building blocks.

A quick glance over the last year of UO will reveal many names who have played a prominent role in UO, and to try to name them all would be futile. One thinks of people who have run, organized, or taken part in taverns, cities, comic strips, websites, chat boards, regular luncheons, fight nights, markets, balls, dungeon crawls, weddings, funerals, memorials, open mike nights, poetry readings, auctions, chess tournaments--and the glory of UO is that there are too many names to mention. Thanks to you all for helping make UO the most vibrant online world ever created.

Let the revels begin! And don't stint on the celebrations--you are really celebrating yourselves.

Details on the new update coming up have been posted to the Update Info page, along with something we hope to make a new practice: credit given to some of the people whose requests and suggestions made it into the update.

September 24th, 1998


Test Center has been updated with the latest update. Details will be posted on the Update Info page soon.

September 21th, 1998


The next UO House of Commons Open House chat between the players and creators of UO is scheduled for next Thursday September 24, at 7 PM CT (5 PM PT, 8 PM ET). The chat will be available to you at #uohoc on Stratics IRC, on one of three networked servers:
プレーヤーとUOクリエイター間の次のUO House of Commons Open Houseチャットは、9月24日木曜日午後7時CT(午後5時PT、午後8時ET)(日本時間9月25日金曜日午前9時)に予定されています。チャットはStratics IRC上の#uohocにおいて、ネットワークで結ばれた3つ1組のサーバー上でみなさんが行えるようになっています:

  • irc.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc2.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc3.stratics.com, port 6667

This week's topic is "House ownership". Be sure to phrase your questions accordingly. If you are new to IRC, please visit Stratics IRC for an online tutorial and instructions for connecting to the IRC server.
今週のトピックは「家の所有権」です。それ相応の質問を述べるようにしてください。もしあなたがIRCの新参者ならば、IRCサーバーに接続することに対するオンラインチュートリアルと命令のためにStratics IRCを訪問してください。

September 18th, 1998



How using an "unsupported" third party program could get you banned from UO.

Many people have asked if the programs they are running with UO will get them banned. This is not a easy question to answer because we do not know what all the features of all the programs do. What we can say is that we do not currently "support" any third party programs. Running these programs will get you banned if they allow you to "cheat" or "bypass" systems in UO. Cheating is cheating with or without a 3rd party program. If you are worried about being banned for running these programs ask yourself this question: If I was not running this program at the same time as UO could I still do what the program allows me to do? Examples of where these programs become cheats are, if a program allows you to see everyone on the screen that is hidden, which can you not do without the program, you are cheating. If a program allows you to attack someone who is not even on your screen, which you can not do without the program, you are cheating. Examples of programs that do not constitute cheating are IRC clients, email clients, web browsers, and other similar programs that do not directly interact with UO.

Please remember this policy is only directed at people who are cheating. We understand that many of the programs out there do some very handy things when run with UO. Unfortunately, many of these same programs allow players to cheat which we will not allow. So remember, if you are caught cheating with or without a third party program, your account will be closed.

To recap, the use of any third party program, which directly interacts with Ultima Online and allows you to perform acts not possible while playing the game as it was designed, will result in the termination of your account. If you are unsure if the program you are running does this, do not run it!
要約すると、設計されたゲームのプレイでは起こり得ない能力を発揮することを許し、直接Ultima Onlineと相互に作するサードパーティープログラムを使用すると、アカウントの終了となります。 走らせているプログラムがどうなのかよく分からなければ、それを走らせないでください!

Thank you,
The Ultima Online Support Team

September 17th, 1998


The Events Calendar is once again live and being regularly updated! So send in your player-run events to events@owo.com for inclusion in the calendar.
Events Calendarがまた復活しました。そして規則的に更新します!カレンダーに追加するためには、events@owo.comに皆さんのプレーヤー運営イベントを送ってください。

September 16th, 1998



Everything in the patch appears to be running smoothly. We do need to take Chesapeake and Lake Superior back down for some internal tweaking. They will probably be down for a few hours. We apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience.
パッチはすべて順調に行っているようです。ChesapeakeとLake Superiorは若干の内部調整のため、ダウンする必要があります。恐らく数時間ダウンするでしょう。我々は遅れを謝ります。そしてみなさんの辛抱強さに感謝します。


Great Lakes checks out and the next two worlds to startup will be Atlantic and Lake Superior. These worlds should be active in the next few hours.
Great Lakesは完了しました。次の2つはAtlanticとLake Superiorです。これらの世界は数時間後に使用可能になります。

After examining those worlds, the remainder of the worlds will be brought back online. Thank you again for your patience during this patch publish. We hope to have all worlds active and online in the next few hours.


The patch is almost ready to be put on all the worlds. We will be bringing down all shards and putting Great Lakes up with the patch. We will be monitoring Great Lakes and then we will bring all other worlds back up with the new patch after a short period of time. Thanks again for your patience.
すべての世界にパッチを投入する準備がほとんど完了しました。我々はすべてのサーバをダウンさせ、Great Lakesを立ち上げます。 Great Lakesをモニターし、少し時間を置いて新しいパッチを他の世界に投入します。再び皆さんの辛抱強さに感謝します。

The patch servers will be extremely overstressed for awhile, so we would recommend giving the game a few hours before attempting to re-login to any world other than Great Lakes. All other worlds will be unavailable for play for a few hours while they are being patched.
パッチサーバーはしばらくの間非常な過負荷状態となりるため、Great Lakes以外の世界に再ログインする前に数時間置くことをお勧めします。他のすべての世界は、パッチを当てている間の数時間、プレイ不可能となります。

September 15th, 1998


The new update is now on the Test Center for final "spit and polish" testing! It should get published to the public very soon.

September 14th, 1998


Napa Valley should be available again soon.
Napa Valleyは間もなく再び利用可能となります。

September 13th, 1998


Problems with the registration databse are casuing registration operations to fail. The registration pages will be closed for a few hours while the problem is corrected.

September 11th, 1998


New items have been added to the Test Center, thanks to input from the Test Center regulars over at the Gate Traveler, Marduk's UO Bug Base and Goldcard's Test Center Bug List. Many thanks to those players who offered their help in testing! You can check the list of the new changes on the Update Info page.
テストセンター上に新しい項目が加わりました。テストセンターをレギュラーとする、Gate Traveler、MardukのUO Bug Base、GoldcardのTest Center Bug Listに感謝します。テストの手助けをしてくれた、これらのプレーヤーには本当に感謝しています!アップデートインフォメーションページで新しい変更のリストをチェックすることができます。

September 10th, 1998


We'd like to thank ECTS '98 and LOGiN for naming Ultima Online Game of the Year - Japan in the ECTS Interactive Entertainment Awards.
ECTS Interactive Entertainment Awardsにおいて、Ultima OnlineをGame of thr Year - Japanとして選出していただいたことに対し、ECTS '98とLOGiN誌に感謝します。


The next UO House of Commons Open House chat between the players and creators of UO is scheduled for Thursday September 10, at 7 PM CT (5 PM PT, 8 PM ET). The chat will be available to you at #uohoc on Stratics IRC, on one of three networked servers:
プレーヤーとUOクリエイター間の次のUO House of Commons Open Houseチャットは、9月10日木曜日午後7時CST(午後5時PT、午後8時ET)(日本時間9月11日金曜日午前9時)に予定されています。チャットはStratics IRC上の#uohocにおいて、ネットワークで結ばれた3つ1組のサーバー上でみなさんが行えるようになっています:

  • irc.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc2.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc3.stratics.com, port 6667

This week's topic is (again) "Proposed Changes to UO". Be sure to phrase your questions accordingly. If you are new to IRC, please visit Stratics IRC for an online tutorial and instructions for connecting to the IRC server.
今週のトピックは(再び)「UOに対する変更の提案」です。それ相応の質問を述べるようにしてください。もしあなたがIRCの新参者ならば、IRCサーバーに接続することに対するオンラインチュートリアルと命令のためにStratics IRCを訪問してください。


For those players who are not participants in the beta for The Second Age, we invite you to visit the Beta Test website. There is a section there called "Beta Stories" featuring tales of adventure in the new lands.
The Second Ageのベータ関係者ではないプレーヤーにも、我々はベータテストウェブサイトへの訪問をお勧めします。新しい国の冒険物語を呼び物にした「ベータストーリー」と呼ばれるセクションがそこにあります。

September 9th, 1998


We are investigating the stability issues with Napa Valley and hope to have details as to what is occurring soon.
我々は、Napa Valleyに起こっている安定性問題を調査しており、何が起こっているか詳細が得られることを希望しています。

September 8th, 1998


The Update Info page has been updated with details of the mini-update that went in this weekend.


It has come to our attention that some of the information about the Stacking change was a bit vague. We would like to clarify and correct a couple of issues:

1. The stacking change will not affect containers. The previous statement was incorrect. The Stacking change will only affect stacks that are not held in containers, which include Backpacks, chests, Bank Boxes, bags, etc. However, the container itself does count if it is sitting on the ground or in your house.

2. If your character logs into the game on a stack of items, and the stack with your character exceeds the stack limit, then the items will be deleted until the stack complies with the changes. Your character will not be deleted.

3. Each ICON is considered a single item, so a single stack of items is considered one item regardless of how much is in the group. For instance, whether the pile of gold consists of 1000 gold pieces or 60,000, it is still considered only one item.

We hope that this answers some of your questions, and we will continue to clarify the Stacking changes as needed.

Thank You
Ultima Online Team


This is a reminder about the stacking changes contained in the next update:

The next update will contain some height fixes that will affect your items. You need to make sure you do not have more than twelve (12) items in any one location. This includes your house, your bank box, your back pack, the hold of your ship, and anywhere else you keep items. Items stacked higher than twelve have a very good chance of being deleted as they will violate the new limit.

Make sure that you do not log off standing on any of these stacks as you may be counted towards the height limit!

Some items like chairs and tables are larger (and therefore have an increased height) and can have fewer things above or below them. For Example: A table counts around four or so and the box that is resting on the table makes the height five, and the chest put under the table makes it seven. You should use your common sense when dealing with furniture and items resting on them and sitting below them.
椅子とテーブルのような若干のアイテムは大きくなり、(高さが増える)上や下に物を置けます。例えば:テーブルはおよそ4としてカウントされ、 テーブルの上にあるボックスは高さ5となります。そして宝箱を下に置くと7となります。みなさんの常識で家具とアイテムを扱い、それに基づいて置いたり下に敷くようにするべきでしょう。

Note: There has been some confusion about stacks and groups. Items that can be grouped, like arrows or reagents, are considered one item toward the new height limits when they are grouped . If they are not in a group, each item will count individually toward the limit.

The risk of item deletion will only occur during the initial implementation of the Update. Players should not be able to violate this stack limit at anytime thereafter.

Ultima Online Team
September 6th, 1998



Last Thursday, September 3, a limited number of you connected to the beta patch servers and received a 1.3MB patch. If this patch installed itself on your machine, you will need to uninstall and reinstall the game to clear the patch from your machine. You will not be able to beta test the game unless this patch is removed from your machine.

You only need to uninstall and reinstall if you received this patch, but if you are not sure, the safest bet is to uninstall and reinstall the beta.

Please do not call a Game Master on a regular shard over any issues concerning the beta testing of UO:T2A as they do not have any information about the beta.

Thank you for your help in testing.


The Beta Test Center Website is now open! Beta testers should be sure to bookmark it. Future sections will be added to the site as the test progresses. In the meantime, check there for information on the NDA and how to log into the public shards with the Second Age client.
ベータテストセンターウェブサイト(日本語訳はこちら)オープン!ベータテスターはブックマークをつけて置いて下さい。 テストが進行するにつれて、サイトにセクションが追加されます。その合間に、NDAやSecond Ageクライアントで公式サーバにログインする方法についての情報を調べてください。

September 5th, 1998



We would like to reiterate once again that we are already well into the no-tolerance policy for third-party programs.

If you are caught using ANY THIRD PARTY PROGRAM WHATSOEVER that gives your character advantages over other players using the regular client, YOU WILL BE BANNED PERMANENTLY FROM ULTIMA ONLINE.
もしあなたが、通常のクライアントを使っている他のプレーヤーよりも利点があるサードパーティープログラムを使っているのを見つかると、永久にUltima Onlineへの出入りが禁止となります。

September 4th, 1998


If you are using the UOEXTREME program while playing Ultima Online, REMOVE IT FROM YOUR COMPUTER IMMEDIATELY.
もしあなたが、Ultima Onlineをプレイしているときに、UOEXTREMEプログラムを使っているならば、すぐにそれをあなたのコンピュータから取り除いてください。

The zero-tolerance policy for UOExtreme users has already begun. If you are caught exploiting the game by using the UOExtreme program, your Ultima Online account will be terminated permanently.
UOExtremeのユーザーを許容しないポリシーがすでに行われています。もしあなたがUOExtremeプログラムを使うことによってゲームで不正を行うと、Ultima Onlineのアカウントは削除されます。

September 3rd, 1998


In order to improve our network connectivity to internet we have moved the patch servers from Digex to IXC "Smartnap". This is our new bandwidth provider in Austin. They have direct T3s to Sprint, MCI, UU.NET and AT&T backbones. We will be moving Great lakes and Lake Superior over to IXC in the next few weeks.
インターネットへの接続を改善するために、我々はパッチサーバーをDigexからIXC "Smartnap"に移動しました。これはオースティンの新しい帯域幅を持つプロバイダです。ここは、Sprint, MCI, UU.NET, AT&TへのダイレクトT3接続を持っています。数週間中にIXCにGreat lakesとLake Superiorを動かします。

September 2nd, 1998



Once again we would like to mention the risks, and serious repercussions one can experience by using an unapproved 3rd party UO program. We have made similar warnings many times in the past, but some players still chose to ignore them, thereby placing their accounts, characters and even computers at risk. This recommendation is not only made for the betterment of the Ultima Online world, as many of these programs adversely affect game balance, but it is also made to ensure account security and to protect the UO community from programs, which can damage or destroy accounts, characters and computer data.
我々はもう1度、認められていないサードパーティーUOプログラムの使用による危険と重大な影響について言及します。我々は過去に何度か類似の警告をしましたが、若干のプレーヤーは無視しており、彼らのアカウント、キャラクター、コンピュータを危険な状態に置いています。 この推薦書は、単に、ゲームバランスに影響しない多くのプログラムによって、Ultima Onlineの世界を改善するだけではなく、アカウント、キャラクタ、コンピュータデータにダメージや破壊をもたらすプログラムからアカウントのセキュリティと、UOコミュニティの保護を保証します。

This became an issue once again with a fake version of UOExtreme possibly labeled "UOExtreme Version 5", as well as a set of pictures being passed around the internet through ICQ. These programs allowed the creators to gain "backdoor" access to many sensitive portions of the victim's personal systems, as well as to gain their UO account information. These players not only lost control of their account, and characters, but to a certain degree, many have also lost control of their computer and all the files within. The only sure way to remove all the influences of these programs is to uninstall Windows, reformat all hard drives, and then to reinstall Windows onto a newly formatted hard drive. We are very sorry that this happened to many players, but this type of 3rd party program is something we have no control over, do not support, and are not responsible for.
"UOExtreme Version 5"と呼ばれるUOExtremeの偽バージョンがICQを通してインターネットに流れたことで問題が再び表面化しました。 これらのプログラムは、UOのアカウント情報を得たり、犠牲者の個人システム詳細部分のほとんどに、作成者が「裏口」アクセス出来るようになっていました。これらのプレーヤーは単にアカウントの制御とキャラクタをある程度失っただけではなく、多くがコンピュータとすべてのファイルの制御を失いました。 これらのプログラムのすべての影響を取り除く唯一確実な方法は、ウィンドウをアンインストールして、すべてのハードディスクドライブを再フォーマットし、新たにフォーマットされたハードディスクドライブにウィンドウズを再インストールすることです。我々は多くのプレーヤーにこのようなことが起こったことが非常に残念です。しかしこのタイプのサードパーティープログラムは、我々には制御できず、サポートはしませんし、責任も負えません。

So we will say again: DO NOT use any 3rd party UO software unless it has been approved by Origin. There are currently NO 3rd party programs that Origin approves. To run any other program with UO is to put your account, hard earned characters, and even your personal computer at risk. We will not be able to replace lost items or reset your characters to their former status if you choose to put yourself at risk by using any program other than Ultima Online while playing the game.
そのため我々は再び言及します:オリジンに承認されるまでは、いかなるサードパーティーUOソフトウェアも使わないでください。現在オリジンが承認したサードパーティープログラムはありません。どんなプログラムでも、UOと一緒に走らせることは、アカウント、苦労して手に入れたキャラクタとパーソナル・コンピュータを危険な状態に置きます。 ゲームをプレイしている間にUltima Online以外のプログラムを使うことによってあなた自身を危険にさらすのならば、失われたアイテムの置き換えや、以前の状況にキャラクタをリセットすることはできません。

The Ultima Online Team
Ultima Online チーム


For those beta testers who have not received your CDs: it is quite possible that CDs will keep arriving in people's hands until tomorrow. Please don't panic until Friday. :)
CDがまだ届いていないβテスターへ:CDは明日までには皆さんの手元に到着します。どうか金曜日まではパニックにならないでください :)

Our new policy (ever since the last update) is to publish no later than Wednesday in the week, by 10 am. Since the latest update that is on Test Center is not yet bug-free, we are therefore holding off on publishing the update until at least Monday.

September 1st, 1998


A further clarification to the item limits for containers: items in nested containers do count! So if you have a bag with 120 items in your bank, you have 121 items in your bank total (the contents of the bag plus the bag itself).


We have gotten many questions asking for clarification of the stacking changes. Here in a nutshell is the explanation:

  • When the update goes in, there will be a limit on 15 icons in a given tile. Note that 3000 ore or 20 arrows is still only one icon!
  • Excess items in the tile will be deleted.
  • This only applies to items out in the world, not items in containers.
  • Items piled in the same tile will stack up vertically. In other words, they will no longer occupy zero vertical space.
  • You will be limited to 125 items in the bank box. Again, this is 125 separate icons.
  • Please be sure to remove excess items from your bankbox if you do not wish to lose them!

