0206 How many・何まい?

0206 How many cards do you have?

Ah, just a minute. Michael, how many cards do you have?

OK. I'll count my cards.
One, two, three, four. I have four cards.

Yuji, how many cards do you have? Let's count together.
One, two, three, four, and five!
Yuji, you have five cards?

Yes, five cards.
How many cards do you have?

OK, Yuji, let's count our cards together.
One, two, three, four, five, six, ten, eleven, twelve.
Ah !! We have twelve cards.

How many books do you have?

Ah ! How many caps do you have?

★★★ do と does の使い方に注意!

This is a violin.
A violin has four strings.

This is a guitar.
How many strings does the guitar have?
Six! The guitar has six strings.

This is a shamisen.
How many strings does a shamisen have?
Three! A shamisen has three strings.

☆☆ 21 ON NET ・わからないところは、メールにコピーして質問してください!21onnet@heart.email.ne.jp