0206 How many businessmen are there?・えいごリアン

0206b 駅の人数
How many students are there?

The train will start.
How many businessmen are there?
The train will come.

How many schoolgirls are there?

student - students
wrestler - wrestlers
prairie dog - prairie dogs
businessman - businessmen
man - men
woman - women (ウィミン)※発音に注意

thirteen 13
sixteen 16
eighteen 18※eight → eighteen
twenty 20 twenty-one 21
thirty 30 thirty-two 32
forty ※four, fourteen

There is a book on the desk.
There are two books on the desk.
There are two cups of water on the table.

How many? と How much?

・how many は、1,2,3…と数えられるものをたずねる。
・how much は、量(1,2,3…と数えられない)をたずねる。
※ How much water do you need?
   Two cups of water.
金額をたずねる時は、how much

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