We have also seen many questions on the boards regarding the beta test. Please keep in mind the following:

  • The beta test has not yet started. If you are having problems registering, installing, or playing the regular shards with the beta CD, we cannot help you yet. We suggest that you not install the beta until we say it is OK to do so.
  • We WILL be pursuing those who break the NDA. Please refrain from posting beta information at this time. Eventually, there will be guidelines on what sort of information can be released, and we think you'll find that it won't restrict your conversation on public boards very much.
  • There will be a beta test website up soon--keep an eye out for it, as there will be plenty of information available there throughout the duration of the test.
August 31st, 1998


For those not aware: the current limit on containers is 125 items. This includes items within containers.


News of another player gathering:

A UO Players Meeting is planned for the weekend of October 10-11, 1998 in New York City. I cordially invite any and all who wish to attend to go check out the website at:
Please bookmark this page as information may change as the weekend gets closer. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me at:
週末が近づくとインフォメーションが変化するかもしれないので、このページをブックマークに追加してください。 質問あるいはコメントがあれば、どうか私に自由に電子メールを出してください。

We are investigating reports of item disppearance on all shards. The hardest hit appears to be Baja. Are are aggressively working to determine the cause of this problem and hope to have more details soon.
我々はすべてのサーバのアイテムの消失報告を調査しています。 最も強いダメージを受けたのはBajaであるように思われます。この問題の原因を究明し、間もなくもっと多くの詳細を得るために積極的に働いています。

August 28th, 1998


Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Announcing fun and frivolity on the shard known as Test Center on Saturday the 29th starting at 3:30pm CST. Contests, manhunts, arena fights, and much, much more. Come one, come all. And best yet - those lucky enough will be awarded early passage into the new lands! That's right, a CD for the T2A beta! There will be a variety of ways to win them, but only a limited number will be won. Come and try thy luck! I'll see you there.
テストセンターとして知られているサーバ上への楽しみと娯楽が29日土曜日の午後3時30分CSTにスタートします。 コンテスト、犯人捜査、アリーナでの戦闘、その他いろいろです。皆さんどんどん来てください。そして最も良い − 十分幸運な人たちは新しい土地への早目の通り道が与えられます!そうです、T2AベータのCDです!彼らに勝ついろいろな方法があります。しかし勝てる人は限定されます。来て、そして運を試してみてください!私はそこであなたに会うでしょう。
-- Test Center Master of Ceremonies.
-- テストセンターセレモニー進行役。


We'd like to clarify the line item in the Update Info regarding items stacking vertically in the new update. If there are more than 15 item icons in a single tile at the same elevation, the excess ones will vanish when the update is made. Note that "stackable" items are represented by only one icon, and therefore a single stack counts as one item for this purpose.
新しいアップデートでアイテムが垂直に積み重なることに関して、アップデートインフォメーション項目を明確にします。 もし同じ高度のひとつのタイルに15個以上のアイテムアイコンがあると、アップデートが導入される時に超過分は消失します。「stackable(積み上げ可能)」アイテムはただ1つのアイコンによって表されます。それ故にひとつのスタックは1つのアイテムとなることを注意してください。

And a reminder about the Austin player lunch this weekend: the lunch's website has directions and details.


A brief correction to the Dallas-Fort Worth player gathering mentioned below--the correct date is SEPTEMBER 5th, not August 5th.
ダラスフォートワースプレーヤーの集いへの短い訂正が言及されました − 正しい日付は8月5日ではなく、9月5日です。

August 26th, 1998


Information on the coming update has now been posted to the Update Info page. This was published to the Test Center this afternoon and will be in testing for a while. There are some very important items coming in this update! If you do not want to lose items, please make note of the following:

  • The limit on number of items in a container will apply to bank boxes, including the number of stacks of gold. In other words, having many small stacks of gold in your bank box will take up space, and will fill up your bank box. Excess items may vanish! Be sure you have only the normal amount of items allowable for a container in your bankbox!
  • All items will now have at least one unit of height, except for floors and carpets. This means that stacks of items in a single tile will stack up vertically, and excess items in the stack at the time of the update will vanish.
  • All vendors not attached to houses should vanish.
  • The limit of one vendor per house will be applied retroactively. This means that if you have more than one vendor per house, the older of the two will vanish.


We will be posting information on the update published today to the Test Center shortly. Check back soon!

Don't forget the Austin UO player gathering occurring this Sunday! In addition, we also spotted this notice on the UO Vault regarding another player gathering coming up:
この日曜日に行われるオースティンUOプレーヤーの集いを忘れないでください!加えて、我々はもう1つのプレーヤーの集いがあることをUO Vault上で見つけました:

Bring your friends, the family, even your enemies, if you'd like, to our first DFW Ultima Online Gathering which will be held on Saturday, August 5th, at Hawkwood Medieval Festival in the Smoking Dragon Pub at 1:00 P.M. The festival is open from 10 AM to 10 PM on Saturdays. Tickets are $10/adult, $6/child. If we can prepay for 25 tickets, we all can get $1 off ticket prices,.. 50 or over, $2.00 off. Follow the link for a map, schedule of events and entertainers. ICQ Maeve at 4758237 to give us an estimate of the number of people coming and to make arrangements to get your prepaid ticket.
8月5日土曜日(UO Vaultの訂正記事によると9/5の誤り)に私たちの最初のHawkwood Medieval FestivalサイトのDFW Ultima Online GatheringをSmoking Dragon Pubで1:00PMから開催するので、君の友人達も、家族も、君の敵も同様に、連れてきて下さい。 祝祭は土曜日の10AMから10PMまで行われます。チケットは大人$10、子供$6です。 25枚の前売りチケットを購入するならば、1枚につき$1を・・・50以上ならば$2安くします。地図、イベントのスケジュールとエンタテーナーのためにはリンクをたどってください。来る人々の見積もりや前売りチケットの取り決めには、ICQ 4758237 Maeveにお願いします。

August 26th, 1998


The next UO House of Commons Open House chat between the players and creators of UO is scheduled tomorrow, Thursday August 27, at 7 PM CT (5 PM PT, 8 PM ET). The chat will be available to you at #uohoc on Stratics IRC, on one of three networked servers:
プレーヤーとUOクリエイター間の次のUO House of Commons Open Houseチャットは、明日8月27日木曜日午後7時CST(午後5時PT、午後8時ET)(日本時間8月28日金曜日午前9時)に予定されています。チャットはStratics IRC上の#uohocにおいて、ネットワークで結ばれた3つ1組のサーバー上でみなさんが行えるようになっています:

  • irc.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc2.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc3.stratics.com, port 6667

This week's topic is "Proposed Changes to UO". Be sure to phrase your questions accordingly. If you are new to IRC, please visit Stratics IRC for an online tutorial and instructions for connecting to the IRC server.
今週のトピックは「UOに対する変更の提案」です。それ相応の質問を述べるようにしてください。もしあなたがIRCの新参者ならば、IRCサーバーに接続することに対するオンラインチュートリアルと命令のためにStratics IRCを訪問してください。

August 24th, 1998


It has come to our attention that a UO player had been using a method to crash our servers repeatedly. This player has been permanently banned.

Stormwind has implemented a fix, but we are still testing the fix to determine if it will be effective.

We will update you again when we're certain the problem has been corrected.

Thanks to the players that brought this to our attention.

August 19th, 1998


Last night it came to our attention that a UO player had been using a method to crash our servers repeatedly. This player has been permanently banned.

Stormwind implemented a fix last night, but it will take about 60 hours to determine if the fix will be effective. We will update you again when we're certain the problem has been corrected.

Thanks to the players who brought this to our attention.

August 17th, 1998


The next Austin Players' Lunch is scheduled for two weeks from now, and this time around they have a website set up! Be sure to check it out.

August 15th, 1998


We have recently posted a copy of a new Game Master FAQ that better defines the ways in which a GM is able to assist a player.

The GM FAQ is posted on our web page at:
GM FAQは以下のウェブページにポストされています:


We ask all players to read over this FAQ before using the GM call feature to improve understanding and use of the GM help system.

Thank you for your continuing adventures in Ultima Online.
Ultima Onlineでの冒険を継続していただき、ありがとうございます。

August 14th, 1998


People have reported concerns to us about the use of the term "Zog Cabal" which recently has appeared in the fiction surrounding the Origin game, Ultima Online. While the term "Zog" refers to a fictional character from the early Ultima games created more than 15 years ago, it has been brought to our attention that the term may have anti-Semitic connotations. The term used to describe Zog's followers, "Zog Cabal" has been used for the past seven months to represent a group of characters in the Ultima Online world.
オリジンのゲーム、Ultima Onlineを取り巻く話に現われる「Zog陰謀団」という用語の使用についての関心を最近報告されます。 用語「Zog」は15年以上前に作られた初期のUltimaゲームから架空のキャラクターとして使われていますが、用語が反ユダヤ主義の意味を持っているかもしれないという注意を受けました。Zogの追従者を記述するために使われた用語、「Zog陰謀団」はUltima Online世界でキャラクターグループの代理を務めるため、7カ月前から使われています。

We are dismayed about this situation and want to make assurances to all of our players that the usage of these terms was done innocently, accidentally and without any intent to harm or offend.

We sincerely apologize if that was the case---it certainly was not our intention. These references are already part of the Ultima Online fiction, however, going forward, Origin will not be referring to "Zog" or "Zog Cabal" in Ultima Online. Instead the fictional group will be referred to as "The Followers of Armageddon."
我々はそのようなケースを心から謝ります---それは確かに我々の意図ではありませんでした。 これらの用語は、すでにUltima Onlineのストーリーの一部ですが、これ以降オリジンは Ultima Onlineで「Zog」あるいは「Zog陰謀団」については言及しません。その代わりに架空のグループは「Armageddonの追従者」と述べられます。

We appreciate the editors of GameSpot bringing this to our attention.


The bug site that we previously mentioned was moving to Crossroads of Britannia has done so. Be sure to bookmark the new location: http://www.crossroadsrpg.com/bugbase/uo.
我々が以前に言及したCrossroads of Britanniaのバグサイトが移動しました。新しい場所にブックマークを変えてください:http://www.crossroadsrpg.com/bugbase/uo


A new policy on 3rd party utilities has been posted. Use of unapproved utilities will be regarded as a bannable offense, as previously announced. We hope that this new system will allow you the player to easily identify the utilities and add-ons that enhance the UO experience.


Numerous players have written in to warn us about the possible use of hack programs to access files on other people's computers. Recently a similar Trojan Horse was emailed to all members of the Ultima Dragons. Our new policy is that no third-party programs are legal for use with Ultima Online, and their use can result in banning. As discussed at the House of Commons chat last night, we will be announcing a program for authorizing third-party programs soon. In the meantime, we urge all players to be very careful when downloading software from the Internet, as this hack has become widespread. More information on it can be found at Microsoft's site and in this ISS Security Alert Advisory.
ハックプログラムの使用により、他の人々のコンピュータ上のファイルにアクセスすることが可能となることについて、多数のプレーヤーが我々に警告を送ってくれました。最近すべてのUltima Dragonsのメンバーにトロイの木馬に類似した電子メールが出されました。我々の新しいポリシーはサードパーティープログラムをUltima Onlineと共に使用するのは合法的ではないということです。そしてそれらの使用はアカウント削除をもたらします。 昨夜のHouse of Commonsチャットにおいて論じられるように、我々は間もなくサードパーティープログラムを許可するためのプログラムを発表します。それまでの間、このハックが広範囲にわたらないように、我々はすべてのプレーヤーにインターネットからソフトウェアをダウンロードする際には、非常に注意深くなるように促します。 さらに多くインフォメーションがマイクロソフトサイトISSセキュリティ警告の助言において見つけられます。
On a lighter note, we have learned about a few more player gatherings taking place in the near future:

The Midwest UO Players Gathering
This Saturday and Sunday (August 15th and 16th) players will be holding a bash in Detroit Michigan for UO players throughout the Midwest. There will be fun for everyone with activities including swimming, volleyball, a dinner and night on the town, paintball games and an outdoor BBQ. Time is getting short so if you haven't made plans to attend yet be sure to e-mail bselby@earthlink.net) or drop by the event website for schedules, pricing and activity information. Hope to see you there!

The Houston Ultima Online Players Association
ヒューストンUltima Onlineプレイヤー組合

Anyone in the Houston area may be interested in the next Houston Ultima Online Players Association dinner being held on August 22nd at Joe's Crab Shack on Richmond. They tell us, "We will be having more of the same faces, hopefully some new faces, and as we are being told at the time of this statement, representatives of OSI will be in attendance." If you are interested in attending the next meeting please send email to huopa98@yahoo.com.
ヒューストンエリアの方はリッチモンドのJoe's Crab Shackにおいて8月22日に行われる次のヒューストンUltima Onlineプレイヤー組合の夕食に興味を持っているかもしれません。 彼らは我々に「我々は知った顔だけでなく、若干の新顔を希望しており、このステートメントで話されたように、OSIの代表者が出席します。」と言いました。もしあなたが次のミーティングに出席することに興味があるならば、電子メールをhuopa98@yahoo.comに送ってください。
You will need to include your real name, character(s) names, ICQ#, ICQ name, age and email address. We will be sending out confirmation letters to everyone a week in advance of the event.
The HUOPA'98 web page will be updated with the time, place, directions to the location, and even a link to Joe's Crab Shack on the net so you can check out the menu.
HUOPA'98ウェブページは、メニューをチェックすることができるように、ネット上のJoe's Crab Shackに時刻、位置、場所への指示とリンクで最新のものにされます。

Also announced at the House of Commons chat last night: we will be working closely with two different player-run sites devoted to tracking issues on the Test Center so that publish problems like those that occurred last week do not occur again. The Test Center Bug List run by Goldcard will work clsoely with the Test Center regulars whose home is the Gate Traveler, and Marduk's UO Bug Base is soon moving to Crossroads of Britannia. The admins of both of these sites will have direct contact addresses for the testing and dev teams for Ultima Online, and will become an integral part of the update testing process. We urge players to check out these two sites!
昨夜のHouse of Commonsチャットにおいて発表された事:我々は、先週の公式パッチで起こった問題が再び起こらないように、テストセンター上の問題追跡に専念した2つのプレーヤー運営サイトとともに注意深く働いています。 テストセンターバグリストはGoldcard によって運営されており、そのホームはゲートトラベラーで、テストセンターの常連と共に働いています。MardukのUOバグベースは間もなくCrossroads of Britanniaに移動します。 これらのサイト両方の管理者はテストのために、Ultima Onlineのdevチームとの直接連絡アドレスを持っています。そしてアップデートテストプロセスの不可欠な部分になるでしょう。 我々はプレーヤーにこれらの2つのサイトをチェックするようお勧めします。!

August 12th, 1998


Early reports from the new lands that were opened by the earthquake are starting to filter back. Be sure to visit Gamespot for details on a new creature animation that we have released, and a special contest!
地震によって開かれた新しい土地からの早期報告が少しづつ来始めています。 我々がリリースした新しい生物のアニメーションと特別なコンテストの詳細のために、Gamespotを訪問してください!


The next UO House of Commons Open House chat between the players and creators of UO is scheduled for Thursday August 13, at 7 PM CST. The chat will be available to you at #uohoc on Stratics IRC, on one of three networked servers:
プレーヤーとUOクリエイター間の次のUO House of Commons Open Houseチャットは、8月13日木曜日午後7時(CST)(日本時間8月14日金曜日午前9時)に予定されています。チャットはStratics IRC上の#uohocにおいて、ネットワークで結ばれた3つ1組のサーバー上でみなさんが行えるようになっています:

  • irc.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc2.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc3.stratics.com, port 6667

This week's chat has no set topic, and will be considered General Discussion. If you are new to IRC, please visit Stratics IRC for an online tutorial and instructions for connecting to the IRC server.
今週のトピックはありません。一般的なディスカッションとなります。もしあなたがIRCの新参者ならば、IRCサーバーに接続することに対するオンラインチュートリアルと命令のためにStratics IRCを訪問してください。

A special note from the UO Team regarding this chat:

We would like to apologize to all of our players for any inconvenience due to the update that occurred on Tuesday. Fortunately, we were able to catch it before it did any permanent damage to our service. We received a lot of feedback from the players about what happened and we appreciate the input. We are working to open more channels of communications with our player base. We are investigating our process to figure out what happened on Tuesday. We plan to discuss this at the opening of the HoC chat. To this end, the chat will be attended by Rich Vogel, producer of Ultima Online, as well as Designer Dragon and GM Beast.
我々は火曜日に起こったアップデートによる全ての不都合のために、すべてのプレーヤーに謝ります。幸い、我々のサービスに永久的ダメージが起こる前に手を打つことが出来ました。 我々は、プレーヤーから何が起こったかの多くのフィードバックを受け取ることができ、感謝しています。我々は、プレーヤーを基本とする、もっと多くのコミュニケーションチャネルを開くために働いています。我々は火曜日に起きたことを解決するプロセスを調査しています。我々はHoCチャットのオープニングで、これについて論じることを計画しています。最後に、チャットにはRich Vogel、Ultima Onlineのプロデューサである、Designer DragonとGM Beastが出席します。

