0113 Where is my turtle?・探し物・えいごリアン

0113 ・ Where is my turtle?

Where is my turtle?

It's under the newspaper.
Here you are.

Thank you.

Where are my keys?

It's on the TV.
Here you are.

Thank you.

Where is my purse?

It's in the box.

Where are my glasses?

It's under the Tatami.

Where is my sock?

It's in the chest.

Where is my mobile phone?

It's on the table.

Where are my dentures?

It's in the closet.

Where is my ring?

It's on the flower.

Where is my husband?

It's under the table.
Here you are.

Thank you.

☆☆ 21 ON NET ・わからないところは、メールにコピーして質問してください!21onnet@heart.email.ne.jp