0203 Which is …?・どっちが…?  映像・チャレンジコーナー

Which is a crow?
Ah, this one?
That's right. This is a crow.
And this is a flamingo.

Which is the Tokyo Tower?
Hmm, this one?
No, this is the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
And this is the Tokyo Tower.

Which is Australia?
Ah, this one.
No, this is Shikoku, Japan.
And this is Australia.

Yuji, this is pickle.
This is very hot.
So I just give you a little bit.

This is "raita".
Not hot.

Which did you like? Raita, or did you like pickles?
Raita. Oh, great.

Yuji, this is "lhassi".
It's made from yogurt.
This is lemon water.

Which did you like?
Lemon water. Good!

Yuji, did you like Indian food?
Yes, very good.
Oh, wonderful.


do → did

like → liked

give → gave

make → made

is → was

are → were

am → was

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