August 10th, 1998


Hail Britannians! As ye know, our Lord British will be giving a speech later this fine evening. Several professors of magic from Moonglow were commissioned to discover a more efficient way for his majesty to deliver his words to all of the good citizens of Britannia. They have been working long and hard in the hallowed halls of Lycaeum funded by a grant from Lord British himself. They began with an intensive study of the magic behind the communication crystals, and then further researched ways to imbed this magic into other objects. As a result, the mages have been able to weave the magic from the communication crystal into a strange, silvery metal with the assistance from several master smiths from Minoc. This metal has been fashioned into the Serpent Crest, which is the symbol of Lord British himself. Britannia's finest carpenters have erected several small monuments to house these magical communication Crests. Two have been placed in each of eight cities of virtue, as well as Vesper. Originally, there were three Crests shipped to Britain, but only two arrived there. It is speculated that one was spirited away to Buc's Den, although none involved seem to know how. As he delivers his speech, people should be able to hear his words actually emit from the well-crafted Crest, thereby enabling him to speak to a larger number of his citizens. Because of the dangers involved, Lord British will not be delivering his speech from his castle in Britain.
Britanniaの諸君!我らがLord Britishはこの素晴らしい晩遅くにスピーチを行うのは存じておろう。 Moonglowの魔法師範らは、Britanniaの善良な市民すべてに卿の威厳とともに卿の言葉を届ける効率的方法を発見するよう委任されていたのだ。 彼らはLord British自身からの助成金によって資金を供給され、Lycaeum聖堂で長い間懸命に働いていた。 彼らはコミュニケーションクリスタルに込められた魔法の集中的研究から開始し、さらに他のオブジェクトの中にこの魔法を埋め込む方法を研究した。 その結果、魔法使いはMinocの鍛冶屋の巨匠数人の協力を得て、銀のような妙な金属の中にコミュニケーションクリスタルから魔法を織り込むことが出来た。 この金属はLord British自身のシンボルとして、Serpent Crest(蛇の紋章)に加工された。 Britanniaで最も優れた大工達が、魔法のコミュニケーション紋章をいくつかの小さな記念碑(モニュメント)として築いた。 そしてVesperのような8つの徳の都市それぞれに、2つづつ置かれた。 元来、Britainには3つの紋章が送られたが、2つだけが到着した。 残りの1つは、どのようにしてかは分からないが、Buc's Denに運び去られたと推測される。 彼のスピーチが届くように、精巧な細工をされた紋章から発せられる彼の言葉を、彼の市民のより多数の人々が聞くことが可能であるべきである。 脅威に巻き込まれる恐れがあるため、Lord BritishはBritainの彼の城からはスピーチを行わないであろう。

Everyone is encouraged to visit these magical Crests at the appointed hour, as the speech is of utmost importance. Lord British's words will be heard on every public shard, excluding the mysterious Test Center, at the same time, 12 AM CST tonight.
スピーチは最大の重要性を持っており、指定された時間に皆さんがこれらの魔法の紋章を訪問することが奨励されています。 Lord Britishの言葉が、神秘的なテストセンターを除いて、すべての公式サーバ上で同時に聞かれるでしょう。今晩12時(CST)です。



Pre-orders are now being accepted for Ultima Online: The Second Age on the Second Age website.
Ultima Online: The Second Ageの先行予約をSecond Age websiteで受付中。


We'd like to thank the players who attended the Southern California player's lunch for the hospitality they extended to us. The lunch was a great success, and it was wonderful to meet people such as Vor of the MessageZone, Rainman of Stratics' Stories and Secrets section, the captain of the Oasis militia, and of course our host, Torin Walker. Special thanks go to the guild who came down from Vancouver (!) just to attend the luncheon. We had a lot of fun and it was great to see the enthusiasm and commitment of the players who mean so much to UO. Thanks again!
南カリフォルニアプレーヤー昼食会に出席し、我々を歓迎してくれたプレーヤーに感謝します。 昼食会は非常に盛り上がり、MessageZoneのVor、Stratics' Stories and SecretsセクションのRainman、Oasis militiaのキャプテン、そして我々のホストであるTorin Walkerといった素晴らしい人々と出会えました。バンクーバー(!)からギルドの昼食会に来てくれた方に特別感謝します。 我々は多くのファンを持っていました。そしてUOに対する多くのプレーヤーの熱意と献身を見たことは、とても素晴らしかったです。ありがとうございます!

August 5th, 1998


We are now reverting Baja to its state from before yesterday's update. We apologize for the long delay.


We have reverted all the servers to the pre-update code. We have also reverted the servers to earlier backups of the world state that predate the update. As a result, items lost because of the update should be restored now. However, the earliest available backup for the Baja shard appears to be some short time after the update went in, and therefore players on that shard may have experienced some loss of items. We are looking into an earlier backup from tape, and will have an answer for this issue later today. In the meantime, Baja will remain with the backup that is in place now. Do not do anything bad to your character or take actions you may regret, because this time span may still count. We cannot guarantee that we will revert to that earlier backup. We apologize for the inconvenience to all our players.


The update tonight had several major problems, and therefore we are reverting back to the backup made right before we updated. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we will be working to rectify all the problems in the update.

August 4th, 1998


We will be updating the public shards with the latest patch today. This will require all the servers to be rebooted. For more information on what will be in the patch, please visit the Update Info.

August 3rd, 1998


We would like to introduce the grand opening of Ultima Online : The Second Age webpage! It is located at http://www.owo.com/t2a. Please visit the official Second Age website and read about its new features, T2A FAQ, screen shots, and much more!
我々はUltima Onlineの新装オープンを紹介します:The Second Age Web ページ!それはここにあります http://www.owo.com/t2a 。どうか公式のThe Second Age Web サイトを訪問し、その新しい特徴、T2A FAQ(よく尋ねられる質問)、スクリーンショットともっと多くのことについて読んでください!


Earthquakes have been felt in Britannia today! You may want to check out the story at the Town Cryer for more details, for the Zog Cabal has finally shown its hand!
今日Britanniaで地震が起こりました!みなさんはもっと多くの詳細のためにTown Cryerにおいて物語をチェックした方がいいでしょう。なぜならZog陰謀団が最終手段を見せたのです!

July 31th, 1998


We'd like to draw your attention to a new UO poll site with some interesting questions. This site plans to add a poll each day. Be sure to check it out--the Dev team will be checking the poll results!
我々は若干の面白い質問によって、新しいUO世論調査サイトにみなさんの注意を引きたいと思います。このサイトは毎日世論調査を加えることを計画しています。それをチェックすることを確かにしてください−Dev チームは世論調査の結果を調べるでしょう!

July 30th, 1998


A few more details on how the new spam limiter will work have been added to the Update Info page.

July 29th, 1998


The Test Center now has all the items listed on the Update Info page published to it, and we're entering the testing phase. Once that is complete, we'll publish to all the servers. So for the next few days, please do visit the Test Center and check out the latest changes!


The next UO House of Commons Open House chat between the players and creators of UO is scheduled for Thursday July 30, at 7 PM CST. The chat will be available to you at #uohoc on Stratics IRC, on one of three networked servers:
プレーヤーとUOクリエイター間の次のUO House of Commons Open Houseチャットは、7月30日木曜日午後7時CSTに予定されています。チャットはStratics IRC上の#uohocにおいて、ネットワークで結ばれた3つ1組のサーバー上でみなさんが行えるようになっています:

  • irc.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc2.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc3.stratics.com, port 6667

This week's topic is "Skills and Spells". Be sure to phrase your questions accordingly. If you are new to IRC, please visit Stratics IRC for an online tutorial and instructions for connecting to the IRC server.
今週のトピックは「スキルと呪文」です。それ相応の質問を述べるようにしてください。もしあなたがIRCの新参者ならば、IRCサーバーに接続することに対するオンラインチュートリアルと命令のためにStratics IRCを訪問してください。

July 24th, 1998


The problem with Napa Valley has been narrowed down significantly. The problem is not yet resolved permanently, but an interim solution is in place. We are going to be copying the state of Napa Valley to the Test Center in order to test further and arrive at the final solution. During this time, the Test Center will be closed to the general public. Napa Valley should be back to normal performance now.
Napa Valleyにおける問題はかなり絞られました。問題が完全に解決したわけではありません。しかし仮対策が導入されます。我々はさらにテストをし、最終解決に到達するためにNapa Valleyの状態をテストセンターにコピーします。この間、テストセンターは一般公開されません。Napa Valleyは標準的パフォーマンス状態に戻されました。

Napa Valley is still under debugging as we work on locating the problem. This will cause the server to run slowly.
ナパバレーは、我々が問題の場所を突き止めることに努力する(時・から・につれて・ように)、デバグすることの下でじっとしています。 これはサーバーをゆっくりと走らせるでしょう。


An update on the status of Pacific and Napa Valley: July 23rd, 1998


Two new items have been added to the Update Info page.

Napa Valley is still under debugging as we work on locating the problem. This will cause the server to run slowly.
Napa Valleyは、我々は問題の場所を突き止めることに努力しており、まだデバッグ中です。このため、サーバーをゆっくりと動かしています。


An update on the status of Pacific and Napa Valley:
PacificとNapa Valleyの状況更新:

Pacific should be completely back to normal. Napa Valley however is suffering from a problem we have not yet been able to pinpoint. The server is up and running, but very slowly as it is currently running with debugging code to isolate the problem. Keep an eye on this page for updates!
Pacificは完全に正常に戻りました。しかしながらNapa Valleyはまだ正確に問題を指摘することができず、被害を受けています。 サーバーは起動し動いています。しかし、現在は問題を切り離すためにデバッグコードで非常にゆっくりと動いています。更新のためにはこのページに目を向けて置いてください!


We are still experiencing problems with the Nappa Valley server.

We will continue to work on the Nappa Valley server throughout the
day until the problem is resolved. We appreciate your continued
patience while we work on this server.
我々はNappa Valleyサーバーにおける問題をいまだ経験しています。
我々は問題が解決されるまで、一日中Nappa Valleyサーバに取り組

-Ultima Online Staff

July 22nd, 1998


The Pacific and Baja shards have been moved to a new permanent home. This new location should significantly improve connectivity to these two shards. The shards are both still located in the same city as before. You may notice that your routes to these shards have changed--don't be alarmed, it merely provides better access from a wider range of service providers.
PacificとBajaサーバは新しい恒久的ホームに移動されました。この新しい場所により、これら2つのサーバへの接続性は際立って改善されます。両サーバは共に以前と同じ都市に位置しています。みなさんはこれらのサーバへのルートが変化したことに気付くかもしれません − 不安を感じないでください、より広範なサービスプロバイダから、もっと良いアクセスが供給されるということです。

July 17th, 1998


Many new changes are listed on the Update Info page. In particular, there is one that will affect those who hoard items in their houses a great deal. These changes should resolve the "black hole" problem.

July 15th, 1998


The next UO House of Commons Open House chat between the players and creators of UO is scheduled for Thursday July 16, at 7 PM CST. The chat will be available to you at #uohoc on Stratics IRC, on one of three networked servers:
プレーヤーとUOクリエイター間の次のUO House of Commons Open Houseチャットは、7月16日木曜日午後7時CSTに予定されています。チャットはStratics IRC上の#uohocにおいて、ネットワークで結ばれた3つ1組のサーバー上でみなさんが行えるようになっています:

  • irc.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc2.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc3.stratics.com, port 6667

This week's topic is "Thievery-related skills, Breaking into Houses and Illegal Activities". Be sure to phrase your questions accordingly. If you are new to IRC, please visit Stratics IRC for an online tutorial and instructions for connecting to the IRC server.
今週のトピックは「盗み関連の技能、家への押し入りと非合法の活動」です。それ相応の質問を述べるようにしてください。もしあなたがIRCの新参者ならば、 IRCサーバーに接続することに対するオンラインチュートリアルと命令のためにStratics IRCを訪問してください。

July 14th, 1998


Just to clarify: the long-awaited update to weapons damage is not in this coming update, which is in testing on the Test Center now.

July 13th, 1998


We have taken care of the missing characters problem on Napa Valley, and the world is back to normal.


We are currently looking into a problem on Napa Valley where people logged in and had no characters on their account for that shard. Your characters are NOT deleted or gone, there are just some problems with the character records sending correct information to you. We are working on the problem right now and will post any additional updates. Again, your characters are not deleted or missing, they are just not displaying properly.
我々は現在、Napa Valleyにログインすると、サーバにそのアカウントのキャラクタがないという問題を調査しています。 あなたのキャラクタが消されたりなくなった訳ではなく、正しい情報を送るキャラクタレコードに若干の問題があります。 我々は現在問題に取り組んでおり、全ての追加更新を公表します。繰り返します。あなたのキャラクターはデリートされたりいなくなってはいません。正確に表示されていないだけです。


The Coming Soon and Update Info pages have been updated to reflect what is now in testing on the Test Center.
Coming SoonとUpdate Infoページはテストセンターで何がテストされているかが反映され、更新されました。

For those players who regularly play the Test Center: we had intended to restore the backup from before the reputation system went into testing, but this proved to be impossible because of problems with the backup.

July 11th, 1998


We just wanted to pass on a little helpful information regarding resurrecting and town healers. We have noticed a large number of players that are going to a healer to be resurrected, but are attacked once they are resurrected. The problem is that the ghosts are resurrecting while they are still flagged as a criminal or as a legal target, and people attack them. There is really nothing wrong with this, but it just makes it very hard for some players to enjoy the game. Add to this mix the thieves that come and steal from people while they are preoccupied, and it gets a little messy.

With that in mind, the best advice for a ghost wanting to be resurrected at a public healer without being attacked is:

Wait until your name is blue (just single click on yourself to see the color), then give yourself another 3-5 minutes before resurrecting. This wait time will ensure that you are no longer a criminal to anyone, and also so that anyone that was able to attack you before you died will not be able to attack you after resurrecting or they risk becoming a criminal. If you did not die as the result of being flagged a criminal, feel free to resurrect any way you like at any time.
復活する前に3-5分待ち、あなたの名前が青くなる(色を見るためにはあなた自身をシングルクリックしてください)まで待ってください。 この待ち時間によって、誰に対しても犯罪者ではなくなり、死ぬ前にあなたを攻撃可能であった誰であっても、復活後には犯罪者になるリスクがあるために、攻撃出来なくなることが保証されます。もし犯罪者フラグが付いたために死んだのでなければ、いつでも好きな時に好きな方法で自由に復活してください。

This is not really anything new from when the Reputation system went in, nor is it anything wrong. We are just trying to clear up some misconceptions about how resurrection and criminal flags work. This is not the sort of issue to call a Game Master or other support staff about, just follow the suggestions we have given here and you should be able to better enjoy the game.
これはReputationシステムが入った時からの本当に新しい事で、悪いことではありません。 我々は、復活と犯罪のフラグがどのように働くかについて、若干の誤解を解明しようとしています。これはゲームマスターや他のサポートスタッフを呼ぶ種類の問題ではありません。我々がここで与えた提案を理解すれば、もっと良くゲームを楽しむことが可能でしょう。

July 8th, 1998


It has come to our attention that there might be a problem with magic reflect that allows people to attack or kill you within guarded regions. We are working to correct this problem as soon as we can. For now, you might want to avoid using magic reflect in town.
magic reflectによって、ガード領域内で攻撃されたり殺されたりする可能性がある問題が発見されたため、注意が必要です。我々はできる限り早く、この問題を修正するために働いています。現在、都市内でmagic reflectを使うのは、避けた方がよいでしょう。

If you already have magic reflect on you before going into town simply cast one of these beneficial spells on you: Agility, Cunning, Protection, Strength or Bless. This will remove the reflection on your character, and give you some nice temporary bonuses as well.
すでにmagic reflectの影響下にあるならば、都市に入る前に有益な呪文:Agility, Cunning, Protection, Strength ,Blessのどれかをかけて下さい。これはあなたのキャラクタからmagic reflectの効果を取り除き、一時的に素晴らしいボーナスを得られます。

July 2nd, 1998


We'd like to thank the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design for nominating Ultima Online for the Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Computer Game.
Ultima Onlineが、最も優れたロールプレイコンピュータゲームに対するAcademy of Adventure Gaming Arts and DesignOrigins賞にノミネートされたことに対して感謝します。


The next UO House of Commons Open House chat between the players and creators of UO is scheduled for today, Thursday July 2, at 7 PM CST. The chat will be available to you at #uohoc on Stratics IRC, on one of three networked servers:
プレーヤーとUOクリエイター間の次のUO House of Commons Open Houseチャットは、7月2日木曜日午後7時CSTに予定されています。チャットはStratics IRC上の#uohocにおいて、ネットワークで結ばれた3つ1組のサーバー上でみなさんが行えるようになっています:

  • irc.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc2.stratics.com, port 6666
  • irc3.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc4.stratics.com, port 6667

This week's topic is "Reaction to the Reputation System", so gather up all of your thoughts, ideas and concerns about this new replacement for Notoriety and throw 'em at the Dev Team during tomorrow's chat. ;)

June 30th, 1998


A problem occurred on the Baja server during the publish. This problem resulted in the loss of all guildstone data on the shard. In order to restore this data, we will be reverting the shard to a backup from approximately 11am Central time.


We are updating all the shards with the fix published yesterday to Catskills. You may notice bounty boards losing their contents for a while after the update is made.

June 29th, 1998


We have just updated Catskills with a possible fix to the performance problems caused by the guildstones. If all goes well on Catskills, we will be publishing this change to the other servers later today.

June 26th, 1998


We are trying to gather data from those players in the Central United States and Central Canada that play on Lake Superior or Great Lakes and experience connection problems or unusually high lag. If those players within an area defined by a North-South line West of the Mississippi and another North-South line East of Nevada could email some information to us, it would help us tremendously to keep the connections to Lake Superior and Great Lakes as clean as possible. Also, any Canadian players that also use Great Lakes and Lake Superior and experience problems please feel free to send us your information as well.
Lake SuperiorあるいはGreat Lakesでプレイしており、接続問題あるいは異常に高いラグを経験している中央合衆国と中央カナダのプレイヤーからデータを集めようとしています。ミシシッピ西の南北線とネバダ東の南北線内で定義されるエリア内のプレイヤーが我々に若干の情報を電子メールで送ってもらえれば、我々がLake SuperiorとGreat Lakesへの接続を可能な限りクリーンにするかなりの手助けとなります。同じく、Great LakesとLake Superiorを使っており、問題を経験しているカナダのプレイヤーもどうか同様に我々にあなたの情報を自主的に送ってください。

We need the following information sent to traces@owo.com:

* The City and State (Province) you connect from.
* あなたが接続している市と州。
* The name and web address (URL) of your ISP.
* 名前とあなたのISPのウェブアドレス(URL)。
* A Complete trace to either Lake Superior or Great Lakes. Pasting the information directly into the email message is the easiest for us to process. For information on how to get a trace to one of these servers, please see the instructions below.
* Lake SuperiorあるいはGreat Lakesへの完全なトレース。直接電子メールメッセージの中に情報をペーストしてもらえると我々の処理が最も容易になります。これらのサーバーのトレースを取る方法についての情報のためには、以下の説明を見てください。

If at all possible, an email message subject of 'Central US traces' or 'Central Canada traces' would help us very much in processing all this information. We appreciate any information we receive as this will help us to track down and isolate any potential problems.
もし可能ならば、電子メールメッセージのタイトルを「Central US traces」、あるいは「Central Canada traces」にしてあると、すべての情報を処理するために大変我々の助けになります。 受け取った全ての情報を正当に評価すれば、追跡の手伝いとなり、潜在的な問題を切り離せるでしょう。

Please note that you will not receive a reply from traces@owo.com. Also, do not use this email address for normal trace problems or technical support issues as it is not a regularly monitored address. For any other technical issues, please contact us using the web page forms for our Technical Support Department at http://www.owo.com.


Instructions and further information about UO Trace and Latency can be found on the Ultima Online web site at http://www.owo.com under Support / Tech Support / Technical Issues / Latency (Lag). Below is some relevant information pertaining to this request.
UOトレースと反応時間の説明と情報はUltima Onlineウェブサイト、http://www.owo.comのSupport / Tech Support / Technical Issues / Latency (Lag)です。以下はこのリクエストに関する若干の適切な情報です。


UO Trace

We have a program available for download called UO Trace which can help you diagnose your lag issues and collect useful data. You can download this program at the following address:
みなさんのラグ問題を診断し、有用なデータを集めることを手伝うことができる UO Traceと呼ばれるダウンロード可能なプログラムがあります。次のアドレスでこのプログラムをダウンロードすることができます:


Using this program will allow you to find out exactly when and where the slowdown in your connection is occurring. Follow these steps to find out more about your connection:

1.Double click on UOTRACE.EXE to bring up the program.
2.Click on OPTIONS and choose ADVANCED.
3.Choose the server you wish to find out more about from the drop-down list.
4.Click on the TRACE ROUTE button. An analysis will be performed on the route that your Internet connection is taking to the UO Server.
4.TRACE ROUTEボタンをクリックしてください。UOサーバーまでのインターネット接続ルートが分析されます。
5.Once the trace to the server is complete, click the POLL button. This will make the program send repeated packets of information to the server along the route that was traced (you can see this information in the PKTS R/S column). Let the host get up to about 50 packets and then click on the STOPPOL button (it used to be called the POLL button).
5.サーバーへのトレースが一度完了した後、POLLボタンをクリックしてください。これはトレースされたルートに沿ってプログラムがサーバーへのパケット情報を繰り返し送ります(PKTS R/Sカラムでこの情報を見ることができる)。 ホストに約50のパケットが到着したらSTOPPOLボタン(元POLLボタン)をクリックしてください。
6.Copy (click 'Edit' then 'Copy' within UO Trace) all the information in the Trace window. You can then Paste this information directly into an email message, or text document using the Paste feature in most text editors or email programs.

June 25th, 1998


Below is an announcement regarding an upcoming Multimedia Conference featuring Ultima Online.
以下はUltima Onlineの優れた特長に関する、来たるマルチメディア会議の発表概要です。

ORIGIN Systems presents Ultima Online, the highly acclaimed massively multiplayer game that allows thousands of people to play in the same world simultaneously on the Internet. It's more than a fantasy, because it really exists. It's more than a game because it never ends. And it's a quantum leap beyond anything you've ever seen before.
オリジンシステムは、何千という人々が同時にインターネット上で同じ世界でプレーすることが可能な、高く賞賛されている大規模マルチプレイヤーゲーム、Ultima Onlineを紹介します。それはファンタジー以上です。なぜならそれは本当に存在するからです。それは決して終わらない、ゲーム以上の物です。そしてそれはあなたが今までに見たことがあるどんな物も飛び越える程画期的です。

Richard Garriott, co-founder of ORIGIN Systems and other members of the Ultima Online development team will present a walkthrough of this revolutionary game during the showcase event at the IEEE Multimedia Conference http://www.utexas.edu/coe/sqi/confs/ieee/multi.html on Monday evening, June 29, at the Renaissance Austin Hotel. The award-winning team will discuss the challenges involved in creating such a groundbreaking game, the worldwide fan base that the game has spawned and many other aspects of this virtual world that's been the subject of articles in publications ranging from the New York Times to Newsweek.
Richard Garriott、ORIGIN Systemsの共同創設者とその他のUltima Onlineの開発チームメンバーは、Renaissance Austin Hotelで開かれる、IEEE Multimedia Conference http://www.utexas.edu/coe/sqi/confs/ieee/multi.htmlのショーケースイベント上で6月29日月曜日の夜にこの革新的ゲームを紹介します。賞を獲得したチームは、このような草分け的ゲームを作ることへの挑戦、ゲームが生んだ世界的なファンベースと「ニューヨーク・タイムズ」から「ニューズウィーク」までに及ぶ、この仮想世界の多くの他の局面に関する記事の主題について論じます。

In Ultima Online you create your own unique identity in a virtual fantasy world with all the social dynamics of a real community, where every action you take affects the lives of others, where there's real communication among all. Conquer a vast dungeon or tame a fire breathing dragon in an online world of intrigue-living and breathing, feeding on your fantasy. In Ultima Online you'll go beyond life as you know it to an adventure more fantastic than you can imagine.
Ultima Onlineで皆さんは自分自身の共感するユニークな仮想ファンタジー世界、あらゆる行動が他の者の生活に影響するリアルなコミュニケーション、全てのダイナミックな社交的リアルコミュニティーを創設します。陰謀渦巻くオンラインの世界で、広大なダンジョンを征服したり、ファイアドラゴンを飼い慣らしたり、ファンタジーを永続させてください。Ultima Onlineは、皆さんの想像を超える、よりいっそう素晴らしいファンタスティックな冒険を体験できます。

In its fourth year, the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems is making a transition in its mission to include more research results that impact content development and integration issues. Therefore, the presentation on Ultima Online takes this multimedia subject from its research foundations to the extremes of a commercial product.
この4年間で、IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systemsは、多くのリサーチ結果や影響内容の開発と統合問題を含む、ミッションの変遷を行いました。それ故に、Ultima Onlineのプレゼンテーションはその基礎研究から商品化の両極端までこのマルチメディアの主題となります。

IEEE Showcase Event
IEEE ショーケースイベント

Where: Ballroom, Renaissance Austin Hotel
When: 7:00 pm
Cost: $5 per person

June 19th, 1998


The Update Info page has a list of the changes in this new update.


We are currently in the process of updating all the shards with some Guildstone optimizations. This should help to reduce some of the lag and related issues with Guildstones. The shards will be taken down as close to their backups as possible, so as to minimize lost time within the game.


There have been numerous questions in the fan community as to when we will be putting in place the new weapons revisions. After we made public the approach we were taking, many players wrote to us and posted on the boards that merely revising weapons damage would not prove sufficient to handle the imbalances; specifically, that ranged weapons would remain more powerful than melee weapons for tactical reasons. After investigation, we've concluded those player are correct. Therefore we're looking at doing a deeper revision to the combat formulas to help with this problem. This means that we unfortunately can't give you a date for when weapons revisions might be ready.

June 18th, 1998


The log of the Fifth Open House chat has been posted at the UO House of Commons. Stop sitting there and go read it! ;)
5回目のOpen Houseチャットログが UO House of Commonsに公開されました。そこに行って、読んでみてください! ;)

June 17th, 1998


The next UO House of Commons Open House chat between the players and creators of UO is scheduled for Thursday June 18, at 7 PM CST. The chat will be available to you at #uohoc on Stratics IRC, on one of three networked servers:
プレーヤーとUOクリエイター間の次のUO House of Commons Open Houseチャットは、6月18日木曜日午後7事CSTに予定されています。チャットはStratics IRC上の#uohocにおいて、ネットワークで結ばれた3つ1組のサーバー上でみなさんが行えるようになっています:

  • irc.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc2.stratics.com, port 6666
  • irc3.stratics.com, port 6667
  • irc4.stratics.com, port 6667

This meeting will be a general discussion and will not have a set topic. Therefore, this Open House will be open to all questions related to UO.
This meeting is once again brought to you by Stratics and the Vault Network.
このミーティングは再度StraticsVault Networkによってみなさんにもたらされます。
If you are new to IRC, please visit Stratics IRC for an online tutorial and instructions for connecting to the Stratics IRC server.
もしあなたがIRCの新参者ならば、 IRCサーバーに接続することに対するオンラインチュートリアルと命令のためにStratics IRCを訪問してください。

June 14th, 1998


We are just finishing updating the shards with a small fix to help with lag.

June 12th, 1998


The highlighting color settings for the UO.CFG file that were published earlier are inaccurate; the system now uses RGB settings in either hexadecimal or decimal numbers. The following setting should serve for defaults, and Stratics has a nice table prepared by Xena Dragon that displays the color values for different numbers.
以前発表されたUO.CFGファイルのハイライトカラー設定は不正確でした;システムは現在、16進数あるいは10進数のRGB設定を使います。次の設定はデフォルトです。そしてXena Dragonにって作られた、数値による素晴らしいカラーテーブルがStraticsにあります。

  • HighlightColorMurderer=#FF0000
  • HighlightColorInnocent=#0000FF
  • HighlightColorFriend=#00FF00
  • HighlightColorCanAttack=#808080
  • HighlightColorCriminal=#808080
  • HighlightColorEnemy=#FF8000


    We recently brought the servers down for a small update to address the lag that has come up recently. The servers will be up shortly, and from what we have seen, the situation should be much improved.

    As always, we will continue monitoring them closely for any problems.


    Coming Soon and Update Info have been updated.
    Coming Soon とUpdate Infoが最新のものにされました。


    All servers are being brought down for a fix to the "time not passing" problem experienced on some servers this morning.


    We are investigating a problem whereby players cannot move or double-click on the Baja, Pacific, and Chesapeake shards. At this time we do not have confirmed reports of problems on any other shards, but will continue to investigate. Pacific is rebooting now, so you will be disconnected from the server while we work on the problem. We hope to have this rectified as soon as possible.
    Baja, Pacific, Chesapeakeサーバにて発生した、プレイヤーが移動やダブルクリックを出来ない現象を調査しています。現在、他のサーバーでは問題を確認したという報告はありませんが、調査し続けます。Pacificサーバは現在リブートしています。我々が問題に取り組む間はサーバーに接続できません。我々はできる限り早くこれが改正されることを望んでいます。

    June 11th, 1998


    We have implemented a fix for login problems, and the servers should be up and running now. We will be watching the servers carefully, but everything appears to be working correctly.


    We are currently bringing down the shards (except Great Lakes) in order to implement a fix for the login problems we have been having.
    我々は現在、ログイン問題の修正を行うために、順番にサーバー(Great Lakes以外)を落としています。

    We will be watching the servers carefully for any problems.


    We are experiencing some technical problems with the login servers as a result of the Reputation System implementation. These issues did not come up in previous updates, and there are some other factors at work as well.

    We are working to get them cleared up as soon as we possibly can. Players are able to login to the game, and there are a good amount of players in the shards, it is just sometimes a little difficult to get in right now.
    我々は、これをできる限り早く解明するために働いています。 プレイヤーはゲームへのログインが可能で、多くのプレイヤーがサーバーにいます。現在入ることが少し困難なことがあるということです。

    We will update with more information as soon as we know where we stand on getting this resolved. We realize that the timing of this is not so great what with the implementation of the Reputation system to all shards, but once these login issues are resolved you will be able to enjoy the new system as it was intended.


    We are currently tracking down a connection problem that is causing long login times and lots of hangs during login.

    The last of the servers have been updated, and we are working quickly to find out what the problem is and correct it. We apologize for the inconvenience.


    Many players have been wondering how long it will be before all the servers are once again available; the process of converting the guilds in the game to handle the new guild types is a slow one, given how many guilds are on a given server. It therefore will take a while for a shard to start accepting connections once it comes up.


    The reputation system is here!

    We are beginning the publish to all shards now. Publishing the changes will be staggered, so not all shards will get it at the same time. By the end of the day all of the shards will have been updated.

    We'd like to thank the players on the Test Center, and the players of Great Lakes who were of enormous help in testing the system first on the Test Center and then also on their home shard while we worked out the last details.
    我々は、テストセンターとGreat Lakesのプレイヤーに感謝します。彼らの多くは、最初テストセンターで、そして自分のサーバーで、我々のシステムに対する最終調整テストの助けをしてくれました。

    There are some known issues with the system at the moment.

    • taking items from a fellow guildmember's corpse will result in being flagged criminal despite the highlighting. This only applies if you are in the same guild--not if you are just in the same type of guilds (order or chaos).
      同僚のギルドメンバーの死体からアイテムを取り出すと、ハイライトするにも関わらず、犯罪フラグが立ちます。これは、同じギルドのときにだけ適用されます − 同じタイプのギルド(オーダーかカオス)ではありません。
    • performing aggressive actions against a "controlled object" (such as a guarding pet) of a fellow guildmember will also flag you criminal despite the highlighting.
    Another update is planned for the near future in which we will rectify these issues and any others that may manifest.

    June 10th, 1998


    The update today includes some minor reputation system fixes, to prepare for the publishing of the full system.

    June 8th, 1998


    We are still moving according to plan. We have made some additional corrections to the Reputation System, and are still planning to publish all the public servers early this week. The publish will not be occurring today. We will post more information when it becomes available.

    June 5th, 1998


    We are seeing many questions about loss of karma when casting a beneficial spell on someone who highlights blue. You can incur a loss of karma for casting a beneficial spell on someone with negative karma. Blue highlighting does not indicate a player's karma! Instead, you must check their paperdoll title.

    We are investigating whether we will be changing this so that casting a beneficial spell on low karma does not have any effect on your karma.

    June 4th, 1998


    Our current plan is to update the Reputation System to all shards early next week. This is a slight change from our original plan, but we feel that it is the best course of action to wait till after the weekend. The Reputation system is currently on Great Lakes and appears to be working fine. We have found some minor issues that we want to get cleared up before the system goes to all the shards. Additionally, we want to give the system several days on a large player base to be sure that we have made it as clean as possible, so that it goes in with few, if any problems.
    現在の計画では、来週早くにすべてのサーバの評判システムをアップデートします。大元の計画からは少し変更されましたが、週末後がもっとも良い道のりだと感じます。評判システムは現在Great Lakesサーバ上にあり、うまく動いているように思われます。我々はシステムがすべてのサーバーに導入される前に解明されるべき、若干の小さな問題を発見しました。さらに、我々は大多数のプレーヤーのためには、問題があるなら可能な限りきれいにするため、システムに数日を与えることを望みます。

    We realize that some of you want to have the new system in now, so that you can start getting more out of the game, and we want the same thing. We feel, however, that waiting just a few days to make sure it is as stable and clean as possible is the best course of action for all players on all shards. If this plan changes in any way, we will be sure to update everyone with any information we can.


    Some problems have manifested on Great Lakes with declaring warfare under the new rpeutation system. Currently the guild with whom you declare warfare is not properly selected, and you will end up declaring war on a different guild. Declaring peace with the guild will however work correctly. We will be fixing this problem soon.
    Great Lakesサーバ上で新評判システム下で宣戦布告を行う事に関して、若干の問題が明らかになりました。現在、ギルドの宣戦布告が正確に選ばれず、異なったギルドに対して宣戦布告することになってしいます。しかし、ギルドの講和に関しては正確に働きます。我々は間もなくこの問題を修正します。

    The Fourth UO House of Commons Open House chat between the players and creators of UO is scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday June 4, at 7 PM CST. The chat will be available to you at #uohoc on Stratics IRC, on one of four networked servers:
    第4回UO House of Commons Open House チャットが、プレーヤーとUOクリエイター間で明日6月4日木曜日午後7時CSTに行われます。チャットはStratics IRC上の#uohocにおいて、ネットワークで結ばれた4つ1組のサーバー上でみなさんが行えるようになっています:

    • irc.stratics.com, port 6667
    • irc2.stratics.com, port 6666
    • irc3.stratics.com, port 6667
    • irc4.stratics.com, port 6667
    This meeting's topic is "The Reputation System, Guild Warfare, and the upcoming Weapons Re-scaling", so please phrase your questions accordingly. Designer Dragon, Beast and Stormwind are scheduled to answer questions, along with others. We've made multiple changes in order speed up the question and answer process, so be sure to attend.
    このミーティングのトピックは「評判システム、ギルド戦争、来たる武器の再調整」です。どうかそれ相応な質問を述べてください。Designer Dragon、 Beast、Stormwindが、他の人たちとともに質問に答える予定です。質疑応答プロセスの順を速くするため、多数の変更を行いました。出席してみてください。

    This meeting is once again brought to you by Stratics and the Vault Network. If you are new to IRC, please visit Stratics IRC for an online tutorial and instructions for connecting to the IRC server.
    このミーティングはもう1度StraticsVault Networkによってみなさんにもたらされます。もしあなたがIRCの新参者ならば、 IRCサーバーに接続することに対するオンラインチュートリアルと命令のためにStratics IRCを訪問してください。

    June 3rd, 1998


    We are taking down Great Lakes to make a minor adjustment to the Reputation System. It should be back up very soon.
    我々は評判システムの小さな調整をするためにGreat Lakesサーバーを落とします。それはすぐに戻ります。


    We are currently updating the new Reputation system to the Great Lakes shard. We will be watching the shard closely for any problems.
    我々はGreat Lakesサーバーを現在新評判システムで更新しています。我々は全ての問題のために、注意深くサーバーを監視しています。


    We are ready to continue the implementation of the Reputation System. Today is the second phase of the process, which is publishing to a single public server. We will be updating the Great Lakes Shard at 2:00pm CST today. We will be monitoring this server closely throughout the day. If everything runs normally, then we will continue to the third phase of the process on Thursday by updating the remaining public servers.
    我々は評判システムの導入を続ける準備ができています。今日はプロセスの第2フェーズです。それは公式サーバーの一つへの公開です。我々は今日の午後2時00分CSTにGreat Lakesサーバを最新のものにします。我々は一日を通じて注意深くこのサーバーをモニターします。もしすべてがうまく行けば、木曜日に残りの公式サーバーを更新するプロセスである第3にフェーズを続けます。

    June 2nd, 1998


    Today was the first step in the implementation of the Reputation system. There will be an update to your current client. This should not affect your gameplay if you are playing on a public shard. It will enable the full reputation system for thos players on test center. For the normal shards, this client update will prepare your system for the reputation system once it is put into place.

    Test center will be the first server to be completely updated with the new code. We are organizing a couple of events to test some of the larger scale aspects of the Reputation System. If you wish to participate in tonight's event on Test Center, you will be able to experience the new reputation system first hand.

    If everything goes well on Test Center, then we will proceed as planned. The reputation update will then be published to a single public server, probably the Great Lakes shard. The Great Lakes players will be able to see the new system early, and we will be watching the server very closely.
    テストセンター上のすべてが上手く行けば、我々は計画通りに進みます。 評判の更新はそれから一つの公式サーバー、恐らくGreat Lakesサーバに公開されます。Great Lakesのプレイヤーは一早く新しいシステムを見ることができ、我々は非常に注意深くサーバーを監視します。

    Once the system is on Great Lakes, and running properly, then we will continue the process of updating the rest of the public shards. The following day the Reputation System will be introduced to all the remaining shards.
    システムがGreat Lakes上に投入され、正確に稼働していれば、我々は残りの公式サーバーを最新のものにするプロセスを続けます。次の日には評判システム残りはすべてのサーバーに導入されます。


    A client patch will be released today in preparation for the new reputation system. This patch will not install the rep system, but it will make your client function properly with highlighting and other client-side reputation changes on the Test Center. Be sure to visit the Reputation System FAQs for more information on what you can expect when the new system goes in.

    We have updated Coming Soon with fixes for numerous exploits posted on public websites. These fixes will be published after the reputation system.
    我々は公共の Web サイトの上に公表された多数の功績のために間もなく修理を持って来て更新しました。 これらの修理は評判システムの後に発表されるでしょう。

    June 1st, 1998


    We've had several people inquire when the reputation system will be published. We are currently on the final stages of evaluating its readiness and should have word for you as it when it will be published in the next few days. Keep an eye on this site for further details!

    May 29th, 1998


    We would like to thank the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences for awarding Ultima Online the Interactive Achievement Award for Online Game of the Year.
    我々はUltima Onlineに年間オンラインゲームインタラクティブアチーブメント賞を与えられたことに対してAcademy of Interactive Arts and Sciencesに感謝します。

    May 27th, 1998


    A small update went in to make it impossible to sell containers to shopkeepers if there is anything in the container.


    We've seen some concern on the boards regarding the statements made in the last House of Commons chat about adjusting older weapons to fit the new weapons values.
    古い武器を新しい武器の値に合うように調整することについての前回のHouse of Commonsチャットでの報告に関して、我々は関心を持っています。

    This adjustment would take place after the new weapons scale in implemented, which is planned to occur in the next update after the reputation system. For the curious, Den Dragon over at Ultima Online Strategy and Statistics, who worked with the Dev Team on the new values, has a short preview of the new weapons scales. Be sure to check it out!
    この調整は新しい武器スケールの導入後に実行されます。それは、評判システム導入後の次のアップデートで行う予定です。 好奇心の強い人たちのために、Ultima Online Strategy and Statisticsに、新しい値にするためにDen DragonとDevチームとが働いた、新しい武器スケールのショートプレビューがあります。それをチェックしてください!

    May 26th, 1998


    Lake Superior is currently down with technical problems. We are working on the problem and hope to have it resolved soon.
    Lake Superiorサーバは現在技術的な問題でダウンしています。我々はこの問題に取り組んでおり、すぐに解決することを望んでいます。

    May 22th, 1998


    We are currently updating the servers with the possible fix for the house break-in exploit. We are staggering the servers so that after a backup has finished they will be updated, so the loss of game time should be minimal.

    This fix should not allow a player to move while being resurrected, and also not be resurrected in an invalid place (inside a door). We have tested this fix and are confidant that it will take care of the problem. We will be monitoring the servers closely throughout the night.

    There are still a few ways that players can gain entry your house 'legally'. Please do not call a GM or Counselor, as this is normal game activity. We are working to give more clarification of what is an exploit, and hopefully we will have that on the web page in the future.

    May 21th, 1998


    Many of you have been wondering about the Reputation System and its impending implementation. We have had to postpone the publishing of this system as a direct result of the crisis related to House Breakins. We were forced to redirect our efforts towards constructing a fix to correct the House Breakin problem. Unfortunately, due to this delay we were forced to postpone the integration of the Reputation System. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    Please refer to this section of the Update Center and the patch message for the latest news and developments related to Ultima Online and the Reputation System.
    Ultima Onlineの開発と評判システムのために、アップデートセンターのこのセクションと、パッチメッセージの最近のニュースを参照してください。

    May 20th, 1998

    The Third UO House of Commons Open House chat between the players and creators of UO is scheduled for Thursday, May 21 at 7pm Central. The chat will be available to you at #uohoc, on one of four networked servers (so that even more people will be able to attend):
    プレーヤーとUOクリエイター間の3回目のUO House of Commonsオープンハウスチャットが5月21日木曜日午後7時(CST)に予定されています。チャットは、(さらに多くの人々が出席することができるように)、#uohocにおいて、ネットワークで結ばれた4つ1組のサーバー上でみなさんができるようにしています:

    • irc.stratics.com, port 6667
    • irc2.stratics.com, port 6666
    • irc3.stratics.com, port 6667
    • irc4.stratics.com, port 6667
    This meeting will be the first ever with a designated topic, which is "Player-Interaction, Roleplaying and the UO Storyline". Please remember that the topic is there not to restrict your questions, but to provide you with inspiration for thinking up questions to ask the Development Team and GM's.
    このミーティングの最初のトピックは「プレーヤーインタラクション、ロール・プレイとUOのストーリーライン」です。 このトピックに関する質問には限定しませんが、開発チームとGMへの思い付いた質問をしてください。

    This meeting is once again brought to you by Stratics and the Vault Network. If you are new to IRC, please visit Stratics IRC for an online tutorial and instructions for connecting to the IRC server.
    このミーティングはもう1度StraticsVault Networkによってみなさんにもたらされます。もしあなたがIRCの新参者ならば、 IRCサーバーに接続することに対するオンラインチュートリアルと命令のためにStratics IRCを訪問してください。

    May 19th, 1998


    The problem on Lake Superior has been resolved. Thank you for your patience in this matter.
    Lake Superiorサーバの問題は解決いたしました。みなさんのこの問題に対する辛抱強さを感謝します。


    Lake Superior is experiencing technical problems. We are working on it right nw to try to resolve the problems as soon as possible. Please be patient with us as we resolve the problem.
    Lake Superiorサーバに技術的な問題が起こりました。できるだけ早く問題を解決するために働いています。どうか、問題を解決するまで、忍耐強くお待ちください。

    May 18th, 1998


    Because of some Warfare difficulties, we are going to have to postpone the Test Center event until Tuesday May 19th at 7:00pm CST. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. We are looking forward to a successful and productive event tomorrow evening. If you are interested in the event, then please check out the story in the Town Cryer for more details.
    若干の戦争問題のために、我々は5月19日火曜日の7:00pm CSTまでテストセンターイベントを延期しなければなりません。これによる不便を謝ります。明晩に成功しような、実りあるイベントを楽しみにしています。イベントに興味があれば、詳細のためにTown Cryerのストーリーをチェックしてください。

    In addition, there is a GM on duty on Test Center. The GM will be working until 10pm on Monday May 18th, and then the GM will be working the standard GM hours. The GM will only be there to gather information on any possible issues that arise with the Reputation System.


    The Update Info page has been updated with details of the client update made today, and information on how to customize your color settings for highlighting.


    We will be doing a small client patch today. This will be our first step to introducing the new Reputation System. There should not be any noticeable difference in game play on the public servers. However, the change will be noticeable to our Test Center players, as you should now have correct combat highlighting.

    All of the combat highlighting colors are configurable. Here are the lines from your UO.CFG (at their defaults), which pertain to the different combat highlighting colors:


    If you have any questions concerning the new Reputation System please consult the Reputation FAQ, which can be found on the Ultima Online web site.
    新しい評判システムに関して質問があるならば、Ultima Onlineウェブサイトの評判FAQを調べてください。

    The Ultima Online web site is located at www.owo.com
    Ultima Onlineウェブサイトはwww.owo.comに位置しています。

    The Reputation FAQ is located at update.owo.com/repfaq/index.html


    Players should be sure check out the Town Cryer, Ultima Online's official newspaper. This article was posted today:
    プレーヤーはUltima Online公式新聞のTown Cryer、をチェックしてください。この文章は今日ポストされました:

    Test Center - A game of capture the flag shall be held on the mainland. A special item will be chosen for each side (blue for order, red for chaos) at the time the game begins.
    テストセンター − フラグ取りゲームが主大陸に固定されました。ゲームが始まる時に特別なアイテム(オーダーのために青、カオスのために赤)がそれぞれのサイドのために選ばれます。

    All of this shall happen Monday, May 18, for the chance to prove which side is stronger, Chaos or Order.

    All citizens of the land are encouraged to join in, simply by joining the guild of their choice and partaking in the all day fighting and strategizing.

    Further details are available at the Town Cryer!
    それ以上の細部はTown Cryerで利用可能です!

    May 14th, 1998


    We understand that many European players were concerned with the statement posted on the Update Center regarding a possible server in Europe. We'd just like to clarify what's going on.

    We are commited to supporting our European fan base. Your commitment and dedication to Ultima Online has been clearly shown in the best possible manner. We do not wish to promise what we cannot deliver, and therefore ask you to respect this as notice of commitment and consideration. Possible hosts have been contacted and discussions are ongoing. We ask you to bear with us. In the meantime, we will continue to look at ways to increase our European fans' enjoyment of UO.
    我々はヨーロッパのファンベースをサポートすることを約束します。みなさんのUltima Onlineへの献身と貢献は最も良い可能なマナーで明らかにされました。我々は果たすことができない約束をしたくありません。それ故に約束や考慮の通知としてみなさんに敬意を払います。可能なホストと連絡を取りました。そして議論が進行中です。皆さんが我々を我慢するように頼みます。その間、我々はヨーロッパのファンの、UOの楽しみを増やす方法を探し続けます。


    For those who wish to discuss the upcoming reputation system, there is a player-run
    message board which may answer your questions. Members of the development team occasionally post there, and Bob Hanson (maintainer of the unofficial reputation FAQ is a regular there.
    メッセージボードがあなたの質問に答えてくれるかもしれません。 開発のメンバーチームとボブ・ハンソン(非公式な評判FAQの管理者)が定期的にそこにおり、時折ポストします。

    If your heart is true, DON'T KILL BLUE!

    The new reputation system, a replacement for notoriety, is about a week away from installation! Our last phase of testing starts today. Be sure to read the latest Comments from the Team for an overview of the system and the plan for publishing the system to the public servers!

    May 12th, 1998


    A new Comments from the Team has been posted, this time with tips and advice about how to make your guild or roleplay group stronger. Apologies for the late posting of yesterday's essay; it is still available for those who wish to read it.

    May 11th, 1998


    An official Origin FAQ on the forthcoming reputation system is now available. There is a link at the top of any Update Center page, or you can go directly here.

    In addition, a new essay, entitled "The Man Behind the Curtain," is available under Comments from the Team!

    May 8th, 1998


    The daily essays on Comments from the Team have been getting a great response. Thanks for reading! A new essay titled "Let's Get Practical..." has been posted.

    A word for European players from our management here:

    It has been brought to our attention that many customers would like to have a server established in Europe. OSI has been and continues to look into such an arrangement. We have talked to many companies in the territories about various relationships, but nothing has come to fruition. OSI is committed to the investigation of these possibilities.

    Fan support is a very important consideration for OSI, and we have heard your concerns. We appreciate your interest in this issue. UO's robust and vocal playerbase is what makes this service so unique. Thanks for your continued support!

    And speaking of the vocal and robust fan community, we would like to thank those who attended last night's public IRC chat hosted by the UO House of Commons and the UO Vault. A log is available.
    昨夜の声とたくましいファンの共同体によるスピーチや、UO House of CommonsとUO Vaultがホストとなった公式IRCチャットに出席した人たちに感謝します。ログが利用可能です。

    May 6th, 1998

    For those wondering the status of the reputation system update: we have been having problems with Test Center, and therefore testing on the rep system has been delayed. Therefore the publish date for it is also slipping back as we wish to ensure that the system is sufficiently tested.

    April 30th, 1998


    The FAQ on the reputation system maintained by Bob Hanson is now available at http://reputation.uovault.com.
    ボブ・ハンソンによる評判システムFAQがhttp://reputation.uovault.com(訳注:日本語版はUltima Online Magazine世評システムFAQをご覧ください。)で利用可能です。

    April 27th, 1998


    We have posted a Harassment Policy under the Help and Guidance section of the main website.

    April 7th, 1998


    We'd like to offer apologies to the many folks who wrote in to tell us of their roleplaying websites. We don't have space to list them all here on the What's New page, unfortunately. :( One that does merit special mention is the Councils of Virtue, which work to promote the classic Ultima virtues in each city in UO. They also have a counterpart, the Clans of Sin. You can visit the homepage of the Councils of Virtue (and take their Path of Virtue personality test at:
    我々へメールを書いて教えてくれた多くのロールプレイウェブサイトの皆さんに謝罪します。 このWhat's Newページには不幸にも全てをリストアップするスペースがありません:(。 特別な言及に値するのがCouncils of Virtueで、UOの各都市で古典的なUltimaの徳を促進するために働いてくれました。彼らはClans of Sinという対応物を持っています。 Councils of Virtueのホームページを訪問できます。(彼らの徳の性格審査を受けられます


    Newcomers to Ultima Online may wish to check out a new player-driven resource that has become available: the Online Role Playing Games Help Page offers in-game classes on playing UO. You show up with your newbie, and an instructor shows you the ropes and guides you. This is a great idea, and perhaps more groups will spring up like this one.
    Ultima Online への新参者が新しく利用可能になったプレイヤーが操れる資源をチェックすることを望むかもしれません:Online Role Playing Games Help PageがUOのゲーム内でのプレイについて提供しています。あなたの新参者と一緒に現われるインストラクターが、あなたに助け船を出し、導きます。これはとても良いアイデアで、多分さらに多くのこのようなグループが現れるでしょう。

    Just as a reminder, we'd also like to let players know about the vibrant fan community out there. Great sites to visit include:

    • The UOVault, which offers daily news, including event and roleplay news, bulletin boards devoted to general discussion, magic (the famed Mage Tower, which also has in-game presence as a guild), and other topics, plus a link to the new Samwise cartoon strip
      The UOVault イベントやロールプレイニュースを含む毎日のニュース、 掲示板には一般的なディスカッション、魔法(ギルドとしてゲーム内に存在する、有名なMage Tower)、そしてその他のトピックがあります。 そして新しいSamwise cartoon stripへのリンク

    • Crossroads of Britannia, which offers news and an array of bulletin boards, including the Dev Board (afrequent hangout for the UO Team) and the Tavern and Tales boards, which can fairly be said to be the heart of roleplay in UO
      Crossroads of BritanniaニュースとDevボード(UOチームの頻繁なたまり場)を含む複数の掲示板、そして居酒屋と物語ボード。UOでの正しいロールプレイの心があると言えます。

    • Ultima Online Strategy and Statistics is a very comprehensive site for all the folks interested in the nitty-gritty details of numbers behind the game system in UO. In addition, it's also got sections for bulletin boards, forums, and links to great sites such as the Grand Atlas of Britannia, The Darkside of UO (a guide to roleplaying villains), and others. It also features the UO House of Commons, where the UO community can submit questions to the dev team.
      Ultima Online Strategy and StatisticsUOのゲームシステムや、隠されている多くの詳細な物事の核心に興味を持っている、すべての皆さんのための非常に包括的なサイト。加えて、掲示板、フォーラム、Grand Atlas of Britannia,The Darkside of UO(悪役ロールプレイへの案内書)のような名門サイトへのリンク、その他。UO House of CommonsのUO communityでは開発チームへの質問を提出できるという特徴があります。

    • A wonderful example of the roleplay community in action is the town of Yew on the Great Lakes shard, which has organized as a city complete with mayor, local player volunteer militia, and courts of justice. If you'd like to check out the latest events there, the place to go is definitely the Yew Clarion, the web newspaper for the Yew community.
      Great LakesサーバYewの街のロールプレイ共同体による素晴らしい例。市長、地元プレーヤー、志願兵と正義の裁判所が組織化されている。the Yew Clarionのウェブ新聞で最近のイベントをチェックしてください。

    • Player run towns and taverns are unique to Ultima Online, and there's several great ones to visit on different shards. Check out the following links if you are interested!
      異なるサーバの偉人を訪問したり、プレーヤーが運営する街や居酒屋はUltima Online特有です。興味があるのならば、次のリンクをチェックして下さい! This only scratches the surface--there are many more, such as Silk's Tavern, which we weren't able to find a URL for in time to post. :)
      これはただ一部をかき集めただけです。Silk's Tavernのように我々がポストに間に合わずURLを見つけられなかったたくさんの場所があります。:)
    There's countless other sites out there, and exploring the out-of-game community can be as rewaridng as exploring the game itself. These sites are just the starting point, and will link to even more sites which you may find useful. Enjoy!

    April 6th, 1998

    The next update is scheduled to go in either at the end of this week or at the start of next week. This update is intended to cover just a few issues:

  • Use of gate to break into houses
  • Use of poison on ghosts causing permanent stat loss
  • Use of stacking furniture in mid-air to break into houses
  • Use of ship planks to break into houses

    In addition, we are investigating adding the ability for house owners to "lock" items in place in their house with their key. This may or may not make the new update, however.

    As always, there's lots more in the works, listed on Coming Soon!
    いつものように、Coming Soonにリストアップされた、さらに多くのたくさんの項目については制作中です!

    April 3rd, 1998


    We'd like to thank the Computer Entertainment Software Academy in Japan (CESA) for awarding Ultima Online the Special Recognition Award for outstanding accomplishment in a new arena; we were up against the likes of Final Fantasy VII and Gran Turismo, so it's quite flattering. Apparently we are the first PC game ever nominated for this award. The awards page (in Japanese) is located here.
    我々は、Ultima Onlineによる新しい活躍の舞台での優れた業績に、審査員特別賞を与えられたことに対し、日本のComputer Entertainment Software Academy(CESA)に感謝します。ファイナルファンタジーVIIやグランツーリズモのように全く有望な物と対抗でき、我々はとても喜んでいます。見たところ、我々はこの賞で最初のPCゲームにノミネートされているようです。賞のページ(日本語)はこちらです。

    April 2nd, 1998


    At the (loud) request of the gang over at the Crossroads of Britannia Dev Board, several items in Coming Soon have been clarified. :) If you were worried about hiding, spellbook equipping, house ownership, or a few other topics, you may want to check out Coming Soon.
    Crossroads of Britannia Dev Boardの一団による(大きな)要望に応じて、Coming Soonのいくつかの内容を詳細にしました。もしHiding、Spellbookの装備、家屋の所有権とその他のトピックについての心配があれば、ComingSoonをチェックする必要があります。


    Several new items have been added to the Coming Soon page. We've also updated the links to the House of Commons on the Comments from the Team page.
    いくつかの新しい項目をComing Soonページに加えました。同じく、Comments from the TeamページのHouse of Commonsへのリンクを更新しました。

    10 am

    We'd like to make it clear that the hiding change listed under Coming Soon is intended solely to curtail hiding whilst in the middle of combat. If it proves to be more restrictive than that, then we will not put it in.
    Coming SoonにリストアップされたHidingに関する変更は、ただ単に戦闘中のHidingを削減するように意図されているだけであることを明確にします。もしそれが、意図した以上の制限となるならば、導入はされません。

    March 31th, 1998


    Several new items have been added to the Coming Soon page.
    いくつかの新しいアイテムが Coming Soon ページに加えられました。

    We will be performing maintenance on the registration website from 4am to 8am PST (6am to 10am CST) on Wednesday, April 1st.

    March 26th, 1998

    A few more items have been added to Coming Soon.
    もう少し多くの項目がComing Soonに加えられました。

    March 23th, 1998


    A clarification to the previous item: this is not a change to the game; it has always been this way.


    We have gotten reports of items in houses that were not touching the floor decaying away. In order for an item to count as "in a house" it must be touching the floor! If it is floating in mid-air it will decay away.


    An item in Coming Soon regarding gate travel has been clarified. Gates will remain two-way. However, they will appear exactly where the caster is standing, instead of to the right or left of the caster.
    Gate Travel に関しての Coming Soon でのアイテムが明確にされました。 ゲートがそうするでしょう 両方向のままでいてください。 しかしながら、(彼・それ)らは、正確にキャスターが立っていているところ(に・で)、現われるでしょう右手代わりに、あるいは左にキャスターについて。


    The problem with pet stabling duration was resolved on Friday night. Pets now remain in the stables for one real world week, after which they are deleted.
    ペットを馬小屋に入れている持続時間における問題は金曜日の夜に解決されました。 ペットが今残っています 馬屋でそれの後に(彼・それ)らが削除される1現実の世界週の間。

    March 20th, 1998


    ORIGIN has resolved the communications hardware problem affecting Ultima Online and ORIGIN's websites. All ORIGIN domains are now functioning normally.
    オリジンはUltima Onlineとそのウェブサイトに影響を与えている通信ハードウェア問題を解決しました。すべてのオリジンドメインは通常通り機能しています。

    We have found a problem in pet stabling, whereby the animal is destroyed in a far shorter time than a real life week. We have a fix ready that we will attempt to publish tonight. In the meantime, we urge all players to get their animals out of the stables before the stablemasters destroy them.


    Today ORIGIN experienced a communications problem involving a local fiber connection that prevented some players from logging on to Ultima Online and ORIGIN's websites. It is unknown whether the problem lies within ORIGIN or one of our communications providers. We are working diligently with our partners to correct this situation and restore access as soon as possible.
    今日オリジンはローカルなファイバー接続の通信問題を経験しました。それはプレーヤーがUltima Onlineにログオンするのとオリジンのウェブサイトへ接続するのを阻害していました。 問題がオリジンの中にあるのか、通信プロバイダの一つにあるのか分かりません。我々はこの状況を正しくし、できるだけ早くアクセスを復活させるために、我々のパートナーと共に一生懸命働いています。

    March 19th, 1998


    The Update section has been updated to reflect the changes put in yesterday, and to move the previous update into the old updates section. (Whew, that's a lot of times to use the word "update" in one sentence!)

    March 18th, 1998


    We are working on an additional fix which should correct problems with red highlighting on those who are guarded. In addition, it will clean up old guarded scripts that are in the world if the pet who was supposed to be guarding is not nearby.


    We are experiencing some difficulties with the latest update, but hope to have all problems resolved soon.


    EA Direct has received a new shipment of Game Time coupons, and all pre-orders are being shipped out to customers today.


    We are beginning the publish process to all servers. Be sure to check the Update Info page for more details on what is going in.

    We have made available a Linux client for Ultima Online. This client is completely unsupported, so please do not contact ORIGIN customer support or the Gamemasters with problems related to it. Purchasing the Windows version is still necessary, as the datafiles and a valid account are still required to play.
    Ultima OnlineのLinuxクライアントが利用可能になりました。このクライアントは完全にはサポートされていません、問題に関してオリジン顧客サポートあるいはゲームマスターと連絡を取らないでください。プレイのためにはデータファイルと正当なアカウントが必要なため、Windowsバージョンを購入することがまだ必要です。

    The version that is posted is a newer version than the one posted recently. It now supports patching from within Linux.

    March 17th, 1998


    Tomorrow's client update will make your current client unable to connect to the servers. Because of this, everyone must patch up to the newest client. In addition, we will be publishing all servers simultaneously rather than during maintenance windows in the local time.

    Reminder: at tomorrow's publish there will be a wipe of all stables, and the new stable limits will be put in place. If you have a stabled pet you want to keep, you should get it out from the stables.

    March 16th, 1998


    Pacific and Baja will be down during their maintenance windows.


    In the next update, we will be lowering the item limit for a container to 125 items (half of what it is now).

    March 13th, 1998

    As you can see, the Update Center has been revised to make it easier to navigate. You can now bookmark directly to it at http://update.owo.com. In addition, the specific files have more intuitive names now.
    もうお分かりのように、アップデートセンターがナビゲートをより容易にするために修正されました。ブックマークを http://update.owo.com にすることで直接アクセスできます。加えて、特定のファイルはいっそう直観的な名前になりました。

    March 11th, 1998


    A few significant items have been added to the Coming Soon section.
    少数の重要な項目がComing Soonセクションに加えられました。


    Patch Info has been revised to present the info in a better fashion, and includes more information about the update currently on the Testing Center.

    March 11th, 1998


    The earthquake this morning in California may have affected Internet routing somewhat; we have been making inquiries to determine whether or not the connection to our servers is affected. According to some reports, one major line was severed.

    There are more items in Coming Soon. We are in the process of publishing these updates to Test Center 2 for testing. Test Center 1 will be closed to the public for internal testing. We have copied over the world state of Test Center to Test Center 2.
    Coming Soonにもっと多くの項目があります。我々はテストのためにテストセンター2にこれらの更新を発表するプロセスを行っています。テストセンター1が内部テストのために公開を止めます。テストセンターの世界状態をテストセンター2にコピーしました。


    Coming Soon has been updated with two items that should be of great interest. :)
    Coming Soon は素晴らしく興味ある2つの項目で更新されました :)


    We've been getting many questions about the timetable for the installation of the new reputation system that replaces notoriety. The system is now in early testing, and we expect to move it to a wider test on the Testing Center soon. We anticipate keeping it in testing for a few weeks to ensure that it is working well.

    We will be updating the Test Center with the latest update either today or tomorrow, for an anticipated publish to the public servers on Monday. Check the Coming Soon page for more information on the updates that will be going in.
    最近のアップデートを月曜日に公式サーバーに発表するために、テストセンターを今日か明日更新します。アップデートで何が入るか、もっと多くのインフォメーションがないか Coming Soon ページをチェックしてください。

    March 10th, 1998

    We'd like to thank the editors of C|NET for awarding Ultima Online their Award for Internet Excellence in the Gaming category.
    我々はゲームカテゴリーでインターネット優秀賞をUltima Onlineがもらえたことに対してC|NETの編集者に感謝します。

    March 9th, 1998


    We have identified a major cause of the lack of creatures in the world; basically, they are all in the stables (as many as 2/3 of the creatures in the world at any one time). We will therefore be severely limiting the amount of creatures who can be stabled, and likely imposing daily fees for stabling as well. In order to make this change, we will be wiping the stablemasters and the thousands of creatures they contain at the next update. We suggest that if you wish to keep your pets, you remove them to another loction in-game, such as in a house. After this wipe, we will reinstate the stablemasters with the new restrictions.
    世界中の生物欠如の主要原因が分かりました;すべての生物は基本的に馬小屋にいました(どんな時でも世界中の生物の約2/3がここにいました)。従って馬小屋に入れることができる生物の量をかなり制限し、馬小屋の日数による使用料を課します。この変更をするために、次の更新においてstablemastersと彼らが預かっている何千という生物を消します。 あなたがペットを保持することを望むなら、もう1つのゲーム内の場所である家に持ち帰ることを提案します。 この消去の後に、新しい制限のstablemastersを復帰させます。


    A fix was installed over the weekend for the strange notoriety behaviors.

    March 6th, 1998


    Coming Soon has been updated with the latest word on coming changes.
    Coming Soonは今回の変更により最近の項目で更新されました。

    March 3th, 1998

    The Sonoma and Napa Valley shards have been affected by hardware problems, and the result is that the servers are spontaneously rebooting. We are moving as quickly as possible to replace the faulty hardware. We apologize for the problems.
    SonomaとNapa Valleyサーバはハードウェア障害の影響を受けています。その結果、サーバーが自然にリブートしています。我々は可能な限り速く欠陥があるハードウェアを置き換えようとしています。この問題を謝ります。

    March 2nd, 1998


    There has been some confusion about the new server ranking interface when you are logging in. To clarify, the best performing server is always on top, be it from least players or best connection rate.

    A special note for modem users is that you will get the best results if you try the ranking by connection several times, waiting in between each test. Since modems can be overwhelmed by a large number of packets at once, you might experience lost packets when running the ranking, which can lead to inaccurate results.

    February 27th, 1998


    Since the hardware upgrade for Great Lakes is taking longer than expected, we are publishing the server update to Great Lakes now rather than waiting for the upgrade.
    Great Lakesサーバのハードウェアアップグレードが予想より長くなりそうなので、アップグレードを待たずにGreat Lakesサーバにサーバーアップデートを発表しました。


    The client patch is now available.

    All the shards excepting Great Lakes have now been updated. Great Lakes will be getting a hardware upgrade in around an hour and half, after which it will also be updated. If you get the client patch, you will be able to attempt to stack new stackable items on Great Lakes, but the server will not let you. This will be remedied once the server is updated.
    Great Lakesサーバを除くすべてのサーバは最新のものにされました。 Great Lakesサーバはハードウェアアップグレードのためおよそ1時間半かかり、その後アップデートされます。クライアントパッチを得ると、新しいスタック可能なアイテムを積もうと試みることは可能ですが、Great Lakesサーバ上ではできません。これは、サーバーが更新されると、修復されます。


    We are in the process of publishing the latest update to the public servers. Once all the servers have been publlished, a client patch will also be posted. Without this client patch, you may not be able to unstack some items which have become stackable. Once you get the patch, everything will work as intended. Among other things, this patch also contains a fix for timewarps. Those who have acquired odd stats from timewarps will find that all stat modifiers will be stripped from their character, and then reapplied based on the items you actually have worn, thus erasing any timewarp-induced effects.
    公式サーバーに最近のアップデートを発表するプロセスを行っています。すべてのサーバーに公開された途端に、クライアントパッチがポストされます。このクライアントパッチ無しでは、スタック可能になった若干のアイテムをアンスタックすることができないかもしれません。パッチを得た途端に、すべてが意図されたように作動するでしょう。パッチは同様にタイムワープや他の修正を含んでいます。 タイムワープで奇妙なステータスを獲得した人たちは、すべてのステータス変更がキャラクタから取り除かれ、タイムワープによって誘発された効果は消去され、実際に着用したアイテムに基づいて再適用されることに気付くでしょう。

    We have moved the Great Lakes server to Austin where the other Central time zone servers, Lake Superior and Test Center, reside. This move was necessary to centralize our servers and will improve our ability to maintain these servers. We apologize for any inconvenience this move may have created.
    我々はLake Superiorとテストセンターなど中央時間帯サーバーが存在するオースティンにGreat Lakesサーバサーバーを移動させました。この移動は我々のサーバーを集局化するために必要であり、これらのサーバーを保守する我々の能力が改善されます。我々はこの移動による不都合を謝ります。

    The Town Cryer has also received a facelift, which will put the latest stories on the top page as they are added. Expect more to come from this page, which has proven to be one of the most popular on the website!
    Town Cryerは外観が整備されました。何かが加えられると、トップページに最近の話が書かれます。ウェブサイト上で最も人気が高いうちの1つであるこのページからさらに多くの事を期待してください!

    February 26th, 1998


    We would like to apologize for any errors found in your billing statement with regards to Ultima Online. Although we always try to provide trouble free service, occasionally mistakes are made. If you believe that there is a billing error on your statement please call (512) 434-HELP and choose the billing option for Ultima Online. We will correct any billing mistakes presented to us at that time. Thank you again for your understanding in this matter.
    Ultima Online.の料金支払い状態について誤りがあった事をお詫びします。 我々は常に問題がないサービスを供給しようとしていますが、時折ミスが起こります。もしあなたの請求処理報告上にエラーがあると思われるなら、(512)434 - HELP(4357)へ電話をしてください。そしてUltima Online.の請求処理オプションを選択してください。どんな我々に提出された請求処理ミスでも修正します。この問題に対する理解について再び感謝します。

    February 20th, 1998


    We are going to be copying over to the Test Center the current world state from Lake Superior, so players from lake Superior can play on the Test Center with their characters and the full world state. This will allow us to do a more thorough test of the new code.
    我々は Lake Superiorサーバからテストセンターに現在の世界状態をコピーし直しています。それにより、Lake Superiorのプレーヤーはそのキャラクタをテストセンター上でフルの世界状態でプレーすることができます。これで新しいコードのいっそう徹底的なテストを行うことが出来ます。

    This is temporary for our load test; the old TC state will be restored afterwards.

    In the meantime, it's renamed "Deathcenter/TC", so go nuts with some no-consequence playerkilling! :)
    その間、「 Deathcenter/TC 」とリネームしました。PKに夢中になるという結果にしないでください。


    We are testing server load and lag reduction code on the Test Center, and would like to invite as many players as possible to log in. If these tests are successful, we hope to be able to effect improvements on the public servers.


    We have published a new update to the Testing Center. Check the details on the Latest Patch page.

    February 19th, 1998


    The Test Center will be largely unavailable for a few hours while we do some work on it. In the meantime, you can create new characters but not play existing ones on that server.


    Various new items are in Coming Soon, including an important announcement about container limits.
    各種の新しい項目がComing Soonに発表されました。コンテナ限界についての重要な発表も含まれています。

    February 18th, 1998

    We'd like to thank the editors of GAME.EXE Magazine in Russia for choosing Ultima Online as Online Game of the Year, and the readers of the same magazine for naming us first runner-up for the Reader's Choice Award.
    ロシアのGAME.EXE Magazineにおいて、年間オンラインゲーム賞を受賞したことに対して編集者に、そして同雑誌の読者選出賞の最初の次点に選ばれたことに対して読者に感謝します。

    February 17th, 1998

    We are publishing a fix for skill atrophy to the public servers.

    As some of you may know, a method has been published for altering stats on your character. If you have a character whose stats have been altered in this way, it is suggested you delete it immediately, as any accounts found with altered stats will be banned. See the patch message when you first log in for more information.

    February 13th, 1998


    We'd like to thank the members of the UO House of Commons for an enjoyable chat last night. A transcript of the meeting between HoC representatives and members of the UO Team is posted on the House of Commons website, and many questions raised by players are answered there.
    我々は昨夜の楽しいチャットに対して UO House of Commonsのメンバーに感謝します。 HoC 代表者と UO チームメンバー間のミーティングの写しがHouse of Commonsウェブサイト上にポストされています。そしてプレーヤーによって上げられた多くの質問がそこで答えられています。

    February 12th, 1998


    The servers are being brought down for a quick fix to prevent casting the incognito spell whilst polymorphed.


    The registration process will be down for maintenance on Friday the 13th from 9am to 10am PST.


    The new update is being published to all servers. Among other things, it adds the ability to form guilds in-game! Check the Latest Patch page for details.
    新しいアップデートはすべてのサーバーに発表されました。特に − ゲームでのギルドを形成する手段を追加します!細部については最近のパッチページをチェックしてください。

    One additional small change will be made to the servers already published, so they will be going back down and then back up shortly. The client patch will be released once all the servers have been published.


    We'd like to thank the readers of the AllAbout Games website for naming Ultima Online Online Game of the Year.
    我々はUltima Onlineを年間オンラインゲーム賞をいただいたことに対して AllAbout Gamesウェブサイトの閲覧者に感謝します。

    February 10th, 1998


    Two more items are in the update on the Test Center--see the Latest Patch page for details.
    もう2つの項目がテストセンターにアップデートされました − 詳細は最近のパッチページをご覧ください。


    The registration website will be down for maintenance from 9am to 10am PST.
    登録ウェブサイトはメンテナンスのために9amから10am PSTまでダウンします。

    February 9th, 1998


    We've updated the Latest Patch page with info on the items we are publishing to the Test Center tonight and tomorrow morning. Of special interest: the guild system will be in place, and the weapons rebalancing is largely complete! In addition, a lot of work has been done on server optimization to improve performance, and we're looking forward to seeing its effects on gameplay. The description of guilds that is posted is far more detailed than previous postings, by the way, so be sure to check it out.


    We'd like to thank Computer Gaming World for nominating us for Game of the Year and Roleplaying Game of the Year in their Reader's Choice Awards.
    我々はComputer Gaming Worldの年間ロールプレイングゲーム読者選択賞を受けたことに対し、感謝します。


    We'd like to remind all players to be extremely careful with their account names and passwords! In particular, do not give your UO.CFG file to anyone if you have checked the "Remember Password" option, as they will then have your password! In addition, do not give out personal information in-game to anyone except a Game Master. Even a Game Master should only ever need the account name; if someone claims to be a GM and asks for your real-world name, address, account password, etc, do not give it to them.
    すべてのプレーヤーの方々へ、アカウント名とパスワードについては非常に注意深くすることを思い出してください!特に、「Remember Password(パスワードを覚える)」オプションをチェックしているなら、あなたのパスワードを得ることが出来てしまいますので、誰にもあなたの UO.CFG ファイルを渡さないでください!加えて、ゲームマスター以外誰にも個人情報をゲーム内で教えないでください。ゲームマスターでさえ、アカウント名のみが必要となるだけです;もし誰かがGMであると主張して、実世界の名前、アドレス、アカウント、パスワードなどを効かれても、教えないでください。

    February 6th, 1998


    The What's New page was getting a little cluttered, so I've moved a bunch of items onto the revamped Comments from the Team page, and added in there a bit of information about top issues we are working over the next month. I've also moved the various award things there.
    What's Newのページが少し乱雑になってきました。そこで、チームからのコメントページを改訂して、項目をまとめました。また、翌月に行う重要問題の少量の情報を付け加えました。同じく受賞関連のものもそこに動かしました。


    The newly revamped Town Cryer is now up in the Town Square! Click on the "Newspaper" link in the navigation bar to get the latest news on the Zog Cabal, the invasion of Vesper, and lots of other news. The Town Cryer is expected to be updated on a daily basis from now on; be sure to make it your first stop every day for Ultima Online news! Also, don't forget to visit the Events Calendar, also linked off of the Town Square.
    新たに手直しされたTown Cryer(街の触れ役)がTown Squareにいます! Zog陰謀団についての最新のニュース、Vesperへの侵略、その他たくさんのニュースを得るためにナビゲーションバーで「Newspaper」リンクをクリックしてください。 Town Cryerは今日から日単位で更新される予定です; Ultima Onlineニュースのために毎日最初に立ち寄ってください! 同じく、Town SquareからリンクされているEvents Calendarを訪れるのも忘れずに。


    We are starting the publish process for a mini-update to the public servers. Check the Latest Patch page for details.

    February 5th, 1998


    The Ultima registration website will be down from 5 to 6am EST on Saturday, Feb. 7th, because of a scheduled downtime at our billing company. We apologize for the inconvenience.
    Ultima registration websiteは、2月7日(土)の 5:00 - 6:00am (EST) までダウンします。それは請求処理会社の休止時間のためです。ご迷惑をおかけします。


    We continue to work on atrophy, and intend to publish to the Test Center with a fix for it in the next two days. We will be doing a mini-publish this time, to try to resolve two specific issues only: atrophy and stat and skill loss from magic item removal.
    我々は(スキル)減少のために働いています。そして次の2日間にはテストセンターに修正を公開するつもりです。 今回の小さな公開は2つの詳細問題の解決の試みです:マジックアイテムをはずしたときのステータス損失とスキルの減少です。

    Test Center regulars will be pleased to see that we are going to add special moongates to the Test Center server only, which allow testers to instantly acquire the abilities of an advanced character. This is so they can test advanced features like houses, high circle spells, etc.

    February 4th, 1998


    Coming Soon has been updated a little more.
    Coming Soonが少し更新されました。


    As you know, we are constantly examining and evaluating all aspects of Ultima Online. Player feedback indicates that in-game (GM) support is most important during peak playing hours. In response to that feedback, we are now significantly increasing role-playing aspects during peak play periods. With your cooperation, we can now concentrate on creating more monsters, adding more events, and supporting more in-game quests.
    もう知られているように、我々はいつもすべてのUltima Onlineの局面を調査し、評価しています。ゲーム内の(GM)によってサポートされたプレーヤーによるフィードバックがピークのプレー時間には最も重要となっています。そのフィードバックに応えて、我々はピークのプレー周期の間に際立ったロール・プレイの様相を増やします。みなさんの協力により、我々はもっと多くの怪物を作り、もっと多くのイベントを加え、ゲーム内のクエストをもっとサポートすることに全力を注ぐことができます。

    Beginning today, Feb. 4th, our GM support hours will be 2:00pm (CST) to 12:00am (CST). You may call upon a GM in the following situations:
    今日2月4日から始まる、我々のGMサポート時間は2:00pm (CST)から12:00am (CST)までです。 あなたは次の事態でのGM呼び出しに応じても構いません:

  • Hate mongering, sexual harassment or racial slurs occur
  • Your character is physically stuck and unable to move
  • Players are exploiting balance issues

    As always, technical support and billing issues should be addressed by calling (512)434-HELP. Qualified GM's are now answering technical support and in-game support email messages, at support@owo.com. We have also added a GM support mailbox to which players can submit comments about support. This mailbox is accessible through the Help and Guidance section of the OWO.COM web page. From there, follow the link to the In-Game support section. Although the mail is checked daily, not all mail will receive an individual response. For additional information about scheduled events, please consult our events calendar located at: http://www.owo.com/calendar/calendar.html.
    テクニカル・サポートと支払い処理問題はいつも(512)434-HELP (訳注:4357、アメリカの電話機には大抵文字と番号の対応が書いてある)を呼ぶことによって扱います。適任のGMがsupport@owo.comで、テクニカル・サポートとゲーム中の電子メールメッセージに答えています。我々は同様にプレーヤーがサポートについてのコメントを提出できるGMサポートメールボックスを設けました。このメールボックスは OWO.COM ウェブページのヘルプとガイダンスセクションを通してアクセス可能です。そこから、ゲーム内サポートセクションのリンクを追ってください。メールは毎日チェックされますが、すべてのメールが個別のレスポンスを受け取るとは限りません。予定されたイベントなどの追加インフォメーションのためには、どうか以下の位置にあるイベントカレンダーを調べてください。

    Thanks for your continued support of Ultima Online!
    Ultima Onlineの継続的なサポートをありがとうございます!

    February 2nd, 1998


    The Coming Soon section has been updated. In addition, as mentioned below, we investigated the skill loss reported by many players. Thus far our test runs have shown that the atrophy is indeed preferentially choosing the least-used skills, but that it is possible the counter for least-used skill was being reset when crossing server boundaries. We have fixed that problem, but at the moment we do not know of anything else that may be functioning incorrectly in skill atrophy.
    Coming Soon セクションは最新のものにされました。加えて、以下に言及するように、多くのプレーヤーによって報告されたスキル低下を調査しました。これまでのところテストランでは本当に最後に使ったスキルが優先的に減少しているのがわかりました。しかし、それが起こりうるのは、サーバ境界を越えた時に最後に使ったスキルのカウンターがリセットされるためです。我々はその問題を修正しました。しかし今のところ、他の事が原因で間違ってスキル減少が作用しているかもしれません。

    We'd like to thank the readers of the PC Gamer website for naming us the runner-up for the Gamer's Choice Awardfor Best Roleplaying Game of the year.
    Gamer's Choice Awardの年間ベストロールプレイゲームにおいて、第2位をいただいたことに対し、PC Gamer ウェブサイトの閲覧者に感謝します。


    We've gotten numerous calls regarding problems with skill atrophy. We are examining this problem and hope to have a resolution soon.

    If you are having problems with putting gold into your bank box, try just giving it to the banker. It will be placed automatically in the top level of the box, and its weight will not count against the limit.

    January 29th, 1998


    We apologize for the extended downtime experienced by the Pacific server. The announced upgrade did not go as smoothly as had ben planned. We will make every effort to ensure that the upgrade of Great Lakes is faster. Pacific is being published now with the latest update and should be up shortly.
    Pacificサーバのダウン時間延長を謝ります。発表されたアップグレードは、benが計画した通りに順調に行きませんでした。Great Lakesサーバのアップグレードはより速く終わるように努力します。Pacificサーバは最近のアップデートが公開されており、そしてまもなくアップします。


    The new update has now been published to all servers. We seem to have mistakenly patched the clients with a new feature that is not yet complete and correctly functional, so we will be patching again with the correct version. The server ranking feature which you got a sneak preview of was not displaying the correct information as of yet, but should be functional and in place by the next update. We apologize for the confusion and the inconvenience.
    新しいアップデートは今すべてのサーバーに発表されました。新しい特徴を持つ、完全で正確に機能しない間違ったパッチのために、もう一度正しいバージョンをパッチしました。 密かにプレビューされたサーバーランキング機能は正しい情報をまだ表示できません。しかし次のアップデートにより、機能的で的確な場所に存在するようになります。我々は混乱と不都合を謝ります。


    We'd like to thank the editors of C|Net's Gamecenter.com for awarding us the title of Online Game of the Year.
    我々は、年間オンラインゲーム大賞のタイトルを与えられたことに対し、C|Net's Gamecenter.comの編集者に感謝します。


    As posted here earlier in the week, we will be doing upgrades to the Pacific servers today, which will result in an extended downtime starting during the regular maintenance window. We expect it to take two hours. Tomorrow we will be doing the same for Great Lakes.
    週明けにここにポストしたように、今日Pacificサーバのアップグレードがあります。それはダウン時間の延長が通常のメンテナンスウィンドウの時に始まる予定です。それは2時間以上かかることを予想しています。明日我々はGreat Lakesサーバのために同じ事が行われます。

    We expect to be publishing the new update to the servers today as well. One significant change has been made to the update: the container limit previously announced at 100 items has been changed to 400 items. Over the new few weeks we intend to continue lowering it to 100 items, but we wanted to make the change gradual so that you can become accustomed to it, and can trade in excess items for cash. This change is necessary to improve server performance. We realize that it will make a large difference in how many of you play the game. Remember that stacked items count as only one item, and that everything in nested containers does indeed count. We will be looking into making more items stackable in order to make this transition easier.

    January 28th, 1998


    The Latest Patch and Coming Soon pages have received updates to reflect what is on the Test Center as of this afternoon, and which elements of Coming Soon are not going to be in this update. Also, I've redone the Top Issues section a little to better reflect our current top priorities.
    最近のパッチとComing Soonのページは今日の午後の時点でテストセンターに何があるか、そしてComing Soonのどの要素がこのアップデートに反映されなかったかが分かります。同じく、もっと良く現在の最高優先順位を反映するために、少し最重要問題セクションを直しました。

    January 25th, 1998


    Pacific and Great Lakes shards will be having an extended maintenance downtime this week for system software upgrades. The downtime will start at the regular time, but may extend longer than 2 hours. Pacific will be on Thursday and Great Lakes on Friday.
    PacificサーバとGreat Lakesサーバは、システムソフトウェアアップグレードのために今週、メンテナンスによる停止時間が延長されます。停止時間は定期時に始まりますが、2時間ほど長くなります。Pacificサーバは木曜日に、Great Lakesサーバは金曜日に行われます。

    An announcement about new Game Master hours has been posted; be sure to check it out!

    As many of you know, the UO Team has been discussing a revision to the current notoriety system based on player feedback. We've got a preliminary design that has been under discussion on many of the fan web chat boards. An upstanding Britannian citizen by the name of Bob Hanson has kindly volunteered to maintain a FAQ about the proposed revision. If you are interested, be sure to visit his site.


    We've been getting an increasing amount of Game Master calls regarding house break-ins. Please remember that houses were never intended to be fully secure. Game Masters cannot help you with break-ins in any way. To keep items in complete security, we recommend the use of the safety deposit box in the bank.

    January 23rd, 1998


    We'd like to invite all citizens of Britannia to visit the newly created Ultima Online House of Commons. This player-run web site is intended to provide a focused venue for communication between the UO Team and you! The administrators of the site check the various web boards, and take suggestions and questions, and gather them into a single report which the UO Team can answer on a weekly basis. With everyone's participation, there will be one place where players can go to get direct feedback from the UO Team, without having to wonder which chat board they might be visiting that day. Be sure to check it out!
    我々はすべての Britannia の市民に新たに作られたUltima Online House of Commonsへの訪問を奨励します。このプレーヤー運営のウェブサイトはUOチームとあなたの間でのコミュニケーションを中心とする場所を提供するように意図されています!サイトのアドミニストレーターは種々のウェブボードをチェックして提案と質問を集め、週単位にUOチームが答えることができる一つの報告書を作ります。 皆の参加で、プレイヤーがUOチームからの直接反応を得られる一つの場所として、どのチャットボードにいるかと疑わなくてもよくなります。彼らはその日に訪問しているかもしれません。ここをチェックしてください!

    January 22nd, 1998


    A quick update will be published to the servers during the maintenance period today. This update does not have any features or changes in it that are visible to players.


    We'd like to invite everyone to visit the newly revamped Gate Traveler website, which is a player-run site that is the home for numerous Test Center regulars. They're currently working on a membership drive for testers, so be sure to check it out!
    我々は皆に新たに手直しされたGate Traveler ウェブサイトへの訪問を奨励します。それは多数のテストセンターをホームとするプレーヤー運営のサイトです。現在テスターのために働く会員を募集中です。それをチェックしてみてください!

    January 21th, 1998


    THE END OF AMNESTY IS HERE! This is your last chance. Today is the final day for players to take advantage of the amnesty period. This applies to anyone who has duplicated items (gold, reagents, etc.) ,or is in possession of duplicated items.

    Beginning Thursday, January 22nd, any player caught in possession of duplicated items will have their account banned.

    We are confident the results of our effort will have a positive, long lasting effect and greatly increase quality of your role-playing experience in Ultima Online.
    我々の積極的な努力の結果が、長い永続的な効果とあなたの Ultima Online のロール・プレイ経験の品質を大いに増やすことを確信しています。


    Napa Valley has been experiencing hardware troubles that have caused the shard to be unstable. We will be doing maintenance on this server as soon as we can. Our target date for this fix is Friday, as we have to wait for parts.
    Napa Valleyサーバを不安定にしていたハードウェアの故障がありました。我々はできるだけ早く、このサーバーを使えるようにメンテナンスをしています。修正予定日は金曜日で、パーツが来るのを待たなければなりません。


    We've seen a few questions regarding the latest update. So here's some clarification:

  • Yes, if you're in the 80s or 90s in skill, it's going to be VERY hard to raise the skill. The scale is much more exponential. Don't be surprised if it takes days.
  • Conversely, it's a lot easier to raise skills that are at 50% and below.
  • Inscription now requires that you be able to cast the spell with around a chance of success in order to qualify to inscribe it. This means that player-made high-circle scrolls will indeed be much harder to make and a lot scarcer.
  • Yes, scrolls do now cost full mana. This was accidentally left out of the update description, and is there now.

  • Watch out for dire wolves. :)

    January 20th, 1998


    Servers are on the way up. Unfortunately we had to restore to previous backups from earlier today before the publish. We apologize for the lost game time. サーバーがアップする途中です。不幸にも公開前に今朝早くのバックアップを復元しなければなりませんでした。失われたゲーム時間について謝罪いたします。


    All the servers have been closed temporarily to fix a technical problem. We will post once they are available again. Sorry for the inconvenience!


    The latest update has been published to all servers. Be sure to check the information on the Patch Info page as some important changes were made:

  • Interaction with NPCs is different now (they will not interrupt as much)
    NPC とのやりとりは変更されています。(中断を少なくするため)
  • The skill advancement curves should feel different, with faster advancement at low levels, slower advancement at high levels, some formerly "stuck" skills moving, and atrophy picking least-used skills first.
  • Magic damage has been tweaked, and the process of casting has been adjusted to include a chance of interruption of the spell, casting gestures for the entire process, etc.
  • Archery has been tweaked to allow faster firing while moving.

    January 19th, 1998


    We'd like to thank the editors and contributors to Computer Games Strategy Plus magazine for selecting UO as a finalist for Online Game of the Year.
    「Computer Games Strategy Plus」マガジンのオンラインゲームオブザイヤーの最終選考にに UO を選んでもらえたことに対し、編集者と貢献者に感謝します。

    January 16th, 1998


    We are publishing to Test Center. Check out the latest changes on the Patch Info page!


    We are going to publish to the Test Center later today. Note that currently the Test Center has some experimental stuff on it (notably stat loss on death) that is not going to be part of the update, and will be removed this afternoon.

    The Game Masters wish me to remind you that if you log out or lose connection, your GM call will vanish from the queue. So don't log off while waiting for a GM. In addition, remember that a later GM call will supersede a new one, so repeated calls actually move you further down the queue.

    January 15th, 1998


    The Coming Soon and Patch Info pages have been updated to reflect what is currently on the Test Center, and what else is forthcoming.
    Coming Soon と Patch Info ページは現在テストセンターにあるものとほかに間もなく来るものを反映し、更新されました。


    The Ultima registration website will be down between 5 and 7am CST on Saturday the 17th.
    Ultima registration Web サイトは17日土曜日の5-7am(CST)にダウンします。

    January 14th, 1998


    A slight clarification to the amnesty message:

    If you have not duplicated items, then you do not have any reason to worry. If you have not accepted obviously duplicated items, then again you need not worry. (I.E. if someone gives you a million gold pieces or thousands of reagents, then there is a reason to be concerned. If someone gave you a helmet, then rest easy.)

    We are only concerned with the players, who have adversely affected game balance with the amount of duplicated items they possess.


    ATTENTION ALL UO PLAYERS: As you may know, there has been a long lasting problem of players duplicating items. This kind of cheating has adversely affected the game world and all of its population. We have no tolerance for this kind of cheating because it can ruin the role-playing experience for everyone.
    すべて UO のプレーヤーに注意:知っているかもしれませんが、長い間アイテムを複写しているプレーヤーの問題がありました。この種の不正行為をすることはゲーム世界とその人々すべてに悪影響を与えました。我々は、それが皆のロールプレイを崩壊させるため、この種の不正行為に関しては寛容になりません。

    With that in mind, we are going to offer a one week amnesty for players who have been duplicating items, or possess duplicated items. This amnesty was created to allow certain players, who may have duped without knowledge of its impact on the game, a way to undo what they had done. This amnesty period will go into effect on Wednesday Jan 14th, and will end on Wednesday January 21th.

    If an individual has been found with duplicated items, then we made note of that account without notification. We have been compiling a list of dupers for several weeks, and have information on 273 confirmed dupers. If you posses duped items and wish to turn yourself in, then notify a GM in the following way: hit the "Help" button, then select "Play Stopping", and then select "Exploitation" with this as the subject of your page "I turn myself in, I have duped items." A GM will come to you, and process you accordingly. We ask that players do not abuse this page technique to try to talk to a GM, so that we can process the legitimate calls quickly.
    複写アイテムを発見した場合もそのアカウントへは告知せず、記録してきました。我々は今までの数週間 dupers のリストを編集し、273の dupers を確認しました。 あなたがアイテムを複製しており、自首することを望むなら、その時は次の方法でGMに通知できます:「Help」ボタンを押し、「Play Stopping」、「Exploitation」を選んで、「I turn myself in, I have duped items.(私は自首します、私はアイテムをだましました。)」という題を付けます。 GMが来て、それ相応な処理をするでしょう。我々はプレーヤーがGMに話をしようとするこのページのテクニックを乱用しないようにお願いします。それにより、速く合法的な呼び出しを処理することができます。

    If, after the amnesty period, an individual is found to possess any duped items, or was listed as a known duper and did not turn themselves in, then they will be permanently banned for violating Ultima Online's Terms of Agreement. Notice that the violation is not only duping items, but possession of duped items as well. If a player has duped items in their house, tower, castle, bank box, back pack, or anywhere else, then they will be banned.
    もし恩赦期間後に、複写アイテムを所有することがわかるか、周知の duper と記録されており自首しなかったなら、Ultima Online の契約の合意を破ることになり、永久に追放します。 違反行為はアイテム複製だけでなく、所有している場合も同様です。もしプレーヤーが家、タワー、城、銀行ボックス、バックパック、あるいは他のどこでもアイテムを複製したならば、追放されます。

    We hope you understand our earnest intent in this matter, as we continue to improve the world of Ultima Online and your role-playing experience.
    我々は、 Ultima Online とあなたのロールプレイの世界を改善し続けており、あなたがこの問題への我々のまじめな意志を理解することを希望します。


    In a few moments we will be installing the archery fixes listed in "Coming Soon." Note that you'll need to acquire a new bow or crossbow to get the new stats on these weapons! The changes will go in during the scheduled maintenance downtime.
    「 Coming Soon 」にリストアップされていたアーチェリーの修正がインストールされました。これらの武器に新しいステータスを得るためには新しい弓あるいは石弓を獲得する必要があることに注意してください!変更は定時メンテナンスの時間に入りました。

    January 13th, 1998


    The Patch Info and Coming Soon pages have been updated. Highlights:
    Patch Info と Coming Soon ページは最新のものにされました。 以下ハイライト:

  • The latest update includes a new UO.CFG toggle which may help those who suffer from lag in crowded areas.
    最近のアップデートは混雑したエリアでラグに苦しむ人たちに手を貸すことができる新しい UO.CFG トグルが含まれます。
  • We have an important change coming to skill atrophy in the next patch.


    In the new patch, fire field does indeed function with bounties and affects notoriety. In addition, the incognito spell has been disabled, but if cast it does still cost mana and reagents, so don't try casting it.
    新しいパッチでは、Fire Fieldがバウンティーで本当に機能し、評判を落とします。さらに、Incognito呪文は使用不能になりました。もし唱えてもマナと秘薬が減りますが、効果はありません。使わないでください


    We are publishing the latestupdate to the public servers now.

    January 9th, 1998


    A set of archery changes has been posted to Coming Soon, and the material that is now on the Testing Center is posted on the Patch Info page.
    アーチェリーの変更セットが Coming Soon にポストされました。そしてテストセンターに投入された項目はパッチインフォメーションページに公表されました。

    January 8th, 1998


    Coming Soon has received its final update, and the material there is now patched to the Test Center.
    Coming Soon は最終アップデートを受け取りました。そしてこれらのパッチをテストセンターに当てます。

    The Internet Issues page has been updated with news about the inaccessibility of Sonoma and Napa Valley. Apparently a dam burst and severed some lines. :P
    インターネット問題ページはソノマとナパバレーへアクセスしにくい問題についてのニュースで最新のものにされました。ダムが破裂し、線が切断されたようです :P


    The Internet Issues page has been updated with a new item, and Coming Soon has had various more items trickle in.
    インターネット問題ページは新しい項目で最新のものにされました。そして Coming Soon には少しずつさらに各種項目が増えました。

    January 7th, 1998


    Only one day goes by, and we have to thank people again. :) Thanks to the readers and editors of the AllAbout Games site for nominating us for their Gamer's Choice award in the Online-Only category!
    1日経過してしまいましたが、我々は人々に再び感謝しなければなりません。 :) AllAbout Gamesサイトの閲覧者と編集者のおかげでオンラインオンリーカテゴリーにおけるゲーマーチョイス賞を受賞しました。


    We'd like to thank the editors and readers of the Online Gaming Review for the following awards announced today:
    我々は今日発表された次の賞に対してOnline Gaming Reviewの編集者と閲覧者に感謝します:

  • Honorable Mention, RPG of the Year (Editor's Choice)
  • Online-Only Game of the Year (Editor's Choice)
  • Online-Only Game of the Year (Reader's Choice)

    January 6th, 1998

    The Coming Soon page has been updated with some new UO.CFG toggles and a few other fixes.
    Coming Soon ページは若干の新しい UO.CFG トグルと他の少数の修正で最新のものにされました。

    The following notice has been posted by the GM Staff:

    ** 1/6/98 3:30pm CST ** ATTENTION HOME OWNERS: Any structure, that obstructs roadways, dungeon entrances, or limits access to any part of Britannia, will be condemned and demolished within 48 hours of detection. A notice of demolition will be posted on the structure letting the owner know that the house will be destroyed.
    * 1/6/98 3:30pm CST * 持家所有者に注意:道路を塞いだり、ダンジョンの入口、あるいはBritanniaの各部分にアクセスするのを制限したりしているのを48時間以内に発見した場合、取り壊されたり、収用されます。所有者がそれを知るのは、家が破壊されることによってとなります。

    We're investigating the cause of server slowdowns that have been reported. At this time, I don't have too much to report beyond the (now past) hardware issues with Pacific, and MAE-East troubles on the 3rd and 4th. We're profiling servers to narrow down possible causes.

    You may have noticed a new face around the fan sites and chat boards: Ed. GM Ed is a player relations representative who will be reading the sites and trying to give answers. He'll be spending some time each day on the chat areas, and also in the IChat chat room on the UO web site. A brief introduction from him:
    ファンサイトとチャットボードのニューフェース、エドに気付いたかもしれません。 GMエドはサイトを読んで、答えるという関係の代表的なプレーヤーです。彼はチャットエリアに毎日、そして UO Web サイト上の IChat チャットルームで同じく若干の時間を過ごします。彼からの短い概要:


    My name is Ed. I'm sorry there has seemed to be a lack of support or at least updates. I have been put in the position of this seemingly daunting task. I will visit a few boards a day as well as hang out in the Ichat room for a little while each day. As it is just me at the moment and I am just a little new to this I will need some time to get up to speed. I thank you all for your patience in this matter. I hope to be answering as many as I can in the time I spend here. I may not answer all of your questions, this is only due to time. Suggestions, program glitches, and comments will all be passed on the the appropriate person. This does not mean there will be a public response, just know that they do get passed on. Please take it easy on me at least for a little while. Thanks again for your patience.
    私の名前はエドです。私はサポート欠如やアップデートが少ないように思われることを謝ります。私はこの表面上おじけづかせるタスクポジションに入りました。私は、毎日少しの間Ichatルームでぶらぶらすると同様、日に少数のBBSを訪れます。それが今のところちょうど私であり、そして私がこの新しい仕事がはかどるようになるには若干の時間を必要とします。私はこの問題によるみなさんの辛抱強さに対し、感謝します。私は、ここで過ごす時に私ができることと同じぐらい、多くのことに答えられることを望みます。私はみなさんのすべての質問に時間がないため答えられません。提案、プログラムグリッチ、コメントは適切な人にすべて伝えられます。 これは公式応答があることを意味するわけではありません。それらが見送られるかも知れません。どうか少なくとも少しの間、気楽にしてください。みなさんの辛抱強さに再び感謝します。

    GM Ed
    Player Relations

    Several of the web boards have code to highlight postings from ORIGIN employees so you can easily spot them.
    Web ボードのいくつかは、オリジン従業員からのポストをハイライトするコードを持つことで、容易に彼らを見つけることができるようになりました。

    In addition to Ed, you may also have seen Mike McCoyi, aka Boomer, on the various Usenet newsgroups, particularly rec.games.computer.ultima.online. Boomer is ORIGIN's Internet rep, and divides his time among several ORIGIN products.
    エドのほかに、同じく種々の Usenetニューズグループ、特に rec.games.computer.ultima.online上でのMike McCoyi、aka Boomer、などの人を見たかもしれません。Boomerはオリジンのインターネット代表者であり、彼の時間はオリジン製品のために割かれています。

    Lastly, I've clarified the Coming Soon item about armor and damage, since there have been so many postings asking for clarification. :)
    最後に、鎧兜とダメージについて多くの解明を求めるポストがあったので、Coming Soon 項目で明確にしました :)

    January 5th, 1998

    Happy New Year to all of you from the UO Team!

    As you perhaps can tell, Designer Dragon is back at the Update Center. :) A few updates from today's work have been posted in the Coming Soon section.
    多分知っているでしょうが、Designer Dragon がアップデートセンターに戻ってきました :) 今日の仕事による多少のアップデートが Coming Soon セクションで公表されました。

    Over the holidays, a brand-new Events Calendar was put up. Be sure to check it out!

    December 18th, 1997


    The Rules of Conduct have been updated. The updated Service Agreement has been added to the Tech Support - General Questions section.
    運営規則が更新されました。 更新されたサービス協定Tech Support - General Questionsセクションに加えられました。


    We have closed the web page where you can apply to be a Counselor. The information it still present, but the form is not. We received an overwhelming amount of applications, and must process them first. We will contact those who are approved via email.


    The Latest Patch section has been updated.


    We are preparing to publish to all servers, so they will all be unavailable during the publish process.


    We are experiencing some problems with account registration, whereby the account can be set up or altered, but it is not accepted as changed by the game. We are working to resolve this problem as soon as possible.

    We're postponing the update from this morning to this afternoon. As previously announced, we will be publishing to all servers simultaneously.

    December 17th, 1997


    We've posted a new Comments from the Team. Expect the details on the new update to be posted tomorrow.

    The online documentation now has all the skill tutorial screens up!


    The rumors on LaWizard's Chat Zone about an upcoming player wipe are absolutely false.
    LaWizard's Chat Zoneにあった、プレーヤーワイプ(抹消)のうわさは絶対嘘です。


    We will be posting the latest update tomorrow morning, and we will have to publish to all servers simultaneously because of the client changes. More details will be forthcoming.
    明日の朝最近のアップデートを公表します。そしてクライアント変更のために同時にすべてのサーバーに公開しなければなりません。 もっと多くの詳細が用意されています。


    Lake Superior has been fixed and should be back up.
    Lake Superiorサーバは修正されて、バックアップします。


    Lake Superior is experiencing hardware problems that started to manifest yesterday afternoon. We are in the process of replacing one of the machines in the server set. Lake Superior should be active again soon, but as a result, the Testing Center will be down for a while.
    Lake Superiorサーバは昨日の午後からハードウェアの問題を経験しました。我々はサーバーマシン1セットを置き換える予定です。 Lake Superiorサーバは間もなく再開されます、しかしその結果、テストセンターはしばらくの間ダウンします。

    December 15th, 1997


    You may have noticed that the pace of updates to the Events Calendar has slowed. We have a new Events Coordinator and he is in the middle of setting up a new calendar that we hope will go online this week. New events that come in are getting posted to that new version of the calendar.


    We'd like to apologize for the Test Center not being available to players wishing to try things out this past week. We are in the process of adding a new Tip Wizard to the game, and it made the current clients incompatible with the code under testing. We realize that some players have made the Test Center their home and that this inconvenienced them. Please do keep in mind that the presence of the Test Center is not guaranteed at any time, as it is our development server. However, we do wish to make it available as much as possible for those wishing to try out new features.

    Thanks to all of the citizens of Britannia who showed up at the chat held at the Adrenaline Vault last night. I am told it was one of the most successful chats ever held there!
    昨夜Adrenaline Vaultで行われ、そこに現われたBritanniaの市民のみなさんへ感謝します。私はそのチャットが今までにあった最も多くの成功の1つであると思います!

    December 12th, 1997

    Chesapeake will be going down for hardware maintenance during the scheduled downtime today.

    The documentation for vendors is now under "Luxuries" in the Playguide.

    December 10th, 1997


    There is now documentation on vendors available.

    Players using Robert Simpson's utility UOMon should upgrade to version 1.15,which is available from "http://www.primenet.com/~simpson" as previous versions will not function correctly anymore.
    ロバート・シンプソン氏のユーティリティー UOMon を使っているプレーヤーはバージョン1.15にアップグレードしてください。前のバージョンでは正確に作動しません。 「http://www.primenet.com/~simpson」から利用可能です。

    December 9th, 1997


    The servers should all be published and available now.

    December 8th, 1997

    The Latest Patch and Coming Soon sections have been updated.
    最近のパッチとComing Soonセクションは最新のものにされました。

    December 3rd, 1997


    Updated Coming Soon with a bunch of new additions to the coming patch. Among them: changes to address problems with archery, a general rise in monster difficulty, and a new options window with toggles for the transparency bubble, the notoriety query popup window, and footstep sounds.
    今度のパッチの新しい追加項目によってComing Soonを更新しました。それは以下のような物です:アーチェリー問題への対応、モンスターの一般的再生問題、新しいウィンドウオプションの透過性の球、評判低下選択のポップアップウィンドウ、足音。


    We have just masked Test Center to the public, because the latest changes involve a client change that renders the server and your current clients incompatible. This unfortunately means that there will be no public testing of the new update.


    Atlantic will be down until approximately 12:00pm for a network upgrade.

    December 2nd, 1997


    Coming Soon has been updated.
    Coming Soon が更新されました。


    We've noted a lot of posts on the boards and a lot of GM calls regarding the scenario in which a high notoriety player attacks you and you do not feel able to fight back. To clarify: you can retaliate with no notoriety loss. The high notoriety attacker in this scenario is flagged as a criminal for two minutes, during which time no notoriety penalty is suffered for attacking them. We will be incorporating the criminal flag into highlighting (and extending highlighting to spells and other actions) in the next update.

    November 27th, 1997


    The servers are currently being updated. The following changes were made:

    • Brittle weapons and armor will no longer be created, and all existing brittle weapons and armor will be automatically fixed.
    • Spell damage has been slightly increased.
    • Spells will do double the current damage against non-players. The damage is doubled before magic resistance and armor is taken into account.
    • Gate travel and recall will work if something is blocking the destination, but will not work if a player house or ship is at the destination.
      Gate Travelとリコールは、もし何かが目的地をふさいでいた場合でも、働きます。しかし、プレーヤーの家や船が目的地にあるなら、効果がなくなります。
    • The gold value of magic will be halved, thus reducing the price of reagents.
    • Hit points and mana points above a character's maximum will wear off very quickly.


    Happy Thanksgiving! An update to fix the brittle weapons and armor, and to address several other issues, is in testing on Test Center currently. This update will be published to the public servers shortly.

    November 26th, 1997


    The Latest Patch section has been updated with details on Virtue Guards, the latest fixes to the patch, and some known issues with the patch. We expect to publish the patch this afternoon unless more major issues arise.


    Just a clarification: the notorietyQuery option does not yet work with spells in this new patch!

    Those who are concerned about fast skill advancement under the new patch-- remember that the skill system automatically balances rates of advancement for different skills. As combat skills are now checked more often, the system will quickly automatically adjust the rates of advancement in those skills to where they were before.
    新しいパッチで速いスキルアップついて心配している人たち − スキルシステムは異なったスキルのために自動的に上昇率のバランスをとることを覚えておいてください。戦闘スキルがより頻繁にチェックされるため、システムはまもなく自動的に以前のスキル上昇率と同じようになります。


    We've gotten several reports of problems with the new patch. Most of them thus far seem to be related to line of sight checks succeeding when they are not supposed to. The circle of transparency is a client-side effect, and thus any line-of-sight issues that arise with it already existed.

    Another issue which has come up is the comparative weakness of magery now. This is something which we will need to resolve in collaboration with players over time, in order to rebalance it. Currently it is balanced at a point where we feel it will not be too powerful in player-versus-player combat. In attacking creatures it will therefore feel considerably weakened. We expect to be discussing this issue with player mages in order to arrive at a balance that covers all situations.
    話題にのぼったもう1つの問題は魔法が比較的弱いという欠点です。これはもう一度バランスをとるために、長期にわたって、プレーヤーと共同で確認する必要があります。現在それはPC対PCの戦闘で、我々があまり強力ではないと感じるバランスになっています。生物に攻撃する場合には、かなり弱く感じると思います。 プレーヤーと一緒にあらゆる状況をカバーするバランスに到達するために、最大限に討論されることを期待しています。

    Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, the Update Center and Events Calendar will not be updated regularly until Monday.

    November 24th, 1997


    An odd manuscript was sent in today... you may wish to read it.

    November 22nd, 1997


    Our registration website will be having a full system outage on December 1st, from 4am to 6am PST, to do a major router upgrade at our high-capacity data center. We'll post reminders as the date approaches.

    November 11th, 1997


    Please note that the Testing Center is indeed for testing. Please do not interfere with ORIGIN staff who are in the process of testing there, as those who do so will be placed in the penalty box.